If there was an Autistic state would you migrate there?

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Would you move to a state for ASD people?
Yes 32%  32%  [ 28 ]
No 55%  55%  [ 48 ]
Maybe (state why) 14%  14%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 88


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21 Dec 2014, 6:17 pm

You really do live up to your name...

Remember, Aspies are humans. They're no better or worse than other human beings. You can trust the average Aspie with the same about as power you can trust the average NT - that is, not very much.

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21 Dec 2014, 6:24 pm

dimwit79 wrote:
Talk about pigheaded, if an aspie thinks they're right when they're not we're talking UTTERLY unable to consider that possibility.

That's part of the human condition, not autism.

All aspies should be required to go on a lifelong humility lesson before anyone considers giving them any sort of power.

Then all Aspies are ready.
This is one of the harshest moderated forums on the Internet at times,

No it isn't. Not even close.


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22 Dec 2014, 1:10 am


1. I would not leave my family and other NT's I am fond of for a social experiment.
2. My life experience has shown what works is partnerships of opposites where the differences are respected and strengths are used not subsumed. Every organization I have worked for that was a solo operation is not in business anymore.
3. I have seen so many things happen that I thought utterly impossible I just can't dismiss the idea that NT's might actually accept us someday. With our communication issues it will probably take longer then other groups.
4. With my IQ probably under 120 I have the feeling I would be just as much semi aspie in that society as I am semi human in this one.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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22 Dec 2014, 1:31 am

thomas81 wrote:
Er not really. Since there is no implication that 'Aut-land' or 'Aspergia' would be run by the ideology of Ayn Rand.

Since when does elitism require Ayn Rand?

thomas81 wrote:
we are by no means any stupider either, so why are we less capable of administrating on behalf of our own interests?

How many Aspies do you personally know?

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22 Dec 2014, 1:07 pm

thomas81 wrote:
If we're talking about people without a diagnosable neurological condition, yes there is.

It may come as a shock, but the diagnostic criteria of ASD, and a particularly Asperger's is pretty arbitrary. The reason why there is not a diagnostic criteria for all manner of neurotypes is no one has bothered to draw them up, but hat doesn't mean they are less deserving.

thomas81 wrote:
People are often telling foreign immigrants "If you don't like it here, then go back to [insert country]". What can we do in the same situation? I honestly believe a lot of our problems are down to NT dictated social norms and cultural narratives. So here is a quick fix solution.

How is this solution quick fix? Why on earth would you define a state based on only one aspect of a person, as if it is mutually exclusive. This is not a quick fix, it is not even a fix at all.

I suspect no sooner as you have this state to talk about, then you will be looking a the next minority you belong to or identify with then further. You grew up in culture of fragmentation, sectarianism, you should know better than suggest something this ridiculous.

The fact remains we couldn't be more different. So we are on the spectrum, and happen to meet some arbitary diagnostic criteria, in ever other way we are not alike. I doubt you would want me in such a society and I know I would prefer such a society less than the current.

The whole point of politics solutions especially where is concern a state/commune is political belief system. There is not one political belief system for ASD. Unless you appointed yourself dictator for life,
you are going to get a pretty similar political cross-section, and you will be as dissatisfied as you are now.

thomas81 wrote:
Its flawed to talk about giving seperatist states to already empowered demographics. Not to disempowered minorities, assuming all other factors are equal and amicable.

How would it be equal an amicable? I mean how are going to make sure those pesky "NTs" don't get under the radar to ruin our Utopian future? Dream on Thomas. Segregation has been tried, it is not a good solution to societies problems.

If you wish to cloister yourself, or live in a commune many peopled do.

You are not empowered, because you always look to disadvantage rather then advantage. I'm not pushover. Society don't work perfectly for me either. However not everything can be accommodated.

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22 Dec 2014, 3:40 pm

2. My life experience has shown what works is partnerships of opposites where the differences are respected and strengths are used not subsumed. Every organization I have worked for that was a solo operation is not in business anymore.

As others have said, there is a massive diversity of opinion and character amongst the autistic community. It could be argued that we are even more diverse than neurotypicals. An Autistic state wouldn't work if we tried to force everyone to be the same.

3. I have seen so many things happen that I thought utterly impossible I just can't dismiss the idea that NT's might actually accept us someday. With our communication issues it will probably take longer then other groups.

I think this will take decades to happen, and it's highly likely that the gene for autism will be discovered before NT's accept us. If we wait we could be wiped out before NT's are enlightened.

4. With my IQ probably under 120 I have the feeling I would be just as much semi aspie in that society as I am semi human in this one.

I don't think people with Aspergers have an average IQ that's any different from the average IQ of an NT.

How many Aspies do you personally know?

That's not directed at me but i'll answer anyway. A couple of dozen, from several groups for people with Aspergers and Autism. I also went to Autscape, which is a 3 day conference involving several hundred people on the autism spectrum which lasts for 3 days. Pig-headedness and stubborness do exist amongst the autistic people but from my observations the biggest obstruction is the self-hatred and self-doubt that many have. I've found that once people on the spectrum overcome this there is a lot they are capable of.

It may come as a shock, but the diagnostic criteria of ASD, and a particularly Asperger's is pretty arbitrary. The reason why there is not a diagnostic criteria for all manner of neurotypes is no one has bothered to draw them up, but hat doesn't mean they are less deserving

That's something the autistic community needs to do, come up with a more effective way of identifying other autistics. I think we should take diagnoses out of the hands of the medical professionals.

How is this solution quick fix? Why on earth would you define a state based on only one aspect of a person, as if it is mutually exclusive. This is not a quick fix, it is not even a fix at all.

We already are separated from NT society. We have no choice about being separated and I don't see that changing any time soon. With a state of our own, we will be in a stronger position than the weak, scattered and divided position we are in now. In an Autistic state, individual autistic people will have more of a say in the direction they want the society to go in than they do in this current one.

The whole point of politics solutions especially where is concern a state/commune is political belief system. There is not one political belief system for ASD. Unless you appointed yourself dictator for life,
you are going to get a pretty similar political cross-section, and you will be as dissatisfied as you are now. How would it be equal an amicable? I mean how are going to make sure those pesky "NTs" don't get under the radar to ruin our Utopian future? Dream on Thomas. Segregation has been tried, it is not a good solution to societies problems. If you wish to cloister yourself, or live in a commune many peopled do.

A lot of the criticism you level at a potential autistic state was also levelled at Israel when it started. It had all the problems you describe, a divided population, an exclusive criteria for citizenship, and on top of that, neighbours who hated them. Yet solutions were found to these seemingly insoluble problems.

You are not empowered, because you always look to disadvantage rather then advantage. I'm not pushover. Society don't work perfectly for me either. However not everything can be accommodated.

Look at the statistics for unemployment, isolation and victimisation for Autistics. Perhaps your personal situation is not so bad, for the average person on the spectrum, it is so dire that I believe a radical step into the unknown is feasible

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22 Dec 2014, 3:54 pm

Is anyone going to actually build something, or just keep wishing?

I do have a concrete idea, and I will attempt to implement it over the course of the next year. PM me if you are interested. Same goes for anyone who is positive about the idea of an autistic state and wants to make steps for it to happen.

Let's face it, people who are interested in an autistic state are in a minority here. It will have to start small and grow bigger over. I think the best way to win the naysayers over is to lead by example, a functioning society will be most convincing argument for an autistic state.

Who wants to take the difficult first step.


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22 Dec 2014, 4:26 pm

I've been here before. There were a few of us, throwing around ideas. It didn't come to anything. That was for a proto-phyle, the smallest possible unit for a social organisation. Maybe if we have more than a few, several dozen perhaps, we can get the incubator launched.

I don't want an Autist state. I don't want any state, anyway. But I don't see much advantage to Autists/Aspies all living together in one place. The only reason I could see for that is in the unlikely event that a deliberate campaign of genocide is waged against us, so we have to actively fight back. I don't consider that significant enough to worry about.


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22 Dec 2014, 6:17 pm

thomas81 wrote:
If a country for ASD people was formed and without any animosity or ill wishes of any nearby peoples, would you migrate there?

I don't believe such a state is sustainable. If an Aspie man and an Aspie woman mate and have a child, is it genetically proven that the child, too, will be an Aspie? If not, how can such a state continue to exist in the long run? If you have a child, but it is not autistic, we will throw the child out, and the parents along with it? Otherwise, over time, the population would probably be less and less Aspie and we'd be back to square one.

Its also hard to think that even if we could create a 'utopia' whose population was 100% Aspie that we'd have an easy time of it. I tend to think that a society that basically lacked any social, outgoing, 'A'-type personalities would a) be pretty dull but more importantly b) probably some pretty key things would never get done / key aspects of a functioning society wouldn't exist - maybe these things would all turn out to be unimportant but I fear that would not be the case.


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22 Dec 2014, 7:34 pm

Raptor wrote:
Would you move to a state for ASD people?

Not just no but hell no!
What would it be called, the State of Apathy?

More like "the Catatonic State"!



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23 Dec 2014, 4:26 am

Independence for Catatonia! We want Cataton independence now!

I do think an Autist country could work, I just don't see the point. It wouldn't be entirely Autist anyway, not after people start having children, though Autists would remain in the majority.


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29 Dec 2014, 12:56 am

Please make it so.

I've gotten to a point where I don't really recognize NTs as being so goddamn righteous. Enough with the "help", I'm a human with very complex opinions and thoughts. Not to mention many NTs are stupider than many autistic people, anyway.


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29 Dec 2014, 2:26 pm

I wouldn't because I don't think it's a good idea to have different groups of people be separated--we should be working on accepting each other regardless of whether we have a disability or not. Besides, what if an autistic couple had a child who wasn't autistic? Would the child be kicked out of the country?


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29 Dec 2014, 4:18 pm

Hell no. It would be like living in a mental institute without doctors and staff. No offense, but many aspies have mental and emotional issues (including myself in it, of course) So I don't think it will work.

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29 Dec 2014, 4:21 pm

I wouldn't because I don't think it's a good idea to have different groups of people be separated--we should be working on accepting each other regardless of whether we have a disability or not. Besides, what if an autistic couple had a child who wasn't autistic? Would the child be kicked out of the country?

Both these questions have already been answered. Please look further up the thread :-)

The state I have in mind is so small that any NT's being born would be outnumbered by immigration of autistic people. I hope we can treat them better than they treat us.


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29 Dec 2014, 4:43 pm

RichardJ wrote:
Absolutely not! But not for the reasons most say.

I would not for the reason that an aspie society would obviously be an extreamly liberal/socialist society based on the viewpoints I see on this forum. I believe in a conservative, lassey-faire, free market, limited government society where taxes are low and personal freedom is high.

I am one of the few conservative autistics.

You can think of Wrongplanet as some sort of virtual aspie/autistic state here, one thing I often find here is the problem of political correctness, so based on your post and my obsevation here, will this state have too much censorship and less freedom of speech? apparantly, so we are a bit better where we are now.

On the other hand, given the different mindset of the population here, I imagine four different aspie/autistic states or should I say utopias. It might be more but I can only think of four at the moment:

1. a feminist state 2. an anarchist state. 3. a communist state, 4. a social liberalism state

Two of them, will suppress freedom of speech and freedom in general, one is too radical to work and the other looks a bit better to me, although it should guarantee freedom.

However the state is, being populated only by aspie and autistic people, I don't think it would work.