Atheist kills muslims and Gun Control a bad thing?

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15 Feb 2015, 4:10 am

Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
Actually, Persimmonpudding is the one who got reported several times and who I quoted for:

"You are simply a jerk, and that is not about to change."

Geez, what can't you be reported for.

Oh god, he was posting ad homs today :) not sure why that bothers you that he got reported for that?

Pardon my ignorance, but what are ad homs?

ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
1. (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
"vicious ad hominem attacks"

2. relating to or associated with a particular person.
"the office was created ad hominem for Fenton"

Personally, I like toying with "ad hom" attackers and trolls. :D
It's safe with me because my feelings cannot be hurt.

Okay, I ought to know that. Admittedly, I'm more than a little drunk, as my wife and I decided we'd get alcohol instead of candy this Valentine's day - and wouldn't you know it, part of it has gone down the toilet before adding fat to my waist line! :lol:

We only borrow alcoholic beverages (especially beer) since it gets returned to the water supply in a roundabout way....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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15 Feb 2015, 4:10 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Believe it or not, I agree with you!

Is this real life? Who are you?

הייתי צוללת עכשיו למים
הכי, הכי עמוקים
לא לשמוע כלום
לא לדעת כלום
וזה הכל אהובי, זה הכל.


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15 Feb 2015, 4:12 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Believe it or not, I agree with you!

Is this real life? Who are you?

I'm Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer. Ask Raptor, and he'll confirm I'm a liberal gadfly.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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15 Feb 2015, 4:13 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
to be clear, the other thing that got her reported was, the ending of another post:

Unfortunately, the hope that you will alter your long-established, inexcusable pattern of myopic stupidity would be misguided, but I hope that others will learn from your exceedingly negative example and come to understand how to avoid being seen as a useless, clueless idiot

i guess I'm a bit too sensitive for PPR :D if that's OK even for PPR

PPR has traditionally been a bit messy (i.e. ad homs, trolling, straw men, dog whistling flame baiting, etc).
Really, when a forum is created for the sole purpose of discussing politics, philosophy, and religion (especially politics and religion) a climate is created for incivility since people tend to be passionate about those.

Believe it or not, I agree with you!

shall we get a room for you two? :P


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15 Feb 2015, 4:15 am

Booyakasha wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
to be clear, the other thing that got her reported was, the ending of another post:

Unfortunately, the hope that you will alter your long-established, inexcusable pattern of myopic stupidity would be misguided, but I hope that others will learn from your exceedingly negative example and come to understand how to avoid being seen as a useless, clueless idiot

i guess I'm a bit too sensitive for PPR :D if that's OK even for PPR

PPR has traditionally been a bit messy (i.e. ad homs, trolling, straw men, dog whistling flame baiting, etc).
Really, when a forum is created for the sole purpose of discussing politics, philosophy, and religion (especially politics and religion) a climate is created for incivility since people tend to be passionate about those.

Believe it or not, I agree with you!

shall we get a room for you two? :P

Well, I do recall Raptor saying he was becoming more accepting for the LGBT community :lol: .

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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15 Feb 2015, 4:22 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
to be clear, the other thing that got her reported was, the ending of another post:

Unfortunately, the hope that you will alter your long-established, inexcusable pattern of myopic stupidity would be misguided, but I hope that others will learn from your exceedingly negative example and come to understand how to avoid being seen as a useless, clueless idiot

i guess I'm a bit too sensitive for PPR :D if that's OK even for PPR

PPR has traditionally been a bit messy (i.e. ad homs, trolling, straw men, dog whistling flame baiting, etc).
Really, when a forum is created for the sole purpose of discussing politics, philosophy, and religion (especially politics and religion) a climate is created for incivility since people tend to be passionate about those.

Believe it or not, I agree with you!

shall we get a room for you two? :P

Well, I do recall Raptor saying he was becoming more accepting for the LGBT community :lol: .

Love is in the air....



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15 Feb 2015, 4:29 am

Absolutely, I'm sure!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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15 Feb 2015, 4:38 am


awwwwww I'm chuffed :D

congrats to the happy couple! :P


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15 Feb 2015, 4:38 am

Raptor wrote:
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
Guns are tools, and it's up to the person who has one to decide what they do with it. They may be slightly deadlier than your average tools, as they expel chunks of metal at a high velocity, but they are still tools first and foremost. I support responsible gun usage and ownership.

This may sound like crazy talk coming from someone who generally regards themselves as being on the left side of the political spectrum, but I'm a big believer in personal liberties. I'm on the left because I care about having a social safety net, so that those of us who are at a disadvantage in society aren't forced to sink or swim. I'd be a hypocrite otherwise, since I'm receiving government assistance after being deemed "unemployable" by a neuropsychologist's assessment.

It might surprise you but even as a hate-filled jackbooted conservaive I believe in a social safety net, too.
A net to help the unfortunate, though, and not a hammock for slackers to lounge on.

If I remember right you insisted we do in fact have a 'hammock' but failed to explain how so.

We won't go back.


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15 Feb 2015, 4:42 am

Booyakasha wrote:

awwwwww I'm chuffed :D

congrats to the happy couple! :P

Why, Raptor and I thank you! :lol:

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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15 Feb 2015, 5:34 am

I have search and searched, and have yet to find not conclusive evidence to link gun control OR gun rights to crime, or violence with a simple linear relationship. Quite simply there no general correlation across the developed world.

Both side use skewed statistical and largely data and largely debunked reports to support their agenda, but if you look at the data as a whole there is simply no conclusion you could make. Quite frankly the idea of comparing national statistics has plenty of pitfalls anyway.

There are bigger factors such as subcultures, lack of rule of law, and corruption. It is flawed to look at crime purely from a theoretical first scenarios. From lots of self defense training I can tell you these scenarios, don't exist, they almost never turn out how you think.

Terrorist attacks are really rare in the West. You should worry more about drowning, it more likely to happen to you personally.

Some people are more at risk to hate crimes, but there is simply no correlation to gun right or gun control. There are many ways to peel an apple.

So those that were commenting on gun control in Paris, or gun rights in this attack need a reality check.

The US has violent crime, mainly in in cities. Just becuase some crime may guns doesn't mean the legal status of guns has much baring on that. People will make claims, but there is always another city where you can make a argument to the counter.


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15 Feb 2015, 9:35 am

Booyakasha wrote:
You've been reported several times today, please tone it down a bit.
Then learn to curb your trolls.


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15 Feb 2015, 10:56 am

Raptor wrote:
And whatever your pappy and grandmomma taught you about handguns and tactics is now outdated.
Great-grandmother, and the one-handed grip became popular entirely because it was considered by screen directors to be more camera-friendly. Although there are apologists for the posture for certain situations, a realist tries to avoid being in those situations. If you are in such a situation, then it is because you have done something stupid.

I am not afraid of a "bad guy" with a gun. I am afraid of an idiot with a gun. The guy from Chapel Hill is an idiot, and every instinct in my body tells me that you, also, are an idiot.

You are an idiot because you have a paranoid and combative outlook associated with your weapon, which makes you dangerous, not only to others but to yourself. You are likely to use your weapon impulsively or out of ill-conceived fear or anger. As long as your outlook on your guns is infused with emotion, you remain an idiot with a gun.

There ARE times when a one handed hold (strong hand or weak hand) are appropriate.
Nevertheless, if you were taught how to handle a gun as a toddler, you had no choice but to learn to habitually assume a two-handed grip because a child is physically incapable of controlling a weapon one-handed, simply because it is mechanically not feasible.

You tend to make the overweening assumption that anyone who doesn't have the same outlook on guns or "gun rights" that you have must just have no knowledge at all of guns. You are haughty, arrogant, and don't even realize how much you are full of s**t. You make honest gun-owners look like as*holes, and you really undermine your own cause, to a large extent, by leaving an impression of yourself as an arrogant fool.

Furthermore, you promote an outlook on guns that actually is dangerous to human health and safety. A gun doesn't make you "tough," and it doesn't make you a man. You are not a "good guy with a gun": in a state of rage or in a moment of bad judgment, you could become a "bad guy with a gun" as easily as the man in Chapel Hill, and I am pretty sure he has an outlook similar to yours.

Based on the story, he has a hyper-individualistic attitude and regards the world in general as some kind of threat to his individuality. It's not necessarily that the gun makes him dangerous: if he didn't try to prove he was a man by waving a gun around, he would be on the highway with some overpriced automobile acting the fool and put just as many people in danger. The entire outlook is destructive, and it doesn't stop with guns. It extends to how you behave in every aspect of your life, and the impulsive, egocentric outlook that you promote is actually deadly.

In the end, you live your life by the same book as the man from Chapel Hill, and for the same reason, your attitude is eventually going to lead to someone getting hurt.

Your attitude is also characteristic of the average gun-enthusiast, which is why I despise the majority of them.

I've done lots and lots of defensive handgun drills and shot some IDPA matches so my knowledge isn't all from Hollywood like you wish it was.
I know nothing about those things. Furthermore, I moved from the swamp into a city so that I wouldn't have to carry a pistol to shoot water moccasins or rabid coyotes with, and I ain't looked back.

The reason that I don't have any sympathy for the idea of abolishing guns is that there is still a rural population that uses guns in their everyday lives to deal with hazards that you would have to live in those circumstances to understand. For instance, in a very rural area, there is a good chance you could have to deal with a rabid coyote while out walking your dog. The reason that coyotes are attracted to rural areas, especially farmland, is that the animal requires open spaces to hunt for food, which is one of the reasons that the irresponsible, poorly planned clearing of land for pasture has contributed to their eastern migration. They didn't used to be around our area, but they have become an ongoing nuisance. Furthermore, it's not even healthy for the animals themselves to hunt in this region: it is too wet for them, and they end up with terrible fungal infections that cause patchy loss of fur.

There is absolutely no reason, though, for carrying a gun in an urban area. The fact is that handgun restrictions would not help. What needs to change is the culture: ... 1-5#page-2

Gun violence is more of a cultural problem than a gun-problem. It is hard for some people to really wrap their minds around, but I keep reflecting on what my father used to tell me about his own upbringing: kids would bring their long-guns to class with them and prop them up in the corner during hunting season, intent on going out shooting as soon as the bell rang, and that's just how they did it. It was considered weird to behave otherwise.

As long as people carry guns for emotional reasons, such as a want for other people's "respect," they remain a danger to themselves and others. Actually look at the study, and you will see that culture and people's attitudes play an extremely strong role in gun-violence.

We need to cultivate a sober, realistic outlook on guns. That is the only thing that can be done about gun-violence.


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15 Feb 2015, 11:29 am

Persimmonpudding wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
You've been reported several times today, please tone it down a bit.
Then learn to curb your trolls.
A person is not a 'Troll' for disagreeing with you, while people who call others 'Idiots' for disagreeing with them might be.


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15 Feb 2015, 12:16 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
to be clear, the other thing that got her reported was, the ending of another post:

Unfortunately, the hope that you will alter your long-established, inexcusable pattern of myopic stupidity would be misguided, but I hope that others will learn from your exceedingly negative example and come to understand how to avoid being seen as a useless, clueless idiot

i guess I'm a bit too sensitive for PPR :D if that's OK even for PPR

PPR has traditionally been a bit messy (i.e. ad homs, trolling, straw men, dog whistling flame baiting, etc).
Really, when a forum is created for the sole purpose of discussing politics, philosophy, and religion (especially politics and religion) a climate is created for incivility since people tend to be passionate about those.

Believe it or not, I agree with you!

shall we get a room for you two? :P

Well, I do recall Raptor saying he was becoming more accepting for the LGBT community :lol: .

But strictly on constitutional grounds and nothing further and even that is on thin ice.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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15 Feb 2015, 12:49 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Crazy people should not be allowed anywhere near guns, but the irony is, you probably wouldn't know they were crazy till they actually hurt or kill someone, as with the shooter in this case.

Define 'crazy'?

When one has to go out of one's way to settle a dispute with violence. That, and diagnosed mental illness.

so all the military and world leaders are crazy?
whats diagnosed mental illness? keep in mind its debated that aspergers is a mental illness.