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Which GOP hopeful do you think will be hardest to defeat in the 2016 elections?
Donald Trump 23%  23%  [ 19 ]
Scott Walker 8%  8%  [ 7 ]
Rand Paul 19%  19%  [ 16 ]
Lindsey Graham 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Chris Christie 7%  7%  [ 6 ]
Rick Perry 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Mike Huckabee 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
George Pataki 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Marco Rubio 14%  14%  [ 12 ]
Someone Else Entirely 19%  19%  [ 16 ]
Total votes : 84


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24 Aug 2015, 2:13 pm

glebel wrote:
androbot01 wrote:
The Atlantic: Can the Republican Party Survive Trump?

Interesting article ^

But many Republican strategists, donors, and officeholders fret that the harm goes deeper than a single voting bloc. Trump’s candidacy has blasted open the GOP’s longstanding fault lines at a time when the party hoped for unity. His gleeful, attention-hogging boorishness—and the large crowds that have cheered it—cements a popular image of the party as standing for reactionary anger rather than constructive policies. As Democrats jeer that Trump has merely laid bare the true soul of the GOP, some Republicans wonder, with considerable anguish, whether they’re right.

As a former Republican ( I'm a conservative with libertarian leanings ) I welcome the destruction of the GOP. They are not relevant any more, nor are they a viable alternative to rampant 'liberalism'. :x

Hey! I am a rampant liberal! :lol:

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Aug 2015, 2:20 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
glebel wrote:
androbot01 wrote:
The Atlantic: Can the Republican Party Survive Trump?

Interesting article ^

But many Republican strategists, donors, and officeholders fret that the harm goes deeper than a single voting bloc. Trump’s candidacy has blasted open the GOP’s longstanding fault lines at a time when the party hoped for unity. His gleeful, attention-hogging boorishness—and the large crowds that have cheered it—cements a popular image of the party as standing for reactionary anger rather than constructive policies. As Democrats jeer that Trump has merely laid bare the true soul of the GOP, some Republicans wonder, with considerable anguish, whether they’re right.

As a former Republican ( I'm a conservative with libertarian leanings ) I welcome the destruction of the GOP. They are not relevant any more, nor are they a viable alternative to rampant 'liberalism'. :x

Hey! I am a rampant liberal! :lol:

I'll pray for you, brother. :lol:

When everyone is losing their heads except you, maybe you don't understand the situation.


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24 Aug 2015, 2:36 pm

glebel wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
glebel wrote:
androbot01 wrote:
The Atlantic: Can the Republican Party Survive Trump?

Interesting article ^

But many Republican strategists, donors, and officeholders fret that the harm goes deeper than a single voting bloc. Trump’s candidacy has blasted open the GOP’s longstanding fault lines at a time when the party hoped for unity. His gleeful, attention-hogging boorishness—and the large crowds that have cheered it—cements a popular image of the party as standing for reactionary anger rather than constructive policies. As Democrats jeer that Trump has merely laid bare the true soul of the GOP, some Republicans wonder, with considerable anguish, whether they’re right.

As a former Republican ( I'm a conservative with libertarian leanings ) I welcome the destruction of the GOP. They are not relevant any more, nor are they a viable alternative to rampant 'liberalism'. :x

Hey! I am a rampant liberal! :lol:

I'll pray for you, brother. :lol:

And I shall pray for you! :lol:

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Aug 2015, 3:21 pm

Thank you, and God Bless!

When everyone is losing their heads except you, maybe you don't understand the situation.


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24 Aug 2015, 3:38 pm

Inventor wrote:
Some sections of the border are walled. California is mostly wall. The Border Patrol does not work for free.

A lot of the border through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, has listening devices buried, that can recognize all the locals vehicles. In some places they listen for the sound of tunnels being dug. There is also night vision and drones.

A whole lot of people are caught crossing the border. Detaining them is expensive. Picked up a mile from the border, it can take years to deport them.

A wall is cheaper than millions in detention, court costs, appointed lawyers. Of those who get through, a lot are serving long prison terms for violent felonies. Besides prison costs, a quarter million for ten years, there was the cost to the victim of the violent felony.

From the pictures of overcrowded California prisons, the majority seem to be of Mexican decent.

Building a wall is cheap compared to the costs we are paying now, which have been going up.

Making it impossible for illegals to live here only takes checking ID, with an instant deportation for those who cannot prove a legal right to be here.

When the police stop me they demand ID, and if I do not have it it is a trip to jail. Illegals have a special deal?

When you cannot rent a house, register a vehicle, or send money out of the country without ID, it will be less possible to be an illegal. Alabama did this, lots of people left.

We do have a fairly open border, lots of people come over just to go shopping. It is easy to get a tourist visa.

Those who cross in the desert at night could not face the Mexican Border Police, warrants, jail breaks, or the American side, has been deported many times, Felon, not a Mexican.

Robbery, rape, murder follow the migrant trail. Often the victim is a migrant. Often along railroad tracks there is evidence, blood, DNA, fingerprints, that do not show up in our database. Just a new citizen showing up leaving a trail of destruction. The same DNA, fingerprints at many crimes, till some felony arrest matches it to an illegal.

The social cost of illegals is high. Walls are cheap.

Well sure if you look at the financial cost alone, walls are cheap...

We won't go back.


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24 Aug 2015, 3:42 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Inventor wrote:
The Mexican State's economic plan, one quarter of Mexicans moved to the United States, and send back $22 Billion dollars a year.

Mexico does not have to provide jobs, education, healthcare, and they tax the money sent back.

The Mexican Government publishes pamphlets about how to cross the border, and how to evade American Laws.

This is an intentional Reconquista of lands lost in 1845, Texas then the Treaty of Guadeloupe - Hidalgo, which lost New Mexico, Arizona, California. That is where most illegals go.

The goal is takeover by majority vote. It is also a base for economic invasion of the rest of the country.

Mexico is only world class at breeding more Mexicans. They lack everything, food, water, economy, and are ready to send another quarter north just to deal with a growing population.

Leaving for America, sending money back, and taking American jobs in and out of Mexico is the economic plan.

El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Columbia, and points south are joining in.

We are up to 10% illegals, 31 million. The rate of increase points to another 100 million in a decade.

The United States will not survive being a third illegal.

So it is time for us to leave, and give this land to anyone who wants it, or build a wall and enforce our laws.

Why is a wall necessary to enforce laws? Not to mention how much would building and maintaining the wall cost taxpayers? let alone the cost of keeping armed guards posted to man the wall? sounds expensive....not to mention its still a cowardly band aid solution. Who is the us you are referring to anyways? I guess you and your group that warrants the 'us' can leave and people who want to stay can...seems better and less ugly than a big wall.

Ah, but the Donald said Mexico would pay for the wall, and would be happy to do it. :roll:

Well if he wants it so bad why doesn't he pay for it himself?

We won't go back.


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24 Aug 2015, 3:48 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Inventor wrote:
The Mexican State's economic plan, one quarter of Mexicans moved to the United States, and send back $22 Billion dollars a year.

Mexico does not have to provide jobs, education, healthcare, and they tax the money sent back.

The Mexican Government publishes pamphlets about how to cross the border, and how to evade American Laws.

This is an intentional Reconquista of lands lost in 1845, Texas then the Treaty of Guadeloupe - Hidalgo, which lost New Mexico, Arizona, California. That is where most illegals go.

The goal is takeover by majority vote. It is also a base for economic invasion of the rest of the country.

Mexico is only world class at breeding more Mexicans. They lack everything, food, water, economy, and are ready to send another quarter north just to deal with a growing population.

Leaving for America, sending money back, and taking American jobs in and out of Mexico is the economic plan.

El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Columbia, and points south are joining in.

We are up to 10% illegals, 31 million. The rate of increase points to another 100 million in a decade.

The United States will not survive being a third illegal.

So it is time for us to leave, and give this land to anyone who wants it, or build a wall and enforce our laws.

Why is a wall necessary to enforce laws? Not to mention how much would building and maintaining the wall cost taxpayers? let alone the cost of keeping armed guards posted to man the wall? sounds expensive....not to mention its still a cowardly band aid solution. Who is the us you are referring to anyways? I guess you and your group that warrants the 'us' can leave and people who want to stay can...seems better and less ugly than a big wall.

Ah, but the Donald said Mexico would pay for the wall, and would be happy to do it. :roll:

Well if he wants it so bad why doesn't he pay for it himself?

Someone ought to run that idea by him.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Aug 2015, 3:48 pm

glebel wrote:
Thank you, and God Bless!

Anytime. 8)

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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25 Aug 2015, 9:33 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
Inventor wrote:
Some sections of the border are walled. California is mostly wall. The Border Patrol does not work for free.

A lot of the border through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, has listening devices buried, that can recognize all the locals vehicles. In some places they listen for the sound of tunnels being dug. There is also night vision and drones.

A whole lot of people are caught crossing the border. Detaining them is expensive. Picked up a mile from the border, it can take years to deport them.

A wall is cheaper than millions in detention, court costs, appointed lawyers. Of those who get through, a lot are serving long prison terms for violent felonies. Besides prison costs, a quarter million for ten years, there was the cost to the victim of the violent felony.

From the pictures of overcrowded California prisons, the majority seem to be of Mexican decent.

Building a wall is cheap compared to the costs we are paying now, which have been going up.

Making it impossible for illegals to live here only takes checking ID, with an instant deportation for those who cannot prove a legal right to be here.

When the police stop me they demand ID, and if I do not have it it is a trip to jail. Illegals have a special deal?

When you cannot rent a house, register a vehicle, or send money out of the country without ID, it will be less possible to be an illegal. Alabama did this, lots of people left.

We do have a fairly open border, lots of people come over just to go shopping. It is easy to get a tourist visa.

Those who cross in the desert at night could not face the Mexican Border Police, warrants, jail breaks, or the American side, has been deported many times, Felon, not a Mexican.

Robbery, rape, murder follow the migrant trail. Often the victim is a migrant. Often along railroad tracks there is evidence, blood, DNA, fingerprints, that do not show up in our database. Just a new citizen showing up leaving a trail of destruction. The same DNA, fingerprints at many crimes, till some felony arrest matches it to an illegal.

The social cost of illegals is high. Walls are cheap.

Well sure if you look at the financial cost alone, walls are cheap...


All of the costs running, Border Patrol, Detention Centers, Lawyers, Jails, can be avoided, for a lot less, Trump Industries will privatize the problem.

You accepted private prisons, let me tell you about private borders.

One of our biggest border problems is a Treaty. Mexico and the US have agreed not to militarize the border, Police only in the border zone.

This limits us to at the most sending National Guard to back up the Border Patrol, while staying away from the border zone. National Guard do not have the power of arrest.

Those caught crossing are detained. This is where it gets expensive.

The Trump Hotel, Casino, and Detention Center could be built on the the border, say just west of El Paso. This is also close to Juarez. It is in New Mexico, on some worthless land. The American side is I think BLM Land, so we own it, and it is the first land that does not have a river as a border. Our southernmost Interstate runs through El Paso.

A wall enclosing a two by ten mile area with a mile on each side of the border, water from the Rio Grande, food, tents, can be the new detention center. The American side takes a Court Order to get out, the Mexican side, no crime has been committed, so they are free to go. Once they cross the line in the middle, they are no longer our problem.

This only works for Mexicans, as Mexico has strict laws, and two years in jail, same as murder, for not having a visa.

Hondurans, Guatemalans, Salvadore, and the rest will be refused. We can make a deal, Maquiladora on the Mexican side, where good wages are $5 a day, and jobs are hard to find. Since we are providing food, water, a tent, $2 a day would be fair wages.

It gives them a chance to earn some money to pay for leaving. Mexico would demand they fly from El Paso to south of Mexico. Mexican immigration laws are strict. For a tent, meals, medical care, and $2 a day, most would stay.

Having a Detention Center that they can leave, or get a job, is not oppressive. We could build several, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas. All illegals caught anywhere, would be sent to the Detention Centers for processing. Like all governments, their paperwork would be lost.

Obama has been deporting over two million a year, Most are deported when they are released from jail. The overall cost of deporting a felon, a half million, with trials, jail costs, and deportation.

This is not some new radical idea, The Reagan Era Amnesty called for securing the borders so this would stop happening. Money was appropriated which vanished into a Congress Study.

Now the cost is higher, the number of illegals higher, and it is not getting better.

Who has been making money? Due to the backlog of immigration cases, Lawyers have had to be appointed to Federal Judgeships, Lifetime Bank with super Perks! Those same new Federal Judges award legal fees to Lawyers who represent illegals.

America has been sold out by Lawyers! Why is no one surprised?

To bypass the Lawyers, all illegals sent to Detention Centers for processing, where most can just reenter Mexico.

It is cheap, fast, and workable. Mexicans are a large majority of illegals. The Mexican government can oversee the treatment of their citizens, and release them into Mexico.

At six million a year it would take five years after the border was sealed. People can still get tourist visas, and over stay them. Day shoppers can hop a bus, it will never end.

We used to have a Guest Worker Program, Braceros? Registered health checked Mexicans could come work, and be protected. Whole families came to harvest crops, pick fruit, where they made very good money by Mexican standards. Places like Eastern Washington for the apple/cherry harvest, no one lives there. Thousands of workers are needed for long days outdoors. Oranges in Florida, grapes in California, we need Mexican workers.

A formal deportation bans the person from coming back. A lot of illegals with a work history and no police record, we should just forget they were ever here, and give them the paperwork for becoming a legal guest worker.

The same Border Detention Centers can be Guest Worker entry points.

If we treat people fairly, are truthful, and live up to our word, if we are trustworthy, a lot of the people here would go home for a vacation, and reenter as Registered Guest Workers. Some we have to catch, then release to the Mexican Police.

The Art Of The Deal, there has to be something acceptable to all parties. Our legal Mexicans have their view, illegal but only because there is no legal path to come work are good people. The criminals, are not wanted here or there. Our desire to have an orderly relationship with our neighbors is what has been lacking. We ended the legal Guest Worker Program. People who had grown up as migratory farm workers still came the next year.

A fair deal for our neighbors. And good walls make good neighbors.


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25 Aug 2015, 1:38 pm

Privatization of public institutions such as jails have never worked out. As private businesses with the lowest bid gets the job, both on-the-job jail personnel and inmates suffer, whether it's from low pay or low quality, low amount of food. There have been inmate riots in privately owned jails because of the lack of food they were getting. I doubt Trump could do much better.
And as expensive as trials might be, the fact is, they are still a legal assurance to everyone - citizens, and immigrants, and illegal immigrants regardless. What are we supposed to do, just gather up dark complected, Spanish speaking people, and deport them by the hundreds? Do you know how many legal immigrants, not to mention American citizens, would be deported?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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25 Aug 2015, 11:33 pm

It is not a jail, it is a detention center for undocumented people.

Citizens and legal immigrants have to speak the language, and pass a test on American Government.

E-verify will tell who is illegal, and the local police can turn them over to INS for transport to a detention center.

It will be a joint Mexican/American Border Program. Some of the people who cross the border at night are wanted by the Mexican Police. We already have Mexican/American Police Cooperation over border crime.

Mexico has the same problem on their southern border, where they just send them back by the truckload.

Mexico is also the path of tourists who use it to slip over the American border. Europeans, Arabs, Chinese and other Asians. Those who overstayed their visa and were not recorded to have left, should be on a list.

Mexico also has Serial Killers, Murdered Police, and a lot of reasons to support a joint venture.

While it may sound the same, illegals are not criminals. Unlike Mexico that will send you to jail for two years, we do not, we just remove them from our country. Deportation is the formal process, but before that they have the option to leave.

Holding them in jails like we now do for the reason of crossing the border to pick tomatoes, if not a crime against humanity, is at least an insult to us being human.

Removing them to a detention center, for sorting, where they have the option to just reenter Mexico, or register as a Guest Worker, is a humane response to the problem.

Private Prisons are making money holding them for years, Lawyers and Courts making a Federal Case of it.

It is more an Administrative problem. Non Citizen detained for expired Visa or no Visa. Return to their native country, case closed.

A lot of it is our fault for ending the Guest Worker Program. Guest Workers are not on a path to citizenship, their children do not become citizens, they do pay taxes, there is an international agreement on Social Security for people who work in several countries. farm workers with children do not make enough to pay income tax, and I think they pay Mexican Social Security. Guest workers cannot collect unemployment, food stamps, welfare, but they can send their children to school, get a drivers license, and make legal claims about unpaid wages.

People working here benefit us, they should be treated fairly.

There is another world of illegal illegals, a world of crime, drugs and guns back and forth across the border, where finger prints and DNA would answer many questions here and in Mexico. There are a lot of gangs. The drug cartels have a network of illegals across America. It would benefit us to break it up.

We do not allow people with criminal records in. It is a good idea. A whole lot of Mexicans are dying because of cross border crime. It will not stop it's self.

We are not doing what we could to make a lot of people's lives better.


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11 Sep 2015, 4:31 pm

Rick Perry just dropped out, they have been talking about how he has not been paying his staff. It will hardly affect the polls because no-one supported him at 1%. The field is finally starting to thin out.


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11 Sep 2015, 5:05 pm


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11 Sep 2015, 5:23 pm

RushKing wrote:

An interesting perspective. Who'd have thought a communist would support a billionaire businessman. I have to think this is probably a minority opinion among American communists.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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11 Sep 2015, 5:57 pm

Pat Buchanan picked up some socialist endorsements in his time as well, its the economic nationalism that is appealing since pretty much everybody else in both parties is some open border globalist "free trader". I dunno about now since Trump appears to be the likely GOP nominee at this time from my perspective but I'd expect him to try to court organized labor which is going to force to Democrats leftward to try to cover up that flank. How about that poll showing Trump with 25% of black vote? This really is uncharted territory, Trump is 100% not a Republican but he's attempting a hostile takeover just by sheer force of will and for some strange reason or another he might actually broaden the tent.

The Republican base is revolting, they're revolting against the elitist politicians who sneer at them as unsophisticated crazies while they sell our children's futures away, they're revolting against the media and the entire industry of manufactured opinion. Nobody likes a talking head, they're never right about anything and do more disservice to our political dialogue than they do to help it along. They don't care about Republican dogma, ideology, or any other sacred cows. This is an indictment on the party itself, its own base hates them and thinks they're the problem with the country.


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11 Sep 2015, 6:55 pm

Trump won't be nominated. He is appealing to the far right but they know in the end he can't win the general election. Jeb Bush and Ben Carson are polling better against hypothetical Democratic opponents.