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26 Sep 2021, 4:21 pm

Humans just naturally love mindless violence, killing and destruction. The ancient Romans used to watch chariot races where the best part was when at least one of the racers crashed and died a horrible death. The racers were usually slaves and they did not live long as a rule. They would watch people fight to the death for entertainment. I once read somewhere several animal species went extinct because they'd watch humans fight the animals to the death for entertainment. Nothing has changed, humans are just as bloodthirsty at they were in those days. Humans are evil. And stupid. And I feel like I really must be an alien and it's only because of my superficial resemblance to an Earthling human that I haven't been cruelly experimented on and dissected... yet. Too bad I can't say the same for many Earthling human test subjects.


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27 Sep 2021, 11:23 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
Humans just naturally love mindless violence, killing and destruction. The ancient Romans used to watch chariot races where the best part was when at least one of the racers crashed and died a horrible death. The racers were usually slaves and they did not live long as a rule. They would watch people fight to the death for entertainment. I once read somewhere several animal species went extinct because they'd watch humans fight the animals to the death for entertainment. Nothing has changed, humans are just as bloodthirsty at they were in those days. Humans are evil. And stupid. And I feel like I really must be an alien and it's only because of my superficial resemblance to an Earthling human that I haven't been cruelly experimented on and dissected... yet. Too bad I can't say the same for many Earthling human test subjects.

Humanity is the filth of the universe. 8)


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28 Sep 2021, 12:56 am

Sensitive topic for me. I am absolutely appalled that so much of my country continues to favor the death penalty.

But I should clarify that I don't find the people evil; I consider the political position to be profoundly misguided. I prefer to believe it can still be changed. Nor do I believe that any single political belief can determine the inherent good or evil of any individual.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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28 Sep 2021, 1:02 am

lostonearth35 wrote:
Humans just naturally love mindless violence, killing and destruction. The ancient Romans used to watch chariot races where the best part was when at least one of the racers crashed and died a horrible death. The racers were usually slaves and they did not live long as a rule. They would watch people fight to the death for entertainment. I once read somewhere several animal species went extinct because they'd watch humans fight the animals to the death for entertainment. Nothing has changed, humans are just as bloodthirsty at they were in those days. Humans are evil. And stupid. And I feel like I really must be an alien and it's only because of my superficial resemblance to an Earthling human that I haven't been cruelly experimented on and dissected... yet. Too bad I can't say the same for many Earthling human test subjects.

As true as this is, humans also have a capacity for enlightenment and growth. When given the opportunity and positive influences, people can and do change.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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28 Sep 2021, 11:12 am

SMiLES Hehe; The Internet Is Mostly

(i Am Surely Not Excluded
In Any Way Online Now too)

For 'Mental Masturbation'...

Yet Even in Trump Town USA,

The Real World is For Taking

Walks And Waving And Smiling

And Small Talk Chit Chat for the

Warmer Human Connections to Oxytocin Grow

in Trust And Comfort of What Makes Humanity Real...

Watching TV And Scratching A Keyboard

With Fingers ACross a Chalk Board

Hehe Is Nothing Like Humanity

When It is No Longer

Afraid to Reach

Out and Touch

Other Humanity Longer

Where EVER 'They' Live; for i Surely

Don't Agree With 'Sharia Laws', Yet

Still Some of the Kindest and Sweetest

Most Reliable and Loving FRiEnDS i've ever

Met on the Planet Earth, Surely Agree That Thieves

Should Have their Hands Chopped off And Is that Any Less

Severe Than Shooting

Someone Dead


In Your

Home instead

(Florida Man And
Others Standing
THeir Ground Now)

of Risking Something

Stolen Alone; True There Are

Many 'Christian American' Ways Worse To Chop Off

Hands of Thieve's Too; Yet Never the Less, Now For REAL

Despite THaT DarK Part of LiFE These 'Trump Town Folks',

Not Unlike the Muslim Folks, are Some of the YES, Kindest

Folks Who Will Give You the Shirt Off Your Back As You Need it...

Humanity is Messy...

Yet Humanity is

Still Great

And Kind

If Ya Understand

How to Reach Out and

Touch Other Souls; For If You

Do Chances Are That Other Person

Might Be Slower to 'Pull the Trigger' or 'Chop Off Hands',

Or Bury Lesbians to Their Chest in Saudi Arabia And Stone them DEAD.

'Good' Starts With Hope And Actions THAT REALLY CHANGE


Yet this is Just the

Internet, sadly a
Place Where

So Many

Folks Are Too
Afraid to Even
Show Their Real

Face; How Dark the

World Is Never With
A Smile to See and Breathe...

Yet of Course i am More of

A Visual Feeler Than A Man of Text Only...

And i Am Actually Fearless Always Loving That Helps too...

Yes, This, All These 13 MiLLioN Words Online in 130 Months
And 3 Days Now is Just What i Do to Rest my Feet From Public
Dance, Ever Since The 9.7 MiLLioN Words of Free Verse Poetry Started
The Last 97 Months And 10 Days Ago; Yes 15,444 Miles of Public Dance Now in 97 Months
And More Smiles Generated For Others Than "Abraham" Could Have Imagined in Night Skies Above...

i've Touched More of Humankind Than Most Humans Will Ever Imagine; Just A Free Agent With No Bosses...

As A Most EPiC Anthropology Observer Participant And What i Know, Feel, And Sense Most Through all


As Fully Documented Now
As an Artist and Scientist
Too As That is An Only
Way to Truly Do


Through And Through

Is, It's True, Love is what

Bonds Us Binds Us Most NoW

Naked Whole Complete Enough...

When i Seek LoVE Each Day, i Find it In Some
Corner of my UniVERSE WITHOUT FAiL;

Yet It's True,

Use it or

Lose it

For Most
Every Failure

Or Success In Life...

Practice, Practice, Kindness
And Love And Become What We Do Best




Do Not...

Action And Consequence, Dancing Singing...

Karma Gets A Last Word As First Action Now..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !