In reference to the Michael Caine interview, one of the intended targets of the 60s cultural revolution in the west was the admonishment of people who clung to class based social hierarchy. In my parent's generation there really were finishing schools for girls which taught young women to be "ladylike". I'm sure most people have watched old movies where young women were taught "etiquette" in how to dress, how to lay out a dinner table, manners and how to speak.
So Michael Caine's admonishment of his aunt's comment about "the other day I met a real lady" was perhaps a bit unfair on the old duck. the class system never left, what has changed is class mobility. People who watched the courtship of prince William and Kate Middleton were obsessed with her "pedigree" and jaws dropped to the floor when her mother's very clear working class roots (her maiden name was Goldsmith) were identified and sent tongues wagging. But Michael Caine is right on one point, the most flack she received for her tainted bloodline came from working class people who were likely jealous one of their folk go lucky and climbed out of the middle class.