SpaceCase wrote:
I don't think Jesus was gay,but he never said anything in the Bible that proved he he was against it.
It doesn't say anything about he personally being against it in any of the canon gospels, although I think the gospels might say he was against sex outside marriage.
It is my belief that it is not entirely certain wether Jesus was married to Marry Magdalene or he chose celibacy, and the idea that he might have been a member of the Essenes.
Also the Bible and apparently History doesn't say Jesus' sexual orientation, most people assume that he was heterosexual by default, even though there is no actual evidence of his sexuality, although it would have been repressed due to that time and culture, or he would have marry another men or engage in sexual activities with other men if he could, nobody knows for sure, no evidence of that, and afirming that would be mere speculation. That I think.
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