Pro-lifers, please stop doing that (scary pictures!)

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18 Sep 2008, 4:35 pm

Haliphron wrote:
DentArthurDent wrote:
ToadOfSteel wrote:
I don't place the blame in abortion, I place the blame in NT society which calls us "defective" out of fear of our superior mental abilities and unwillingness to submit to their social system... If NT's could get over their fear of us, and there were no more Jenny McCarthy-types around, my opinion on abortion would change. It's not so much equating it to genocide, but instead I'm merely trying to fight for the very survival of our race, which once a definitive genetic link is discovered, will be under threat of a silent extinction like never before under current NT society...

You really have to be joking. Please say your joking

He's NOT. And I agree^^

So you two both think that the rest of society is afraid of "our superior mental abilities" and that they need to 'get over their fear of us' and that we are separate race under threat of extinction.

I have heard some ridiculous theories in my life but this one has to be some kind of record. I think I'll write to the English Oxford Dictionary with a suggestion for a new definition of Delusional

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18 Sep 2008, 5:21 pm

^ IMPE, many people are fearful of me because of my physical behaviours and mannerisms; and until you can show me some mental health credentials I will dismiss your calling me "delusional" as nothing more than vulgate character assassination.
It doesnt take a whole lot of brains to realize that if you do something that other people dont do, not matter how inoccuous, they will feel hostile towards you. People inherently dont like other people who are deviate from the norm, ESPECIALLY people who do so in a very obvious way. Their impulse toward such individuals is to try to get rid of them any way they can.


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18 Sep 2008, 6:02 pm

DentArthurDent wrote:

I have heard some ridiculous theories in my life but this one has to be some kind of record. I think I'll write to the English Oxford Dictionary with a suggestion for a new definition of Delusional

I really have to agree. Us barbaric NT's may abduct your family and mutilate your cattle, but there is no viable reason to worry about "genocide."

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18 Sep 2008, 6:17 pm

I don't know about superior mental abilities, but I do think that many NTs are afraid of us because we're different. Because that's just how humans are.

I do not anticipate a genocide. At the ABSOLUTE MOST they'll try to sterilize all of us like they did in the 20s and 30s, but that is highly unlikely due to our culture's aversion to eugenics. I've never been much of a conspiracy theory person; conspiracy theories are the last refuge of people who have no evidence whatsoever (see the vaccines-cause-autism crowd, the anti-UN militias, and Holocaust deniers*, none of whom have ANY evidence to support their crackpot theories, and all of whom therefore allege that they have no evidence because somebody's covering up the truth!)

* oh, there are plenty more, but I'm too lazy to go to Skeptic's Dictionary and look them up.

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18 Sep 2008, 6:25 pm

Both Pro-lifers and Pro-choicers....:-/

They can't seem to find a rational stance on abortion...even the PRC's One-Child Policy is more rational than what NARAL and National Right to Life League proposes.


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18 Sep 2008, 6:48 pm

The 'vaccines-cause-all-sorts-of-horrific-injuries-autism-aside' crowd have a lot of evidence, science, and doctors on their side... not exactly a conspiracy theory. :roll:

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18 Sep 2008, 6:55 pm

LeKiwi wrote:
The 'vaccines-cause-all-sorts-of-horrific-injuries-autism-aside' crowd have a lot of evidence, science, and doctors on their side... not exactly a conspiracy theory. :roll:

Yes, you do, I concede...the swine flu disaster and the Cutter Incident were awful and they really happened. I disagree with you on this in many places, but I find that I respect you because you've thought your opinions out. Even if you yourself don't prescribe to it, there is A LOT of conspiracy theory in the anti-vaccine movement and you have to admit it. :(

But, if this turns into a vaccine thread I'll have to hurt somebody. This is an abortion thread.

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18 Sep 2008, 7:05 pm

MissPickwickian wrote:
LeKiwi wrote:
The 'vaccines-cause-all-sorts-of-horrific-injuries-autism-aside' crowd have a lot of evidence, science, and doctors on their side... not exactly a conspiracy theory. :roll:

Yes, you do, I concede...the swine flu disaster and the Cutter Incident were awful and they really happened. I disagree with you on this in many places, but I find that I respect you because you've thought your opinions out. Even if you yourself don't prescribe to it, there is A LOT of conspiracy theory in the anti-vaccine movement and you have to admit it. :(

But, if this turns into a vaccine thread I'll have to hurt somebody. This is an abortion thread.

Oh, don't worry, I definitely admit it - and they're a pain in the arse, people need to get their facts straight before they start spouting BS that'll do more harm than good.

And I concur, abortion is the topic at hand... but I couldn't let that one slide. ;)

So back to the men judging women for their well-thought-out and painful decisions they didn't ask for. :D

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18 Sep 2008, 7:08 pm


LeKiwi, the queen of nonstupid resistance.

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18 Sep 2008, 7:43 pm

Now, now, abortion is the topic here.

Don't make me go to Pubmed. I'll do it. :lol:

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18 Sep 2008, 9:24 pm


I don't no anybody who believes in "Pro-Choice" who is "Anti-Life"! For that matter, most people who are "Pro-Life" are also "Pro-Death Penalty" and "Pro-War". Hypocrites! For the record, I am neither. I am against abortion being used as a form of birth control, when many effective forms are readily available. To me, that is the choice. If you are going to do it, and don't want a kid, use some birth control.

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19 Sep 2008, 4:29 am

LeKiwi wrote:

So back to the men judging women for their well-thought-out and painful decisions they didn't ask for. :D

Hey not all men are pricks, I'm on your side. Mind you it might have something to do with my upbringing. Mum reckons that men should be kept on farms and taken out when required. :lol:

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19 Sep 2008, 5:36 am

LeKiwi wrote:
Sling, please understand sarcasm.
I have Asperger's Syndrome =/. I was aware that you were using Sarcasm to try and bring your point across but do you mean your entire post was satirical in nature or not? Please explain.

LeKiwi wrote:
Your arguments are ignorant of the situation and unless you've been there, you really can't comment. No woman endures that pain for no reason. End of.
That is still a crap argument, imo.

It is common knowledge that people who deviate from the norm are labelled as 'outcasts' by the media. In Amercia, by the age of ten, eighty five percent of kids are struggling to fulfil the sterotype of "perfect" as dictated to them by the media (although I heard it on a song and so I can't vouch for it's factual validity but it wouldn't surpirse me if it were true). I have AS and I'm a goth/metalhead. So that makes me a double-outcast! Yay! I would not be suprised if governments did try and cull the spread of AS, there are actually organisations who suggest that killing young children with AS is an effective way of "dealing with it".

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19 Sep 2008, 9:40 pm

Honestly, most pro-lifers (me being one of them) understand the need for abortions if it saves the life of the mother. Also I think it's dumb to call abortion genocide or compare it to the holocaust it's like saying being against gay marriage is racism gay people are no more a race than children are. I believe abortion for any reason outside medical emergency/necessity is murder. What you see in media is not what most people think at least in my opinion. As in most issues the radicals make up the minority.


-Bigfoot IS blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer?s
fault. He's a large, out-of-focus monster, and that's extra scary to me.

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19 Sep 2008, 11:22 pm

Aren't you using the same scare tactics using pictures that have been regurgitated time and time again to promote several agendas using multiple arguements for several different topics?

Partial birth abortion is not necessary to save a mother's life. If you want pics here you go. Tell me how this is saving the mother's life.






This is barberic. I don't understand how people can endorse this but then say they are against prenatal screening for autism because it could be used to abort autistic children.

You used physical birth defects (same pictures tossed around for shock value online ALOT) for reason of partial birth abortion as a valid excuse for partial birth abortion. Would you like the reason of autism for partial birth abortion?


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19 Sep 2008, 11:47 pm

MissPickwickian wrote:
Cogenital icthyosis
A severe skin disorder which is almost always fatal and emotionally traumatic for all involved. Can only be seen in ultrasounds during the last months.

image isn't showing, is that harlequin type?


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