I'm a Muslim!
An excuse for what? You are arguing God with me and I’m arguing an arrogant attitude on your part. You keep trying to twist it around to “God isn’t real.” and I’m just pointing out that you are not being honest about not knowing. And please, please, please prove to me that subjective evidence is not evidence. I’m not trying to convert you to a belief in anything, I’m just pointing out that your argument is pretty hypocritical. “I know what isn’t out there. I have no more proof of what I think isn’t out there than you do of what you think IS out there, but I’m right and you’re wrong.” I could be wrong, however I’m honest enough to admit that.
“appeal to ignorance. i don't know what the final answer is so i'm obviously wrong making your wrong answer right regardless of the lack of evidence. “
My wrong answer to what? I haven’t given any answers that I know of.
“i'm interested in being correct, not right. righteousness is religion's faulty turf.”
If your interested in being correct then don’t limit your options. Discoveries aren’t made through closed minds. I also haven’t brought up any righteousness issues – those are purely your own manufacture. You seem to be trying to pick a fight with a simple statement – “You don’t KNOW what might exist in an infinite universe. To declare absolute knowledge based on lack of evidence is small minded and intellectually dishonest.” So if you want to be correct, be honest. You don’t THINK any deity exists, but you don’t know. I do think a deity exists, but I also don’t KNOW.
Subjective Evidence - Evidence that you cannot evaluate, you have to simply accept what the person says or reject it.
Objective Evidence - Evidence you can examine and evaluate for yourself.
I could say I met this guy at a bar and he could make the beer in my glass float, he also claimed to be God. Is this evidence for him being God? For all you know I made up this story, which I did. Subjective Evidence counts for crap in my book, it's just words. Jesus has the same probability of existing as that guy at the bar does, they're both based on the same type of evidence, words. And every religion out there uses Subjective Evidence, and they all claim that they're telling the truth and the others are feeding you lies. So which one do you trust? The one you like the best? Last I looked, wanting something to be true doesn't make it true either. So honestly, instead of even bothering, (which most of the stories these religions burst out are ridiculous in the first place) I don't take any of their word and instead go with Occam's Razor which is basically saying the simplest answer is probably the answer. So I don't believe in God as there's nothing supporting the existence of it.

Joined: 13 Oct 2007
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Posts: 1,367
Location: currently Belgium, longing for the Middle East
May you one day, truely, find enlightenment...
Unfortunately, one shall never find, such an invaluable, and incaluably essential thing, as enlightement, as a muslim.
Oh no, islamophobia is spreading to even forums as this now. I prefer not to further read this topic and spare myself the irritation which I usually feel when going through discussions about how bad islam is.
I lived in an Islamic society but am western European. Honestly, I know what to pick. The warmth of people and solidarity I felt in Turkey was something all Europeans could learn a lot from. I would love to live in an Islamic society again (preferably Turkey) , and wish the islam bashers may stray from their tunnel vision at some point.
PS visited the mosque here in town today. Underway asked directions. Many people looked at me with disapproval when I used the words Islam or mosque. Racist idiots... The only friendly people I met this afternoon were actually those inside the mosque. I felt very welcome and was treated with a friendlyness that the others I spoke with could learn a lot from.But well, little surprise.
I am not religious, but have a very deep respect for Islam.
Do what Thou wilt shal be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will. And...
every man and every woman is a star
(excerpt from The Book of the Law - Aleister Crowley)
"Od lo avda tikvateinu" (excerpt from the Israeli hymn)
"I could say I met this guy at a bar and he could make the beer in my glass float, he also claimed to be God. Is this evidence for him being God? For all you know I made up this story, which I did. Subjective Evidence counts for crap in my book, it's just words."
The only value subjective evidence has is for the person who experiences it. I agree that it isn't valid as an argument for someone else to believe. However, it is still evidence and MY subjective evidence is valid to me. I have no doubt that there are plenty of areas in your life where you accept subjective evidence based on your own experiences. That subjective evidence probably has nothing to do with religion, but it still seems valid to you. I don't expect you to be convinced or even interested in my own subjective experiences, I only feel that you should respect the fact that they are real to me and that you have no valid grounds to devalue them.
"Jesus has the same probability of existing as that guy at the bar does, they're both based on the same type of evidence, words."
A great deal of our lives are based on words. Heck, our money system is based on a collective delusion, and that IS provable. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. You don't believe in God, not the Judeo-Christian God, not Zeus, not any God -- fine. I'm not trying to argue religion with you. I'm just pointing out that your stance of "I know it!" is no more valid than any deist's stance. You and I both go by what we think we know and neither of us have "objective" evidence.
"And every religion out there uses Subjective Evidence, and they all claim that they're telling the truth and the others are feeding you lies. So which one do you trust? The one you like the best? Last I looked, wanting something to be true doesn't make it true either. So honestly, instead of even bothering, (which most of the stories these religions burst out are ridiculous in the first place) I don't take any of their word and instead go with Occam's Razor which is basically saying the simplest answer is probably the answer. So I don't believe in God as there's nothing supporting the existence of it."
That's an honest statement. Saying "Nothing exists and I know it." is not an honest statement. Do you see the difference? You started this whole bit being antigonistic and demeaning to people with beliefs. You expected to be berated for not believing or perhaps you thought I was going to start explaining about a vacation package to Hell. Because of your assumptions you came across, as more than a few atheists have, as arrogant and judgemental. I'm not quite sure why it's such a big deal to you. Perhaps you should wait for an attack before you defend against one.
The question is this: given that God is infinite and that the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted tea-cake? Talkie the Toaster (Red Dwarf)
Regarding the first part of your post, I was mainly arguing in general that Subjective Evidence is useless if you're trying to convince someone of something. Unless they trust you of course. And I wasn't arguing against words in general I was simply stating that claims per say are just claims unless backed by something.
Two quotes though I'd like to directly respond to:
Well while that's true, it's also true that we do not know The Flying Spaghetti Monster did not create the world, we just think it. We also just think that there probably aren't any birds that evolved to the point where they can survive in space and then fled the Earth. In other words, it's impossible to know things for a fact but you can make a pretty damn good assumption when things are just obvious through simple reasoning. (I actually made up the birds breathing in space part as I went along, that's pretty good right? I might write a paragraph or two about that on my blog some time.)
Well first of all, I'm being pretty honest when I say I think that all these explanations people come up with to explain the unknown involving the supernatural or fairy tales, is pure BS and I don't take their word for it. By "Nothing" I'm assuming you're saying "Nothing supernatural" or "Nothing religious", which if that's the case then it really is an honest statement my friend. And I actually wasn't even expecting you to even reply to my post, as far as being prepared goes, but prepared to be berated? Well at the most I was expecting a continuation of the little argument going on, but it's rare I get someone replying to my arguments by stating how they believe I'm going to burn or perhaps freeze depending on the belief, for eternity. In fact I wasn't even convinced you were Christian considering I didn't see you state it. Which, correct me if I'm wrong, I think you're a Deist.
"Regarding the first part of your post, I was mainly arguing in general that Subjective Evidence is useless if you're trying to convince someone of something. Unless they trust you of course. And I wasn't arguing against words in general I was simply stating that claims per say are just claims unless backed by something."
That's reasonable. I agree
"Well while that's true, it's also true that we do not know The Flying Spaghetti Monster did not create the world, we just think it. We also just think that there probably aren't any birds that evolved to the point where they can survive in space and then fled the Earth. In other words, it's impossible to know things for a fact but you can make a pretty damn good assumption when things are just obvious through simple reasoning. (I actually made up the birds breathing in space part as I went along, that's pretty good right? I might write a paragraph or two about that on my blog some time.)"
All I'm saying is that just because my simple reasoning leads me to a different view on God than yours does, it doesn't make my reasoning inferior, just different.
"Well first of all, I'm being pretty honest when I say I think that all these explanations people come up with to explain the unknown involving the supernatural or fairy tales, is pure BS and I don't take their word for it."
There's a difference between not taking someone's word for something and dismissing their belief system as "BS". Most people with religious beliefs are sincere, convinced, and not "bullshitting" anyone. By all means, don't believe in it if you aren't convinced, but it's the dissmissive attitude of "BS" that I have issues with. You don't call all the "words" which prove the moon landing "BS" and yet ultimately, you take it on faith that it happened. (How can you possibly "prove" the moon landing for yourself? It is possible, highly unlikely but possible, that it was all a conspiracy. So, have you proved it for yourself or do you take it on faith?)
"By "Nothing" I'm assuming you're saying "Nothing supernatural" or "Nothing religious", which if that's the case then it really is an honest statement my friend. And I actually wasn't even expecting you to even reply to my post, as far as being prepared goes, but prepared to be berated? Well at the most I was expecting a continuation of the little argument going on, but it's rare I get someone replying to my arguments by stating how they believe I'm going to burn or perhaps freeze depending on the belief, for eternity. In fact I wasn't even convinced you were Christian considering I didn't see you state it. Which, correct me if I'm wrong, I think you're a Deist."
I am a Christian but I am also questioning and refining those beliefs. I've come to realize that the Christian faith is much removed from what it was when Jesus died. I sincerely hope you don't feel that I've been berating you. My intention was merely to point out an attitude dichotomy between people who claim to be scientific in their thinking and then limit their thinking based on beliefs rather than knowledge.
The question is this: given that God is infinite and that the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted tea-cake? Talkie the Toaster (Red Dwarf)
comparing the moon landing to religion is absurd. the amount of evidence and proof is incomparable between the two. the moon landing actually has evidence. the whole god thing? not so much (read: at all).
and it's more than "words". it's video, it's pictures, it's math, it's numerous sources. all the bible has at most is a third-hand source and a bunch of lemmings all too eager to jump off the cliff.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823
?I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.? - Hunter S. Thompson
they're sincerely wrong and they're bs-ing themselves.
just because they put emotional meaning behind their belief doesn't make it any less wrong. in fact, all that does is make it harder to get them to realize the truth because they're so attached to their security blanket that they throw a temper tantrum.
a nation of adult infants.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823
?I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.? - Hunter S. Thompson
All I'm saying is that just because my simple reasoning leads me to a different view on God than yours does, it doesn't make my reasoning inferior, just different.
Well unless you had some sort of crazy convincing personal experience, or whatever you feel like calling it, I just wouldn't by far see the Subjective Evidence the bible or other sources provide you with reliable enough to trust without anything you can really observe or rationally fit into what we see around us. I wouldn't really go as far as to say the reasoning would be 'inferior' but perhaps misguided if the above statement fits you. (Where you're just taking their word for it purely)
There's a difference between not taking someone's word for something and dismissing their belief system as "BS". Most people with religious beliefs are sincere, convinced, and not "bullshitting" anyone. By all means, don't believe in it if you aren't convinced, but it's the dissmissive attitude of "BS" that I have issues with. You don't call all the "words" which prove the moon landing "BS" and yet ultimately, you take it on faith that it happened. (How can you possibly "prove" the moon landing for yourself? It is possible, highly unlikely but possible, that it was all a conspiracy. So, have you proved it for yourself or do you take it on faith?)
I don't see the difference there, if you're not taking someone's word for something last I look that's basically calling BS. And they might not be intentionally lying to me, but I don't think what they're saying is the truth, and no matter how much they think it's the truth it doesn't make it anymore true. I don't need to have faith that the moon landing happened, there's evidence or proof you could say that it did. And you're right, there's a small microscopic chance that it could be a conspiracy, but there's more evidence going for the conclusion that it actually happened than against. And, dropping into your situation, there's actually more evidence going against the existence of the Christian God than for, for example, Jesus's basic biography is shared between several messiahs before his time. (Implying that Jesus's story was possibly copied from another God's) The main point being though is that the moon landing actually has sufficient believable proof, where as the bible does not.
"I don't see the difference there, if you're not taking someone's word for something last I look that's basically calling BS."
Not to a mature individual. You can disagree and even not believe without calling it "BS".
Pronunciation: \ˈbu̇l-ˌs**t also ˈbəl-\
Function: noun
Date: 1914
usually vulgar : nonsense ; especially : foolish insolent talk
As you can see from the definition, "BS" is a specifically demeaning word. By using it you go beyond disagreement to a belittlement of the person. That is the primary issue I have with atheists, a great many of them project the attitude that their disbelief is somehow superior to a person's belief. In reality, they are about the same. You don't believe because that's how you interpret the evidence or lack thereof, I DO believe because that' how I interpret the evidence I've had in my life. My belief may be incomprehensible to you, but it doesn't mean that it is senseless or stupid. I find it incomprehensible that people eat mushrooms, but I don't think any less of them for doing so.
"And they might not be intentionally lying to me, but I don't think what they're saying is the truth, and no matter how much they think it's the truth it doesn't make it anymore true."
That is a valid stance. If you don't believe, you don't believe. That's the way the world is. Some people think we're in a period of Global Warming, some don't. Both sides have pretty much the same evidence. Some people think Obama will be a good President, some don't. Both sides have pretty much the same evidence. Neither side is smarter or more logical than the other, they're simply different.
Does what I'm saying make any sense? I'm not trying to convert anyone and I'm not trying to belittle anyone, I'm just saying that an attitude of superiority because of your belief or disbelief in a deity isn't warranted by anyone.
The question is this: given that God is infinite and that the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted tea-cake? Talkie the Toaster (Red Dwarf)
Not to a mature individual. You can disagree and even not believe without calling it "BS".
Pronunciation: \ˈbu̇l-ˌsh** also ˈbəl-\
Function: noun
Date: 1914
usually vulgar : nonsense ; especially : foolish insolent talk
As you can see from the definition, "BS" is a specifically demeaning word. By using it you go beyond disagreement to a belittlement of the person. That is the primary issue I have with atheists, a great many of them project the attitude that their disbelief is somehow superior to a person's belief. In reality, they are about the same. You don't believe because that's how you interpret the evidence or lack thereof, I DO believe because that' how I interpret the evidence I've had in my life. My belief may be incomprehensible to you, but it doesn't mean that it is senseless or stupid. I find it incomprehensible that people eat mushrooms, but I don't think any less of them for doing so.
That's great but I find it senseless and stupid myself. And don't take it the wrong way, as at least I'm being honest. I call their beliefs BS, which fits the definition listed above.
they're sincerely wrong and they're bs-ing themselves.
just because they put emotional meaning behind their belief doesn't make it any less wrong. in fact, all that does is make it harder to get them to realize the truth because they're so attached to their security blanket that they throw a temper tantrum.
a nation of adult infants.
Now you're just being belligerent and insulting. This is un-called for.
Not to a mature individual. You can disagree and even not believe without calling it "BS".
Pronunciation: \ˈbu̇l-ˌsh** also ˈbəl-\
Function: noun
Date: 1914
usually vulgar : nonsense ; especially : foolish insolent talk
As you can see from the definition, "BS" is a specifically demeaning word. By using it you go beyond disagreement to a belittlement of the person. That is the primary issue I have with atheists, a great many of them project the attitude that their disbelief is somehow superior to a person's belief. In reality, they are about the same. You don't believe because that's how you interpret the evidence or lack thereof, I DO believe because that' how I interpret the evidence I've had in my life. My belief may be incomprehensible to you, but it doesn't mean that it is senseless or stupid. I find it incomprehensible that people eat mushrooms, but I don't think any less of them for doing so.
That's great but I find it senseless and stupid myself. And don't take it the wrong way, as at least I'm being honest. I call their beliefs BS, which fits the definition listed above.
zorp, can't you just politely disagree with someone else's views? Without sounding like a kid?
Not to a mature individual. You can disagree and even not believe without calling it "BS".
Pronunciation: \ˈbu̇l-ˌsh** also ˈbəl-\
Function: noun
Date: 1914
usually vulgar : nonsense ; especially : foolish insolent talk
As you can see from the definition, "BS" is a specifically demeaning word. By using it you go beyond disagreement to a belittlement of the person. That is the primary issue I have with atheists, a great many of them project the attitude that their disbelief is somehow superior to a person's belief. In reality, they are about the same. You don't believe because that's how you interpret the evidence or lack thereof, I DO believe because that' how I interpret the evidence I've had in my life. My belief may be incomprehensible to you, but it doesn't mean that it is senseless or stupid. I find it incomprehensible that people eat mushrooms, but I don't think any less of them for doing so.
That's great but I find it senseless and stupid myself. And don't take it the wrong way, as at least I'm being honest. I call their beliefs BS, which fits the definition listed above.
zorp, can't you just politely disagree with someone else's views? Without sounding like a kid?
No sir.
Well, Slowmutant, now I know why the age of adolescence for males goes until 28. Zorp, Ska, I'll check back with you in a few years and see if either of you have grown up any. This is NOT, by the way, a judgement on your religious beliefs. It's a judgement on your infantile need to demean people who disagree with you.
The question is this: given that God is infinite and that the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted tea-cake? Talkie the Toaster (Red Dwarf)
When was I demeaning you specifically? All I was demeaning there was superstitious belief, you can find people out there over four times my age that share my opinion. But honestly, I don't see how calling something BS is demeaning. As you posted the definition yourself you can see it's a synonym for nonsense. Reading the general stories you believe about your god I wouldn't say it to be demeaning for me to call it nonsense.
Zorp, justify it how you want, you are clearly trying to demean religious beliefs. Since you don't believe then it's all "nonsense". Well, I don't believe mushrooms belong in the food definition, much less on anyone's plate, but I don't think people who eat them are stupid, nonsensical or full of BS. But then, I've matured to the point where I realize that people can and do believe some pretty fantastical stuff without believing they are stupid for believing them. Perhaps one day you will learn how to disagree as an adult, without trying to drag in dismissive language. Until then you really have nothing to contribute as far as I can see.
The question is this: given that God is infinite and that the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted tea-cake? Talkie the Toaster (Red Dwarf)