every single historical person, that cannot be proven, are likely to be amalgams of values and symbols.
ZEGH8578, try this for size.
1: A wandering Jewish teacher, of whom there were many around in Palestine at the time. (Who may well have been called Jesus, because it was a very common name at the time.)
2: A political rebel, of whom there were also many around at the time, and a lot of whom ended up crucified. (And who may well have been called Jesus, either because it was a common name or because he'd actually taken the name in honor of its original bearer - see point 4.)
3: The mythical heroes of the pagan Mystery schools, notably Orpheus and Dionysus, who offered their followers spiritual rebirth. (OK, there's a strand of thought, euhemerism, which believes that all 'gods' were once historical people - Dionysus, for instance, being the guy who introduced the cultivation of grapes and winemaking to Greece - but it's generally agreed that if they did live, it was so far back in the mists of time that they might as well be totally mythical.)
4: The possibly historical, but by this time clearly quasi-legendary, Jewish hero, Joshua ( = Jesus) the son of Nun, who was a symbolic focus of national fervor in much the way St. George has been at time for the English, or Joan of Arc for the French.
All of those strands, and possibly more, could, I think, have gone together to create the Jesus of the Gospels (remembering, of course, that there were once many more Gospels than are now accepted, and that in early times nobody knew or agreed which were the 'right' ones).
I'm not an atheist, BTW. And I'm not denying that the figure of Jesus can have real spiritual power for some people. As can many other figures who are freely acknowledged never to have lived in the historical sense. Is that really such a problem?
its not a problem, its a jesus-discussion on an autism-forum.
my opinion is that: jesus, the person we refer to today, is symbolic.
thats my argument.
its not a problem. im fine. im eating pizza, being happy.