naturalplastic wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
Jakki wrote:
When finally Corporations finallly figured gas supplies were not going to last forever. And needed to preserve them for things they need . Someone decided to put gas more out of the reach of
commoners. And it had to be done in a manner that humans would agree to So a War was necessary.
Are you suggesting that Russia invaded Ukraine because American corporations wanted gas prices to go up?
Its about Ukraine and its agricultural bounty being cutoff.
Putin is a stooge of the Wonder Bread company, and Pepridge Farm. He invaded Ukraine just to jack up the price of grain, and wheat products in the world.

Am merely speculating here but When the countries have their big meetings in a particular Country
And make decisions about how the world should play out . Possibly Trilateralist commission or World Monetary fund , or whatever that meeting that people protest each year . These things and public persons attending are beyond the reach of the populace of the Earth . Are making policy concerning all the countries of the world , whereas these same persons should be public about their actions and
would think , that they need to be held accountable for these decisions that affect the entire ecosystem of the planet we share . There are people in positions of money and power that hold opinions that are contrary to the existence of you and me. Quiet eugenics programs of disabled and older people . The money and mefical advancements are currently outhere but people in medical need are constantly getting denied care they need to live. If no one has noticed this planet has got to the point of being beyond War. But yet we have adequate technologies medically and physically that could help the planet and and individuals survive a much healthier existence . We are told that there is not enough bits of this planets that can support populations of people . But places i have lived . Have been to huge areas of useable good healthy land that is off limits to people . And in the US policies are making these places more off
limits with various untenable excuses , prohibiting people from even visiting these areas now .
With the possible idea of herding people into smaller areas, so population control might be easier?
Building upwards in big cities instead of outward . So stress level on people might be less.???
There is obviously something very wrong , when world countries plow there economies into Warfare making equipment . Rather than putting it into helping destitute people even in wealthy countries or
into programs and policies that might preserve the planet in some small way . The Military Industrial complex has conquered the world. And are all about making their Corporations thrive . As they play at wargames . Possibly with the hidden intention of causing their own version of population control ?
Which get decided at places like the Trilateralist comission ?
But i am ranting and just sounding like a conspirascy theorist . So as you age and watch this stuff continue maybe you too will wonder on things
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are