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18 Feb 2017, 4:01 pm

Our Dear Leader :P will be speaking very shortly at a massive rally in Melbourne, Florida :cheers:

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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18 Feb 2017, 4:14 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
So.....what do you think should replace all that you write?

You're only making charges, not offering solutions.

It's kinda like that scene from the matrix "there is no spoon"... "Rich" and "poor" are entirely fiction. They are created by this atrocious game of violence where all things on earth (and apparently in the heavens) are up for grabs; humans can "Own" and "Rule" and "Control" all of it, each other too... It's all fiction, perpetuated and sustained solely with violence, man.
That's the only way,
"violence isn't the answer"
yeah, unless it's to preserve our atrocious, fictitious game.
Hoarding and claiming "exclusivity" and "ownership" over "resources" is a crime against nature, much less "humanity". Is what it is...
And these "working people" as you say are THE SAME ONES PERPETUATING THE GAME.
Spending the best hours of the few they get on earth devoting their entire efforts to keeping it alive while the whole world and so many species, including our very own dies, BECAUSE OF IT.

Perhaps if those same "working people" devoted half of the same effort to keeping biodiversity alive in our ecosystem (like humans were "intended" to begin with) and did good for the living planet that sustains them rather than always destruction, robbery, extortion and violence, perhaps they'd survive and at the same time, solve all their problems, while the "rich" and "powerful" become eternally obsolete... Who knows, maybe enough suffering will wake humans up one day

nurseangela wrote:
devilSpawn wrote:
nurseangela wrote:

"Church won't lose any catholics because of him."

You just met one. Of course, the main reason I left was the pedophilia.

No they haven't, you're still Roman. Bowing to the alter of Roman government. Praising and deifying the men who claim "divine right to rule" and still carrying on the Roman traditions, too.

And that's not even addressing the "religious" myths you still subscribe to. Is what it is.

Talk to me when you make some sense. I no longer belong to the Catholic Church. Subject closed.

Now back to the subject the thread is really about - Our Wonderful President - President Donald Trump! :mrgreen:

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


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18 Feb 2017, 4:39 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Tollorin wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
The major news about Trump now is that the stock markets keep hitting record highs the last four days.

-Promises of deregulation
-Promises of personal and business tax cuts
-Promise of repeal of Dodd-Frank

People are making phenomenal money thanks to Trump.

Another proof that the stock market is full of greedy idiot who love to drain money through irrational and unchecked speculation. And wasn't Trump supposed "to drain the swamp" by the way? Guess conservatives like Wall Street after all; they certainly like it better than those who know what they talking about, like university teachers and scientists.

Not to mention, isn't Dodd-Frank supposed to protect people from the financier leaches from taking their money with impunity? How is getting rid of that a good thing, save for the said financier leaches?

That's like saying ....

- Aren't the EPA safe water regulations suppose to protect Flint drinking water?
- Aren't FDA regulations suppose to protect us from one of these many, many litigated drugs we see on tv?
- Won't gun control regulations protect us from gun massacres?

Government regulations are an illusion of safety.

So there's no point in trying?
The bullsh*t in Flint happened because the Republican governor had allowed dirty river water to replace the safe stuff, and was able to get away with it because Flint is a largely poor, black city.

Life will go on just fine without DC bureaucrats deciding how people should live their lives.

We don't need Dodd-Frank or Glass-Steagall.

Government regulations are wrong for so many reasons. Perhaps the most dangerous is that the regulations warp people's minds. They make people think that government is "daddy protector", and "daddy" will keep us safe. So, they turn to "daddy" and demand accountability, or ask for bailouts.

Then who the f*ck is going to protect us from Wall Street, and private business, which has done little to help the little guy? I have absolutely zero trust in free market capitalism, because they've run down and divided ordinary people in this country for their personal gain.

Hedge your investments, or buy private insurance.

Regulators are a smoke-screen.

Look what happened last time, the heavily regulated financial industry got bailed out, precisely because they are regulated. So, regulations didn't save anyone.

There shouldn't have been a collapse in the first place; and that happened because of greed on the part of the so called financial industry, rather than regulations.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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18 Feb 2017, 4:54 pm

devilSpawn wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
devilSpawn wrote:
hi, i'm devilSpawn(imbued with demonic superpowers)
Let me start off by saying, yes, I am diagnosed "requiring substantial support" "without intellectual (duh) or language (questionable) impairment" after many years of misdiagnosis and possible childhood diagnosis kept secret by my mother(puke) from when I was 7-8 years old. I have not had sheltered existence, especially "growing up" in "bible belt(puke)" region of the US(puke).
I am miraculous survivor as 31-year-old blacksheep in wolves' forest. Or more like scapegoat scolded, beaten and banished to the pride's domain (lol).

As I'm sure any who resonate with the little I've said so far also resonate with being "banned" from many expressive outlets (online forum, social media, public view, society, etc, etc), can I assume this site has a policy of protecting autistic "free speech" by not banning autistics from having this outlet?

I get that impression from some of the content of this thread so I will assume such as I get on to responding to your comment...

Kraichgauer wrote:
Nobody's ever been lynched for being a "white dude." No one's ever lost out on a job or housing because of it. If you don't like the pejorative use of "white dude," tell the person who said it that you feel wronged. Seriously though, white men will never be a second class of citizens.

Seriously though, white men will never be a second class of citizens.

You must be an old guy who got older programming than kids get today... racism is old world issue, this is the new millennium, it's all about money regardless of skin color.
They keep racism in the spotlight so the sheltered are distracted from what's really going on in the real world; the s**t the unsheltered are experiencing in the real, un-distracted world.

Perhaps you've seen it, perhaps you take common "sheltered" side of it too... war happening right in front of you between rich and poor. Ha. You don't see it, you got different problems distracting you in your shelter. Wait til you are sheltered no more or worse, then you will see what I'm talking about right now.

"White dudes" (high number of autistics), like me, being killed and brutalized every day by police, not just that, by intentional mistreatment and other s**t, too.
Because our disconnects and alienation and "sh***y draw" for "families born into" and our significantly low social and communication vineland scores and being left to somehow survive on our own without any support much less "substantial" and such often make us the manure seating the totem pole of economic class; the scum of society deserving of abuses and cruelties, simply for having the audacity to exist in society's exalted presence (puke); everyday may be the day our time is up and society would generally support it, seems to be the case in the real world from what I've somehow survived and seen.
Skin color doesn't matter, man.
No residence no rights is the going thing now.
It's all about how you dress and carry yourself. You "act" and "present" yourself as someone with money, you are perceived as important and treated with respect. If you act like you have trouble on your own (especially if caught on your own) and "present" yourself with the same clothes everyday, unkempt face and head hair, etc. you are immediately targeted for vicious treatment. Ha. Don't believe it? Follow me around portland (or spokane for that matter) for a week with a hidden camera and we'll go back and mark the footage for all the evidence I experience regularly.
Classism. That's what it's all about today, dude. Racism is just distraction from present reality, an issue of novelty for those who miss the way things used to be...

You don't have your assigned box on cataloged grid, your own private cell in cellblock of your somewhat choosing they do bad things to you and sometimes the people who have their "own" cells do cruel things too. It's "acceptable" and "justified" because "majority rules". Wow.

So where does morality have any place in "society", again?

Nobody's ever been lynched for being a "white dude."

If we look at modern social equivalent to "lynching era" events and parameters revolving around that, especially considering "slave patrol" doing much of the lynching... You are absolutely wrong. Refer to my previous too lengthy response covering "white dudes" being killed for being poor as much as any other poor being killed for being poor. Is what it is.

No one's ever lost out on a job or housing because of it.

I'm convinced that nearly any conversation that can loosely associated with "race" as a subject probably launches an emotional thought train for you, as it does for many many, nonsensically, as far as I can tell. However, surely you don't mean no one has ever lost out on a job or housing simply for being white... :wink:

Yes, white men have been killed - even lynched - but never because of the color of their skin.
And while race shouldn't matter, it clearly does. Most people who are not white dudes rarely get to be anything but second class citizens, and that is a historic fact.
And yes, I am well aware of the war between the rich and poor, as my dad was a member of the United Steelworkers of America, and my grandfather was a member of the legendary Industrial Workers Of the World. Working people have been vilified for organizing in order to get better wages and benefits. I know how businesses squeeze as much work out of working people, and pay them as little as possible, then damn said working people when they have to seek public assistance to eat, or see a doctor, or to just have a roof over their heads. And guess what: those working people are of all colors, not just white.
As I am fifty years old, maybe I am an old guy in your eyes. But I hardly doubt I'm brainwashed for understanding that racism is a terrible social disease that afflicts our country. Denying it, or placing the blame on non-whites, isn't going to make it any better.
And "slave patrol?" What's that supposed to be?

Yes, white men have been killed - even lynched - but never because of the color of their skin.
And while race shouldn't matter, it clearly does. Most people who are not white dudes rarely get to be anything but second class citizens, and that is a historic fact.

I think what you're really trying to say, and obviously I can agree with, is that most of the ~100k most powerful and privileged humans in existence are "white dudes" (same "white dudes" who think the human population should be decreased by 99% and who control the worlds' governments)... But what you are ignoring is that the rest of us are scraps... all these "isms" are propaganda to keep peasants divided and distracted while they (primarily "white dudes") stock up on everything they need to kill all our asses. Is what it is.

And yes, I am well aware of the war between the rich and poor, as my dad was a member of the United Steelworkers of America, and my grandfather was a member of the legendary Industrial Workers Of the World. Working people have been vilified for organizing in order to get better wages and benefits. I know how businesses squeeze as much work out of working people, and pay them as little as possible, then damn said working people when they have to seek public assistance to eat, or see a doctor, or to just have a roof over their heads. And guess what: those working people are of all colors, not just white.

Again, you are negating the reality of the situation entirely. It's kinda like that scene from the matrix "there is no spoon"... "Rich" and "poor" are entirely fiction. They are created by this atrocious game of violence where all things on earth (and apparently in the heavens) are up for grabs; humans can "Own" and "Rule" and "Control" all of it, each other too... It's all fiction, perpetuated and sustained solely with violence, man. That's the only way, "violence isn't the answer" yeah, unless it's to preserve our atrocious, fictitious game. Hoarding and claiming "exclusivity" and "ownership" over "resources" is a crime against nature, much less "humanity". Is what it is... And these "working people" as you say are THE SAME ONES PERPETUATING THE GAME. Spending the best hours of the few they get on earth devoting their entire efforts to keeping it alive while the whole world and so many species, including our very own dies, BECAUSE OF IT. Is. What. It. Is.

Perhaps if those same working people devoted half of the same effort to keeping biodiversity alive in our ecosystem (like humans were "intended" to begin with) and did good for the living planet that sustains them rather than always destruction, robbery, extortion and violence, perhaps they'd survive and at the same time, solve all their problems, while the "rich" and "powerful" become eternally obsolete... Who knows, maybe enough suffering will wake humans up one day

As I am fifty years old, maybe I am an old guy in your eyes. But I hardly doubt I'm brainwashed for understanding that racism is a terrible social disease that afflicts our country. Denying it, or placing the blame on non-whites, isn't going to make it any better.

Thank eddy bernays for his excellent work in propaganda throughout the 20th century for the existence of racism as anything but a laughing matter today. Keep these sheep divided against each other and the united wolves have buffet. Racial differences are taboo, no no, unless you're a comedian... get it?
Ha. Is what it is.
And "slave patrol?" What's that supposed to be? ... tes-part-1

Go ahead and read the other parts too... this document seems to have changed a little over the past few years, not just in layout and presentation with the site, but seems like "new edition" too (lol). I keep looking for the old version I downloaded once before but can't find it. :/

The problem is not with races... The problem is with other things. "Spiritual sickness" infecting everyone.
Before "white dudes" were conquered and converted (during what we call "dark ages") by Romans to the atrocious way of being that they brought to turtle island, they were very different. Only the compliant and subservient were allowed to continue breeding, fighters who could be converted to fight for the Romans were preserved too, everyone else tortured and murdered, languages extinguished, whole works. This is real history of the world, "recent" history even in the scope of the intention of humans to take over the place (which has been ongoing since long before the "Romans" showed up in the equation). Is what it is.

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I think Kraftiekortie answered with the best response.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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18 Feb 2017, 5:37 pm

President Trump has arrived!! !! !! !! !! ! Woo Hoo!! !! !! !! !! :mrgreen:

Me grumpy?
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18 Feb 2017, 5:46 pm

Melania is there too! I love you President Trump!! !! !! !! !! She is praying the Lords Prayer! (I'm crying) They are so wonderful!! !! !! !!

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I'm happiness challenged.

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18 Feb 2017, 6:18 pm

OMG! He's going over the Immigration Ban decision and explaining how the ruling is wrong! I love this President! These are great times! Then he tossed the ruling in the air! HE IS NOT GOING TO GIVE UP! I love you President Trump! Keep the US safe!

Me grumpy?
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18 Feb 2017, 6:39 pm

Trump should have rallies regularly


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18 Feb 2017, 6:42 pm

President Trump and the First Lady step off Air Force One in Florida.

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18 Feb 2017, 7:04 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Trump should have rallies regularly

I recall a certain political leader who'd regularly hold rallies full of screaming, adoring supporters. Now what was his name? His title translated into the Leader...

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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18 Feb 2017, 7:07 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Trump should have rallies regularly

I recall a certain political leader who'd regularly hold rallies full of screaming, adoring supporters. Now what was his name? His title translated into the Leader...

Barack Obama?


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18 Feb 2017, 7:11 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Trump should have rallies regularly

I recall a certain political leader who'd regularly hold rallies full of screaming, adoring supporters. Now what was his name? His title translated into the Leader...

Barack Obama?

Obama, if memory serves, was sometimes referred to as the Messiah ...
though I can see how forgetting such a thing is quite understandable.


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18 Feb 2017, 7:28 pm

the_phoenix wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Trump should have rallies regularly

I recall a certain political leader who'd regularly hold rallies full of screaming, adoring supporters. Now what was his name? His title translated into the Leader...

Barack Obama?

Obama, if memory serves, was sometimes referred to as the Messiah ...
though I can see how forgetting such a thing is quite understandable.

I thought he was talking about Obama too. Obama had so many, I heard the teleprompter blew out a couple times.

Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.

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18 Feb 2017, 7:32 pm

No, just think whiter, and having lived in the earlier half of the 20th century. That, and he was actually born outside the country he was leader of. That place of birth being Austria.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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18 Feb 2017, 7:37 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
No, just think whiter, and having lived in the earlier half of the 20th century. That, and he was actually born outside the country he was leader of. That place of birth being Austria.

Crocodile Dundee?

Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.

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18 Feb 2017, 7:41 pm

nurseangela wrote:
the_phoenix wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Trump should have rallies regularly

I recall a certain political leader who'd regularly hold rallies full of screaming, adoring supporters. Now what was his name? His title translated into the Leader...

Barack Obama?

Obama, if memory serves, was sometimes referred to as the Messiah ...
though I can see how forgetting such a thing is quite understandable.

I thought he was talking about Obama too. Obama had so many, I heard the teleprompter blew out a couple times.

Amazing to think how much of Obama's presidency was basically lip-syncing (aka, faking it) ...
... but that's "old (fake) news" now, isn't it? :D