ruveyn wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
By the way, your use of "Jew" (a noun) as an adjective reveals that you are a fulminating anti-semite. That is how we spot your kind. The adjective is "Jewish" not "Jew:.
You mean kinda like how I spotted you're a Jewish supremacist by your constant ranting about the superiority of Jews and how the "goys" mess things up?
I might be a goy, but I do know enough Yiddish to know "non-Jew" and realize that the implications are just as prejudiced as what you pointed out in the use of the noun "Jew".
The Hebrew word "goy" (plural goyim) means nation (nations) and has exactly the same meaning as the Latin based word "gentile" (pl. gentiles).
In addition to being a fulminating anti-semite you are also ignorant of languages.
It's synonymous with gentile and, in the context you used it previously, you meant it as gentile.
also: ... ref&ch=dic
First definition. The one you're trying to weasel your way out with is the archaic version of the word. The version you CLEARLY did not mean when you said that the goys in Washington were messing things up.
Edit: Also, refrain from calling me an anti-semite. It'll make it easier for me to not call you victim-boy.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823
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