I don't recall reading that. I'd actually find it interesting to know exactly what you do think about these issues. So, where would you take this country with regard to immigration?
Being a Marxist I don't see it as a problem to be solved, just a feature of global capitalism.
I wrote this in the
Do you consider Islam a threat? discussion:
"That said I think multiculturalism is the most virulently racist ideology yet to raise it's ugly head. I say this because multiculturalism exists only as the white liberal obverse of a global capitalist economy which annihilates or assimilates every society and culture in it's path. The very reason human beings (I deliberately use this term, for they are) from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East migrate to the first world is because of the sheer devestation sociologically, economically, ecologically which the global economy wreaks upon the thrid world. The only way to maintain both this economy and political stability in the west is through multiculturalism. Maybe there is a point where we just have to say on the level of identification there is an irreducible alien-ness to each other, our hatred and violence should be directed not at each other but at the thing which throws us together....
You want Arabs to stay in Arabia? Stop arming Saudi kings so you can have cheap oil.
You want Africans to stay in Africa? Stop poisoning their continent. Stop dumping your federally subsidised and substandard crops on their market.
You want Latin Americans to stay in Latin America? Stop destabilising every government that doesn't squeal "Uncle Sam!" every time you walk into the room. Stop your absolutely ineffective, wasteful and bloody handed policies on drugs and do something that works rather than what's good as a quick soundbite.
And Asia. Well Asia is a mess. Course they kicked you out of there many a moon ago."