rmgh wrote:
ascan wrote:
rmgh wrote:
There is only one party worth voting for in Scotland, and they are the Scottish National Party.
Alex Salmond is just a Gordon Brown clone in a kilt. He'll sell your soul to the EU --or rather give it away for free-- whilst opening the flood gates to a sea of third-world immigrants who'll plunder, rape and pillage to the point where your country has all the character of a landfill site in Karachi.
I don't remember hearing about any open border policies. And I think you mean he will vastly improve our wealth from good strong relations with EU.
I'm sorry, but
his main selling point for improving scotlands economy was the north sea oil rig. at the moment, scottish workers extract the oil and collect the money. then all that money goes down to london, where they take a huge cut of it and give us less than 30% back for our own economy. Under his proposistions, he claimed we would have enough money to build up the economy until the oil ran out. thing is, it's running out fast.
Plus, we also receive cuts from all other oil rigs, most doing better than the north sea oil rig.
He preys on peoples patriotism and centuaries old hatred of the english to try and make you see a dreamworld, where scots and only scots help our community. The reality is, we have in our entire country, less than half of the population in london.
Think about it.
I'm a girl people!
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