SoSayWeAll wrote:
Master_Pedant wrote:
Is it just me or is the "I'm a centrist, therefore I am pragmatic/objective/have closer access to reality" mantra rather trite? Moderates have come up with few solutions to this double-dip recession and I don't see the virtue in treating the golden mean as an absolute.
Being outside the argument rather than caught up in the partisan aspects DOES lend one a perspective on the way people are conducting themselves and how those behaviors parallel each other.
As to the recession--being moderate does not mean I would make a claim of expertise on that matter.
The moderates always think they occupy a special position. But it's like most moderates have no depth perception... the two sides are both moving... and one's on each side of you... well if you can't tell how far away they are from you... they do appear to be going parallel. What you view as parallels between their arguments aren't really. The only opinion that can hold a special position towards perception is one that doesn't rely on any assumptions.
If you argue the existence of god... the only position higher than all others is the one in which god doesn't play any role... Literally doesn't matter.
I try to move more each day toward being in that position, and i'll never quite get there, but I will get closer.