artrat wrote:
I want there to be a world revolution and destroy capitalism and other oppressive forms of government.
I want international, democratic socialism. I want the stock market to crash and to not be so dependent of technology.
Drugs should be legal since the drug addicts get them anyway. It would save room in prison.
Are you a primitivist? I know an anarcho-primitivist. It's harmless enough as an ideology if you just want to make like the Amish and form your own commune, but as plan for any large number of people to follow, it sucks.
Technology is the only reason we can keep the world population so high. A primitivist ideology is one that necessitates extremely high rates of starvation and death for a time. People won't voluntarily keep the population down in some cultures (some are obsessed with churning out more humans) - so in order to achieve the needed
huge population drop without everyone starving to death you would need to hold off on the 'back to nature' policies whilst meanwhile doing one or more of the following:
1. forced sterilisation
2. one-child policy (this takes too long)
3. genocide of fast-breeding populations
Or you could just let people starve to death on an unprecedented scale. I mean, it's okay as personal philosophy, but I wonder how many primitivists have thought through what the widespread implications would be. If they have, and they're still primitivists, then they must be
really misanthropic.
I love tech btw, and I don't understand why someone would want to do with less of it.
Also, I noticed that you think there would still be prison in a post-revolutionary society. That's interesting.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.