scubasteve wrote:
I'm a small-government left-libertarian registered democrat who supports ending the war on drugs and providing amnesty to otherwise law-abing illegal immigrants, and opposes government-sponsored health care, exorbitant taxes on cigarettes and unhealthy foods, and absolutely any attempt to legislate lifestyle. And as usual, I find myself with no good option to vote for.
That is not a decent choice to which an honest decent person can subscribe with a whole heart. You are doomed to either skipping on elections or voting for the lesser of evils (according to you reckoning of evil).
Someone once said that a decent person should not see laws and sausages being created.
This is precisely the type of Republican hypocricy that drives me to vote Democrat. They claim to be for smaller government and personal liberty and responsibility, then they turn around and legislate their own sense of morality onto everyone else. I believe people should be free to live their own lives however they please and it's none of the government's business. If you can't accept lifestyles other than your own as honest or decent, I don't want you making laws.