Honestly, I'm NOT racist. But I seem to have a worse & worse experience with every black person I meet in Hamilton County, OH, USA. So do the other Aspie men I met here back in 2002. I get extremely offended when they call me a motherf***er or a b****. I didn't never have sex wit my mom, and I am a MALE HUMAN BEING! & don't try to tell me it does not mean that. It DOES. I take everything to its most literal extreme. So do many (if not most) Aspies. But it seems that motherf***er & b**** are their universal words for EVERYONE, EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, all the time. Very offensive to Aspies. I wish there were more who cared and did not talk that s***. President Obama knows better, and so do most of the African-American politicians. I'd love to have a better experience with the African-American race. I just never count on having a better experience with them here. Because I get so mad at the way they mistreat me, I thought about joining the Imperial Klans of America. But, they are basically "the KKK", a white supremacy organization who hates ALL the non-Caucasian people in the WORLD. C'mon, man! I'm NOT that hateful! I get along with all races except African-American, that is, NT members of the African-American race who live in Hamilton County, OH, USA or frequent here.
In recent years, I've been trying to convince myself, these individuals in Hamilton County never give anyone a clear idea of who African-Americans really are. The "gangsta" culture is evident in the language & behavior of many, many African-American individuals in Hamilton County, OH. I'm most often seeing them on the buses, on the streets, at the Main Library in Downtown Cincinnati. I am the only Aspie who does not drive. ALL the other Aspies in this town drive. I also have sensory processing disorder so with my visual processing deficit my psychologist really doesn't want me driving. But I drove before & I was fine until I was too tired to drive most of the time. I think I should try to drive again. Even when I take a 2-hour bus ride out to the suburbs, I still hear them talking that s***. It's NOT cool when they call each other n***az. They're so quick with the name-calling. Because of that I'm armed with tear gas so that when I call them something offensive in return and they try to kill me, I can save myself. Now don't get me wrong - I'm NOT referring to the entire race everywhere. I'm ONLY referring to the black NTs that piss me off here in Hamilton County, OH, USA, NOWHERE ELSE. When I ignore them, they persist. They even reach out & touch me. I can't stand that! I often risk being thrown out of my public library because my "go away" gesture is often taken as me taking a swing when really I make the gesture with an open hand, NOT a fist.
I wish black NTs would change the way they treat Aspies. More & more black ppl are finding out they themselves have AS or another autism spectrum disorder. But in this county, black people KILL each other (and anyone else they're mad at) 365 nights a year. So, I expect there to be ZERO black autistic people in Hamilton County, OH, USA. If there are any here, and they're on WP, please know that I am NOT referring to them in a negative context.