Inuyasha wrote:
Socialism doesn't work especially not on a large scale.
There are several countries standing as living proof that this is a fallacy.
Also I prefer having my freedoms to being guarenteed to have stuff.
What freedoms do you believe Americans have that socialist states do not?
For instance, your freedom of speech is a joke, you give special rights to some individuals if they believe a certain way.
And you lock up your citizens for reading from the constitution. Yay for freedom of speech.
Heck the reason why conservatives are against hate speech laws is how it is abused in Europe (including in Sweden).
Because it's better to allow people to incite hatred towards others?
Furthermore, your country may end up eventually like Greece which was also Socialist.
Socialism was not the cause of the Greek economic collapse.
Beauty_pact wrote:
I think if you investigate things a bit further, you may find that Sweden has a surprisingly well-functioning economy. This was the case even before the center-right government came to power in 2006 (a government that would be seen as far left in a country such as the US). In fact, the economy worked far better with the far more socialist Socialdemokraterna, before September 2006, far before having to regard the economical crisis, that has hit Sweden rather mildly, by the way.
ruveyn wrote:
Sweden's greatest export was ABBA. After that the Volvo. So much for socialism.
Americans drink $400m of Swedish beer every year. How's that socialism taste? You also import nearly 25% of your medical supplies from Sweden.
How many Nobel prizes for physics have gone to Swedes? And how much Swedish art hangs in the major museums of the world.
Nobel prizes go to individuals, not states. There is also a slight difference between the populations of Sweden and the US.
Five hundred years of democracy and brotherhood and what have they produced? The Volvo and the SAAB. I will be impressed with Sweden when the Swedes land a Socialist on Mars.
They've produced a functioning, self-contained society which protects the vulnerable, is barely effected by a global financial collapse and some incredibly happy, well-balanced citizens.
If you want a boring welfare state, Sweden is the place to live.
Going to assume you've never been to Sweden based on this jingoistic idiocy.