simon_says wrote:
Investments are relative. It took resources to send the Voyager probes, which are just now leaving our solar system. To an ancient culture that was an unimaginable investment in time, wealth and knowledge. But that was just a tiny drop in the bucket to a 20th century economy. As technology advances it's difficult to predict costs for a given activity.
As for destinations. I think it would be unlikely to be a random visit. Just as NASA is looking for Earth like environments it's not difficult to imagine 02 based life looking for places like Earth. They'd see them from far away without having to visit. Assuming they exist.
Of course they are--but the laws of physics and the fundamentals of organic chemistry are not.
Chucking a giant, sophisticated transistor radio out into the solar system and then seeing where it goes is pretty unsophisticated. But sending a craft, capable of sustaining life, on an interstellar journey is a whole different ball of wax.
Even if we accept the proposition that we can develop the ability to create such a craft and maintain as self-sufficient biosphere within it, we still have to get it across interstellar distances
and back again within a reasonable timeframe. Special relativity tells us what happens as velocity approaches
c, and its consequences are inescapable. There is a technological barrier that is impenitrable, and no amount of wishful thinking and science fiction will make it otherwise.
They don't have to send manned probes. That's hollywood's idea. Doesnt make it the best one. Machines are cheaper and might even be equipped for self-repair on a long journey. They have had plenty of time to see Earth and send them. Many times over. Even going a small % of light speed. I'm not saying they have. But the possibility is very real. They wouldnt even have to bring it back. Just send a message back with data. Like we do.
As for the economy of sending such a probe, well, it's difficult to price in 2012. That's like asking Aristotle to price an IPhone. He's not going to guess it's a week salary for a laborer.