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If guns were made illegal everywhere.
The world would be more safe, because there would be less gun crime. 23%  23%  [ 16 ]
The world would be less safe, because only criminals would have them and the law abiding would have no protection. 39%  39%  [ 28 ]
It would make no difference. 20%  20%  [ 14 ]
I'm really not sure how it would be. 18%  18%  [ 13 ]
Total votes : 71


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31 Jul 2012, 3:11 pm

Most active shooters will pass a deep background check.

says who?

And quite frankly, there is not enough law enforcement resources to do that!

So we do nothing?

All mental health information is strictly confidential anyway unless a subpoena is ordered.

So psycho or not, does not matter, gun to every family?


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31 Jul 2012, 5:46 pm

aSKperger wrote:
Okay, so let’s all stop wearing our seatbelts and disable the airbags since preparation is “BS” and seatbelts and airbags don’t always save the day in an accident.
That’s the same kind of logic.

no wrong analogy. Seatbelts are not equal to guns. Seatbelts/airbags are "equal" to bulletproof vests. And guns on the streets are equal to trucks driven by nondrivers. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of professionals with guns. But there are plenty of morons too. And that's the problem. And you admit it too.

If it has the potential to save a life then, in this regard, they are equal. If I save my life with my handgun against an armed attacker this year and and next year by wearing my seat belt in an accident my life is still saved. Neither guarantee anything if you don't use them correctly, period.
There aren't and never will be enough armed professionals around to attend to every emergency where the use of arms could save they day so I'll carry my own.
Even loosely suggesting the cops can be everywhere and do everything is dangerously naive.

How do you find/identify them? Do they wear signs that say Murderer Trainee, Active Shooter Candidate, Undergraduate Rapist?
Wipe them out how? Sounds like you want to suspend due process based on suspicion alone and have them all exterminated.
Who’s giving them guns?

Nice question. How? Psychology tests, deep background checks, there are many options.

That IS an infringement and not even a definitive measure against what you fear.
And yes, I do value my freedom more than my safety and security and that won't change. Personally, I don't hold a high opinion for anyone who believes otherwise.
No, suspicion is not enough.

I'm surprised......
We do. They demand and we simply sell it to them. If you look closely at civil shooting massacres, at least half of the perpetrators were diagnosed with depression and several disorders BEFORE the attact. And still had legal guns (not all of them). So? Lets arm more?

Guns are not given away unless as a gift. They are merchandise and usually costly. To buy one you have to be a resident, be 18 for long guns and 21 for handguns, fill out a mandatory questionnaire (ATF from 4473) for each one, have an on-the-spot criminal background check (NICS) done at buyer expense, and a waiting period (unless you have a CCW). That and spend some money. Typical example would be a Glock and those are about $485 and up last time I checked so it's not a give-away by any means legally or dollar-wise.
So no, they usually don't come from Santa Claus.

We're going to have guns weather we need them or not because a lot of us like (or love) them, even those sinister black ones.

Well, nothing to disscuss about then. Passion wins against sense.

The only ones not using sense in these gunz-r-bad debates, to use the term loosely, are the people on YOUR side.

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31 Jul 2012, 6:00 pm

Raptor wrote:
The only ones not using sense in these gunz-r-bad debates, to use the term loosely, are the people on YOUR side.

You would say that, because you have an agenda


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31 Jul 2012, 6:35 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
Raptor wrote:
The only ones not using sense in these gunz-r-bad debates, to use the term loosely, are the people on YOUR side.

You would say that, because you have an agenda

As much as I dislike Raptor, I can't see an agenda in his statements other than "I like guns, I have the right to own guns, I do not want my guns to be taken away from me."

Not really much of an agenda.

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31 Jul 2012, 7:23 pm

Studies have shown Guns don't do sh!t.
No positive or negative effect on crime rates.
they are just a wubbie a pacifier for wingnuts.
So that they pay all their feeble attention to the 2nd amendment
whilst never minding the 4th, 5th and 8th are completely eroded

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31 Jul 2012, 8:08 pm

ShamelessGit wrote:
I'm surprised that there are so many gun nuts on aspie affection. Gun nuts are really anti-fact because you can just look at stats and see that countries with lots of guns have more gun crimes. Even if you don't understand why reducing the number of tools used to commit violence reduces violence, you can just look at the empirical evidence.

I point you to Oz. Yes, "gun crimes" lessened when legislation was introduced that created licensing, but other means of crime rose enough to effectively make it the same (murder rate actually has increased since then). Hence, people will find a way.

People seem to like hurting others for some reason. I don't understand them, but hey, that's just me.


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31 Jul 2012, 9:05 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
Raptor wrote:
The only ones not using sense in these gunz-r-bad debates, to use the term loosely, are the people on YOUR side.

You would say that, because you have an agenda

And so do you. You don't like mine because it goes against yours.

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31 Jul 2012, 10:31 pm

JakobVirgil wrote:
Studies have shown Guns don't do sh!t.
No positive or negative effect on crime rates.
they are just a wubbie a pacifier for wingnuts.
So that they pay all their feeble attention to the 2nd amendment
whilst never minding the 4th, 5th and 8th are completely eroded

When the First Amendment goes (and it probably will) it is Game Over for any kind of liberty in this "republic".



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31 Jul 2012, 11:00 pm

ruveyn wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
Studies have shown Guns don't do sh!t.
No positive or negative effect on crime rates.
they are just a wubbie a pacifier for wingnuts.
So that they pay all their feeble attention to the 2nd amendment
whilst never minding the 4th, 5th and 8th are completely eroded

When the First Amendment goes (and it probably will) it is Game Over for any kind of liberty in this "republic".


I meant to add the first in there.
The second unfortunately is moot we can not arm ourselves against a government
that has modern weapons even if only to keep them in line.
At this point the 2nd Amendment is a red herring fro hobbyists.

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01 Aug 2012, 12:09 am

JakobVirgil wrote:
I meant to add the first in there.
The second unfortunately is moot we can not arm ourselves against a government
that has modern weapons even if only to keep them in line.
At this point the 2nd Amendment is a red herring fro hobbyists.

I've had that nag at the back of my mind as well. Even if you gave each and every American a serviceable rifle, wtf are they gonna do against tanks, aircraft, cruise missiles, and professional soldiers and officers?

A possible counter to the "we need guns to protect us from the government!" argument.


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01 Aug 2012, 12:14 am

Shau wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
I meant to add the first in there.
The second unfortunately is moot we can not arm ourselves against a government
that has modern weapons even if only to keep them in line.
At this point the 2nd Amendment is a red herring for hobbyists.

I've had that nag at the back of my mind as well. Even if you gave each and every American a serviceable rifle, wtf are they gonna do against tanks, aircraft, cruise missiles, and professional soldiers and officers?

A possible counter to the "we need guns to protect us from the government!" argument.

I think it is The counter to that argument.

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01 Aug 2012, 4:35 am

Shau wrote:
Even if you gave each and every American a serviceable rifle, wtf are they gonna do against tanks, aircraft, cruise missiles, and professional soldiers and officers?

The same thing that the VietCong, Mujahadeen, and Iraqi Fedayeen do or have done.

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01 Aug 2012, 5:56 am

Dox47 wrote:
The same thing that the VietCong, Mujahadeen, and Iraqi Fedayeen do or have done.

So they'd be guerillas, basically. And what's the next step after that? Take pot shots at the US military forever? Unlike Vietnam and Iraq, the military can't just decide to pack up and go home, when they're fighting for control of home.

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01 Aug 2012, 8:45 am

Raptor wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
Raptor wrote:
The only ones not using sense in these gunz-r-bad debates, to use the term loosely, are the people on YOUR side.

You would say that, because you have an agenda

And so do you. You don't like mine because it goes against yours.

Nah, I live in a country where this isn't an issue. As I will never live in America unless you sort out the problems with your country, gun control doesn't affect me. I just think your ideology is stupid, based on pre-Industrial thought, and based on circular reasoning. I just enjoy pointing that out


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01 Aug 2012, 8:52 am

I'm from the UK, we have strict gun laws, there's not many shootings here, unless you count criminal shooting criminal. Personally, this doesn't bother me, the less criminals on our streets the better, so they can keep shooting each other for all I care.

My view on it is, I don't think guns should be legal at all. Guns were made for one purpose and one purpose only - killing things. As killing is illegal and immoral, why should guns be legal?

I've had this argument with my husband, he says we all have a right to protect ourselves - yes we do, but do you really think if a crazed gunman storms in here, or pulls you out of your car, or drives past shooting at us you're going to have time to pull out your handgun and kill them first? If so, you're a fool.

His second argument was that people won't attack you if they know you might have a gun on you. I don't think the average criminal cares much about whether you shoot him or not, he begins his actions knowing by the end of the day he could be in prison or dead and is perfectly willing to take that risk. And as for the crazed gunmen, they know for SURE they're going to be dead or in custody, and WANT it. If you seriously believe people won't do illegal things or steal, attack or rape because the victim might have a gun on them, you're a fool too.

The american argument of having a gun for protection is false. People don't want guns to protect themselves, they want them for retribution and revenge, so that if somebody kills or injures a loved one, you can blast them from the face of the earth. It's nothing to do with protection.

How many people walk around with knives in their pockets, get into fights and end up being stabbed with their own knives? In our country, a LOT. Imagine if those knives were guns. Imagine how many would die, because for someone with a knife, the damage you can inflict is limited, your aim is better for one, and others have a chance to at least fight you off because you have to get so close to actually stab someone. With a gun, you can go relatively unseen and kill a crowd in seconds.

Bottom line: Carrying a gun not only makes you no more likely to be able to protect yourself than if you were holding up a potato at a gunman, it also puts the carrier in more danger. People want a gun because it makes them feel powerful, it makes them feel cool and boosts their ego. Pretty sad really.


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01 Aug 2012, 8:59 am

Dox47 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
the point that i'm getting at, is that the progun people usually are also the ones against social programs that would nip our violence problem in the bud.

And? That's still a tacit admission that the guns themselves are not the problem, regardless if their owners political choices. There's also the chicken and egg question; do gun owners tend to vote more conservatively because the less conservative party is anti-gun, or were they conservative in the first place? I think you'll find the answer more evenly split than you might imagine, given that guns are a pretty passionate subject for those who are into them.

i'm dimly aware that guns are a symptom of deeper problems. one should attack the fundamental problems and not merely the symptoms. as anybody educated in medicine can tell you, suppressing symptoms more often than not just causes other symptoms to pop up elsewhere. the democrats need to stop kicking this dead horse [gun control] and concentrate their limited and severely depleted energies elsewhere which would be more profitable for them [such as a SCOTUS-proofed campaign finance reform as well as defending health care reform against those who want the poor to just die].