Inuyasha wrote:
Actually many churches are non-profit organizations, the money they take in is to pay for church expenses or going into charitable works.
They operate on a commercial business model, not a non-profit model. Microsoft takes in revenue to pay for expenses and it donates to charity too. There may be a few orders of magnitude difference in the kinds of profits these companies make, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
Furthermore the idea of abortion being immoral is found in Christianity (and arguably always has been) regardless of whether or not people want to acknowledge that fact. In fact the pro-life stance's origins is found in Judaism, and thus when Christianity became a religion that stance was passed onto Christianity.
Read the Bible some day perhaps. Funny story: until the 1970s nobody even considered this an issue. The idea that individuality begins at conception is a recent one, invented in the 20th century by evangelicals that got a bit carried away with themselves in their opposition to the legalization of abortion. The passages they cite to support their position are ambiguous. Meanwhile there are clearly passages that state the opposite.
Ezekiel 37: 5&6- “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I shall lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord.”
“The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
—Genesis 2:7
These sections suggest that the Bible considers life to begin at birth, when the first breath occurs. Furthermore, the Bible states that killing any human is a capital offense, but in Ex 21:22-23 it clarifies that killing a fetus (no matter how late in the pregnancy) is treated as a property offense.
Also Kraichgauer, I'm not entirely sure from a taxpayer standpoint, I do know that people can be exempt of serving in the military (or at least combat roles) due to religion. That said, the forming of a military is actually one of the roles of government as set out in the Constitution.
So is taxation and regulation of commerce. So, I guess that nullifies your argument about tax money being used for causes that you don't agree with on philosophical grounds. If you are going to take the cheap route and appeal to authority for all of your arguments, enjoy reaping what you sow. The government can use your tax dollars for things you don't support because it's in the Constitution. Congratulations.
Abortion on the other hand is a war between two individuals' civil rights; the woman's rights concerning her body, and the child's rights to his/her very life.
No, it is a woman's rights concerning her body. A fetus is no more entitled to rights than any other non-sentient living thing. The only thing that distinguishes it from other animals is the potential for sentience later on, but this isn't a scarce thing that needs to be protected. There are plenty more sperm and eggs where that came from, and all of those have potential.