GE/GMO Industry: Corporate Hijacking of Food and Agriculture
I'm not pulling this out of my ass, Go look at the statistics. Google them, And I've lived in the south so I speak from experience.
First of all, there is no truth at all to the idea that everyone in the South is poor. The notion that anyone could believe that is totally unbelievable. In Southern states, the rates of poverty are higher than Northern states, in general, but claims that everyone is poor is nothing but idiotic.
Second of all, the problem with obesity is from consuming far too many calories, whatever their source. I suspect that most of the problem is not fatty foods, but from sugary foods such as candies, cakes, and drinks. Even too much fruit drinks.
I have a copy of a lecture given by a medical doctor/researcher on pediatric obesity. In the talk, he mentioned one patient of his that was enormously overweight. The presenter told about how he found out that a major part of the kid's problem was orange juice. The mother wouldn't let the kid have soft drinks, but she let the kid drink all the orange juice he wanted every day.
There's also the issue of getting enough exercise.
Xfractor Card #351

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So is "Most people" a acceptable word to use than everybody? compaired to the rest of the nations wealth? This still doesn't change statistics. The South is the poorest region of America. This is a fact. Getting hung up on a word is really silly, anyways since it botherd you so much I'm sorry. please accept my apology,
If you go back and read what I wrote, (minus getting hung up on the word everybody) the reason why the south has the highest concentration of obese people is because of poverty. Healthy food is far too expencive, and yes some might be medical conditions that cause overwieghtness, but most of it is because it is easier to walk on down to the Mcdonalds and buy a dollar hambuger than buy all the ingrediants at the store and make it your self.
Winds of clarity. a universal understanding come and go, I've seen though the Darkness to understand the bounty of Light

Which word was that?
You claimed that everyone in the South is poor. And that is so far from true that it is pathetic.
Many states in the South are relatively poor on average compared to other states, but by no means all. And in every state, there are plenty of wealthy people.
From a more global view, the people in the South at or below the poverty line are actually quite wealthy by world standards. Back in the late 60s, there was some kind of March on Washington for the poor. One observer from another country was quoted as saying something like "I don't see any poor. These people have cars. They have shoes. They aren't poor at all."
So it appears that you now want to claim that most people in the South are poor? Did I understand that correctly? Just how do YOU define "poor"? Earning less than $30,000 per year?
According to the state with the lowest personal income in 2011 with an average income of $32,000. Assuming that median income is not too different, if most people in Mississippi are poor, then I guess you are claiming that you have to make something more than $32,000 a year or you are poor?
Xfractor Card #351

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I think this conversation is over. You obviously took what I said personally, wich you shouldn't have by getting hung up on a word I used. "Everybody" I'm guessing because you live in the South. Grow up a little bit please, As for the rest of what I said nothing was wrong. And I think people can clearly see that. First get past the emotional part and use the Noggin, hard to do and I make this mistake in conversing with the online world too. But practice does make perfect, Don't let your emotional side take over. Be a little bit more rational when talking to people
Winds of clarity. a universal understanding come and go, I've seen though the Darkness to understand the bounty of Light
My background is in Mathematics where logic is King and nonsensical statements are just that -- nonsense. I didn't take what you said personally, but I did take it as absurdly illogical and contrary to the real world that we live in.
Furthermore, you assumed a cause and effect relationship between the poor and obesity where there appears to be no such relationship. I have known poor people who were obese and I have known poor people who were quite thin. According to your world view, that doesn't happen.
I know and have known many people who were quite well off who are and were very obese, but your claims said nothing about them.
I'm quite rational (many people consider me to be far too rational). You appear to be anything but rational.
Perhaps YOU should grow up.
Xfractor Card #351

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Your income level, and your ability to buy healthy foods DOES affect your weight. Recent news shows this ... u-fat.aspx
But Common sence should tell you this. Everybody knows this, Exept apparently you
Winds of clarity. a universal understanding come and go, I've seen though the Darkness to understand the bounty of Light
My background is in Mathematics where logic is King and nonsensical statements are just that -- nonsense. I didn't take what you said personally, but I did take it as absurdly illogical and contrary to the real world that we live in.
Furthermore, you assumed a cause and effect relationship between the poor and obesity where there appears to be no such relationship. I have known poor people who were obese and I have known poor people who were quite thin. According to your world view, that doesn't happen.
I know and have known many people who were quite well off who are and were very obese, but your claims said nothing about them.
I'm quite rational (many people consider me to be far too rational). You appear to be anything but rational.
Perhaps YOU should grow up.
Calm down and look at the science:
There is a direct negative correlation between obesity and income (measured by median household income)
There is a direct positive correlation between obesity and sedentary rates (measured by no physical activity or exercise other than at their regular job)
Do yourself a favour and stop acting like a blowhard before visagrunt notices this thread...
An epidemiologist looking at statistics thinks he has the cause of obesity? Yeah, sure. He may have found a correlation, but hardly a cause and effect relationship.
The reality is that there is NO scientific consensus about what causes obesity. The closest it comes to a consensus on the issue is that there are many factors.
By the way, the area I live in is anything but poor. Nearly everyone has a job if they need one. Many don't need a job but have them anyway. Admittedly, not everyone with jobs does a good job of watching their finances. At the local high school, the programs at the football games give the weights of the players. One thing that struck me was that the heaviest people in my class in high school would have been among the lightest if they were in school today at the same weight.
There is a direct positive correlation between obesity and sedentary rates (measured by no physical activity or exercise other than at their regular job)
Do yourself a favour and stop acting like a blowhard before visagrunt notices this thread...
Keep in mind that correlation and causation are two entirely separate things.
Xfractor Card #351

Joined: 30 Oct 2006
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There is a direct positive correlation between obesity and sedentary rates (measured by no physical activity or exercise other than at their regular job)
Do yourself a favour and stop acting like a blowhard before visagrunt notices this thread...
Keep in mind that correlation and causation are two entirely separate things.
Yes, we are *all* aware of that (or at least, we *should* be).
But let me try again (And I admit I should have been more specific in my previous post)
1. Income and sedentary rates - Negative correlation
2. Income and obesity - Negative correlation
3. Sedentary rates and obesity - Positive correlation
Here is the actual graph from the study I was talking about:

I'm not pulling this out of my ass, Go look at the statistics. Google them, And I've lived in the south so I speak from experience.
First of all, there is no truth at all to the idea that everyone in the South is poor. The notion that anyone could believe that is totally unbelievable. In Southern states, the rates of poverty are higher than Northern states, in general, but claims that everyone is poor is nothing but idiotic.
Second of all, the problem with obesity is from consuming far too many calories, whatever their source. I suspect that most of the problem is not fatty foods, but from sugary foods such as candies, cakes, and drinks. Even too much fruit drinks.
I have a copy of a lecture given by a medical doctor/researcher on pediatric obesity. In the talk, he mentioned one patient of his that was enormously overweight. The presenter told about how he found out that a major part of the kid's problem was orange juice. The mother wouldn't let the kid have soft drinks, but she let the kid drink all the orange juice he wanted every day.
There's also the issue of getting enough exercise.
I really have problems with the "because of being poor, you have to eat junk food" concept. So my family was not very wealthy. My father was a public bus driver, my mother was at home until my sister and I were teenagers. So we were not complete poor, but we either didnt have much money. As example it was pretty normal for me to get new cloths at birthdays or christmas from relatives, and I was happy about that, because the only other cloths I had were from my older sister or bought second hand from other familys with kids, that my parents knew. Or we could afford a good and checked second hand car, but never could have afforded to buy a new one and so on.
The thing is, because of us having not so much money, my mother could simply not afford to buy any junk food. We went to McDonalds about two times of the year, and it was something special for us, because my parents couldnt afford to do that more often. Chips and Cola/Fanta were only bought to our birthdays and so on.
So sure there are quiet expensive vegetables, but in my country you normally have quiet cheap as well. As example carrots, pumpkins in the seasons, beans, peas, onions, potatoes, ... Apples all around the year, and in winter Oranges and clementines are cheeap, while from spring to summer the cheap fruits are chaning, according to season. So in autumn you get grapes, druing summer water melons very cheap and so on. So sure you can buy everything the whole year, but out of the local season the stuff costs triple the season price. Also herbs are not that expensive. So a fresh bunch of herbs costs around 50ct in my supermarkets which is really expensive for everyday cooking, but a pot with a living plant costs around 2 EUR one time, and it lasts forever and can also be raised in a flat with a window.
I´d be interested if you have some link to prices of vegetables in a normal Walmart or whatver, because I simply cant imagine how eating junk food could be cheaper in any way. So for me it was always the opposite: I had no junk food because of having no money for it. (And as kid I really would have loved to eat more junk food. ^^)
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