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23 Apr 2005, 5:45 pm

Kitsune wrote:
My source is WBZ news radio 1030, in Boston, a somewhat conservative news station. Unfortunately, I didn't have a tape recorder going.

A radio station is usually privately owned and free from the critique of others. I can buy a wavelength and transmit to my city that God is a talking can of hot sauce, but it doesn't make it true, does it?

Perhaps you should try reading the rest of my post. How about this part:

ed wrote:
Ok, here's a nice Roman Catholic paper, "Catholic Exchange". Maybe they can explain it to you: ... t_id=25215

Interfering in another country's elections constitutes an act of war.

Kinda missed that part, didn't you? Go ahead... click on it.


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23 Apr 2005, 7:23 pm

Disembodied Voice: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to "We Debate The Issues" – a lively magazine discussion program. Tonight's topic is: "The Bible – valuable and reliable guide to life or rather uncomfortable but convenient bundle of toilet paper?". And here is your host: An-n-n-n-e Other!! !

* applause – lights up on studio *

Anne Other: Thank you, thank you... you're too kind...... On tonight's show my special guests are: On my right, Lancashire-born raconteur, bonvivant and lots of other poncey French words: MR. TAKFISH!! !

* applause *

TAFKASH: Errrrmmmm.... My name's actually TAFKASH..... you see you've got a misprint right th.......

AO: (under her breath) whatever!! !! ! And on my left we have completely made up and utterly fictional character:
MR. WOLFIE!! !! !

* applause *

Wolfie: Hello there Annie, Taff (I can call you Taff, can't I)?

T: No....

W: Well, its an absolute joy to be here tonight, I must say.

AO: And its lovely to have the pair of you.

W: I'd just like to point out by the way that I bear absolutely no similarity to any persons living or dead – any resemblance is purely coincidental.

AO: Yes..... Of course....... Now Wolfie – do you want to start us off?

W: Certainly. Personally I think the Bible is absolutely spiffing! I think that every word in it is the literal word of God passed down to us through his messengers and that we should all live our lives completely according to what is written therein. It is absolutely perfect and infallible, and I base every decision I make in my life around what is written within its pages – I think everyone else has to as well. Nevertheless, I am open-minded (despite being a Christian) and am willing to listen to arguments to the contrary. I am prepared to alter my beliefs to discount the validity of the Bible if anyone is ever able to come up with just one good, cogent reason as to why it is less than 100% perfect and reliable. Just one reason, that's all..... Just one......

AO: Interesting! So, Mr. Kash...


AO. (glowering)...Mr. TAFKASH..... Can you provide Mr. Wolfie with any arguments as to the Bible's fallibility?

T: Is the bear a Catholic? For starters, the Bible was written by men, not God..... All we have to go on to validate that any of it is indeed the "word of God" is those individuals' word that they received "divine inspiration" to write it.... Not terribly reliable I'd venture to suggest..... Even if some of it was written via divine intervention, there are bound to be great chunks of it that were put together by chancers and ne'er-do-wells after a quick buck at the time. It stands to reason, particular given that nobody knows who any of the people who actually wrote the Bible even were – they could have been anybody – literally anybody..... There were just as many con-men and charlatans around then as now, and religion would've been an even better breeding ground for corruption in biblical times than it is now.... There is just no way that all of the Bible (written over hundreds of years by dozens of unknown, faceless people, remember) could ever all have originated from God – no way!

W: Just one reason, that's all I'm looking for...... Just one.....

T: ..and the content we see in the Bible now is only what successive generations of priests and holy men have wanted us to see anyway. There is massive archaeological evidence that great tracts of Books of the Bible and, indeed, whole books themselves were removed from the "official" Bible at various stages throughout its history to satisfy the particular desires and needs of the clergy in power at the time. God didn't make those changes – men did. The current Bible is a book edited by men, often very dodgy, power mad and self-interested men, not by God.

vetivert: (shouting from the audience and throwing pop-corn at the stage) stop using the term 'man' to refer to humanity as a whole – i find it offensive! wimmin rule, ok!! !!

: Yes.... OK...... sorry dear...... (shifts embarassedly in his seat)

VV: (being dragged away by security "people") grammar power! apostrophes have rights too!! !! a colon's for life, not just for christmas!! !! !! ! capitals of the world unite!! !! throw off your sentence-inflicted chains...... you have nothing to fear but your italicization........

W: Just one good reason, that's all.......

T: Not only that, but the Bible has been bounced around from language to language all through its life, losing meanings that don't translate from language to language and gaining new ones along the way..... Not the least of which is the fact that the Israelites, according to modern scholars, escaped from Egypt via the Reed Sea, not the Red Sea – this was an accidental mistranslation from one language to another. There are countless other examples like this. How can it be the literal word of God when there are thousands of these typos and lost subtleties of meaning in it in any translation? Any modern day Bible is a mistranslation of a mistranslation, many times over, even ignoring all the different versions and interpretations there are of it knocking around now......

W: (standing up with arm outstretched, Pavarotti style and singing) "Just one rea-son-et-to...... Give ee-eet to mee-eee.... Delicious dog-ma..... from I-ta-ly-y-y-y-y!! !!"

AO: (snatching Wolfie back down into his seat) I'm sorry, but we aren't licensed for any music on the show....

T: What's in that communion wine anyway? I haven't even mentioned the deliberate mistranslations there have been of the Bible yet... The King James Bible (the basis of all English language Bibles ever since) had passages deliberately changed in it at the behest of King James I so as to fit in with his own personal sensibilities and desires. There were parts of the Latin Bible he didn't like, so he forced his scribes to change them...... For example, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" was placed in it because King James was personally morbidly afraid of witches, and wanted a passage in the Bible to support their persecution. There was no mention of witches in the Bible prior to King James at all – all English Bibles now contain this passage condoning their destruction...... How in the blue hell can this therefore constitute the "direct word" of God? There have been countless other deliberate mistranslations to similar effect. The modern Bible is no more than a distillation of hacked political and social manifestoes of dozens of power groups down through the centuries.....

W: There once was a man with many reasons
to force me to think of religious treason
With a mind like a wall
I saw none of them at all
So now my thoughts are like ice with a freeze-on.

T: ...and let's not forget all the bits of the Bible that completely contradict themselves..... "Turn the other cheek"/"An eye for an eye" for obvious example..... Well, WHICH IS IT? Which one is the "word of God", and which one isn't? Hmmm? They can't be both the "word of God", being patently self-contradictory, can they? Therefore, at least one of them isn't be the "word of God", therefore the Bible contains at least some stuff which isn't the "word of God", therefore Quad Erat Demonstrandum! The Bible as a whole is filled with contradictory stuff all over the place – you can find quotes in it to justify any argument you want to, no matter how heinous..... e.g. The Nazis in WWII could find passages supporting them, the Ku Klux Klan can find passages supporting them etc. etc. How can so much wildly varying and contradictory twaddle all be the "word of God", unless he's an absolutely massive schizophrenic? Answer: it can't. The end!


AO: What? I thought you were being objective?

W: Uh? Oh – sorry, do forgive me...... (looks embarassed) The old pre-programmed "Hell-defence" mechanism..... A lifetime of Christian indoctrination and all that..... What I meant to say was: Just give me one good reason as to why the Bible isn't the perfect, literal word of God, just one, that's all.......

T: (turning a strange colour of purple and slowly rising from his chair) Grrrrrrrr.....

AO: (standing quickly to hold TAFKASH back) Errrrrr..... Now, let's discuss the New Testament shall we?

T: (settling uncomfortably back down) Well...... The only real documentary evidence that exists for Jesus' life is in the New Testament – there are no other written accounts of his life at all worth mentioning. But natuirally, the New Testament was written from a very one-eyed, self-interested point of view. Treating it as a (pardon the expression) gospel account of his life would be somewhat like treating "Mein Kampf" as a gospel account of Hitler's life..... The little documentary and archaeological evidence that does survive tends to suggest a very different Jesus – namely a member of and fighter in a Jewish resistance movement against the Roman occupation. Not a peace-loving old hippy at all.... It is strongly suggested that there were several early churches, one lead by James, Jesus' brother (who gets nary a mention in the "literal transcription of events" Bible, but anyway) who wanted the Church to follow on from Jesus' mission and to be pro-Jew and to continue to fight the Romans...... Old Peter won out though, and the New Testament we see now got written instead. A Bible where the Romans are hardly mentioned at all (a bit like writing a book on 1940s France and not mentioning Germans by the way), are spoken of in glowing terms when they are mentioned (Pontius Pilate is portayed as a great guy, despite the considerable documentary evidence that does indeed exist about him that proves that he was a dictatorial monster who wouldn't have thought twice about doing in some peasant Jew like Jesus, "spiritual aura" or not, and anyone else for that matter), and where the Jews are utterly demonized (they call for Jesus' crucifixion despite nice-guy Pilate's protestations – a bit like modern Jews asking for someone to be gassed as punishment, and the evil disciple who betrays Jesus is even called Judas "The Jew" for gawd's sake)... In other words, it was written as a pure propoganda document to further Peter's aims – i.e. acceptance, wealth and power in the Roman world (which it eventually achieved spectacularly of course – hats off to the guy - he knew what he was doing.....). The true events were completely ignored in this version of the Bible, as all the available evidence testifies...... Yet again, how can this self-evident political propaganda pamphlet be the "word of God"? (not to mention the fact that the early Catholic church persecuted and destroyed the other churches.... not terribly Christian of them..... That's another discussion however......) And then there's the fact that the various different Gospels can't even agree with each other on exactly what happened and when.... Which one of them is the "word of God", and which 3 are therefore, by logical deduction, imposters?

W: My cat's breath smells of cat food.....

T: (shakes head and sighs.....) To precis: The Bible was written collectively by unknown men with unknown intentions. It has been serially mistranslated over and over again, both deliberately and accidentally. It has been edited and changed to serve the purposes of evil forces many times. It is rife with completely opposing philosophies and quotes. It can be interpreted and applied to support any cause you care to name, good or evil. The New Testament is demonstrably propaganda with no relation to actual events. In short, The Bible can in no way be the "literal word of God"...... I thank you.

W: Have I mentioned homosexuals by the way? Even though they are made homosexual by God, the fact that they are homosexual is against God's law and wishes, you know. I can give you a load of really good links to internet sites to make my argument for me too in order to disguise my own manifest debating deficiencies and incredibly weak position. Also, did you know that President George W. B-GACKKK!! !! !

* With a scream of frustration, TAFKASH leaps from his seat and wrestles Wolfie onto the floor. Cameramen, stage managers and security guards run onto the set from all directions. Annie Other gingerly stands up and moves slowly from the melee towards the camera *

AO: And...... on next week's show: "Hale_bopp's 'post something nice about the person above you' thread: which Wrong Planet members can't you think of anything nice to post about, and why?" Thank you and goodnight!! !! !

* applause. Lights down on studio. Camera pans out to show general conflagration in the middle of the set in silhouette. The theme to "Monty Python" plays *

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"

Last edited by TAFKASH on 24 Apr 2005, 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.


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24 Apr 2005, 12:22 am

OK, I am done wasting my breath and time. I will take my leave with two last statements:

#1: Your attitude perfectly exemplifies why people do not fall all over themselves to become Christians. A belief system that spawns this sort of contempt for all others could hardly be less appealing.

#2: And if you truly believe this,

Excuse me? Do you know what dominion in this usage meant? We are the STEWARDS of this earth, it's CARETAKERS. And yes, I believe and have faith that we are the most powerful and destructive of God's creation. That's why we have to keep ourselves in check.
, then how in the heck can you in all good conscience support a president like Bush? I mean, he's going to go drill for oil in a National Wildlife Refuge, even though this will provide only a few months worth of the oil that the U.S. consumes. This guy is an environmental nightmare in almost every way. Some steward!! !

See, I've heard a lot about stewardship, and it always boils down to:
"Make the earth the way we want it to be, and if a few species have been annihilated or something had been irreperably destroyed, oh well! It's ours, isn't it?? God gave it to us!"


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24 Apr 2005, 2:26 am

Hey TAFKASH, that was brilliant. Best laugh I've had all week. :lol:

Many a true word...


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24 Apr 2005, 3:27 am


howl!! !

and i have a guest appearance too! (but i ain't a "wimmin" woman, if you get my drift - dungarees and short, short hair are simply SO passé and unattractive, darling...).


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24 Apr 2005, 6:21 am

ascan wrote:
Hey TAFKASH, that was brilliant. Best laugh I've had all week. :lol:

Many a true word...

What can I say - that sucker was just begging for it...... In the immortal words of Yngwie J. Malmsteen, he unleashed the ****ing fury...... :twisted: Errr.... that is to say, no actual, particular member of Wrong Planet was begging for it..... errrr..... I was talking strictly rhetorically...... * whistles nervously and looks around *

vetivert wrote:
dungarees and short, short hair are simply SO passé and unattractive, darling...

But they're so much more practical for doing the cooking, cleaning and shopping in.... * ducks to avoid iron thrown towards him on a parabolic trajectory from Bristol *

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"


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24 Apr 2005, 8:31 am

vetivert wrote:

howl!! !.

I concur, that was a really great post, enjoyed it vary much :lol:
made some good point there.
By the way, the Jews did not create marriage either, the mating ritual goes way back to that of the father (or like) giving the daughter away, vary old, probably one of the vary first human rituals ever made, long before Adam and Eve yet after our ancestors stood up right from being apes, there is archaeological proof of this amongst the findings of some of the earliest cavemen, and if you say there was no caveman, then tell that to the bones found, unless you are saying Satan placed it all there along with dinosaur bones just to mess with our heads.



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24 Apr 2005, 9:20 am

Ok, this is my last post on this thread, anything else would be redundant.
This is how I think and feel about the mater of faith and religion.

We hold our selves captive in our own fears and desires, our fears of the unknowns of death and injustice, our desires to want to believe in our continuing existence after our body's pass into oblivion, our desires and wishes for our loved ones who passed to still exist and be happy, to see them again when they are forever gone, our wish that someone will avenge the evils done to our selves and others in our life times and not just get away with it, a chance to make right the things we have said and done.

I do not fear death, I just do not wish to pass with out leaving some kind of lasting mark so as not to be forgotten,

I am not saying there is not a god, if there is we are so far below its existence we are of little thought to it, and it still does not mean we will continue after our deaths, from dust we came to dust we will return.
If I was to believe in a god it would be one I would not feel I would have to fear to gain its acceptance, I do not nor can accept a do or burn scenario, I would not want to follow a god that its word must be followed or we parish forever or will be punished, we are humans and as humans we must evolve if we are to survive, our world is dieing and we are quickly running out of space, a god is not coming to save us from our selves, this we must do on our own, we must be responsible for our selves and take these responsibility's into our own hands as a race, we must reach for the stars, and not take with us the plague of religion to other worlds, if there was a god the creachers of the other worlds would have been told, we wouldn't need to go preach to them to save their souls, to them that may even be a reason to war, who knows, they may think we are ret*d to even conceive such things.

You do not need a god to believe in your self, or to live by and with honer and pride and charity in your heart, you do not need some greater being to approve of you and tell you that you are good liken a child wanting praise.

we do not need to save others souls, our souls are our own, our souls are who and what we are deep inside, its how we feel when we love, hate, pity, fear, greed, etc.. if you want to save souls, stop with trying to convert them to god, try being kind to each other and show them the value and charity and goodness of your own hearts, make them want to be your friend by using the faith and worth you find in your self.

If I was a god, it is this that I would be most proud of, one of my creations standing up on its own and walking with pride and forethought and purity of heart and Justice, it would mater not if they had faith in me for I would be eternal and they an instrument of good change and progression of the human race, I would not forsake them just because they do not believe in me, in fact I would save them for having the guts to stand and be counted and remembered for who and what they are, knowing they will pass into dust in the end yet be of good nature and kind to others, walking the earth with a clear and pure heart, caring still after being trashed over and over by the evils and hurts of the world being dumped on them. if a god don't want me after all that then scew him.
I know who and what I am, I do not need a god to tell me I am a good soul, nor to hear that if I do not believe I will parish or burn, I will stand on my own during this moment in time that I exist and call my own. I hold my head high and smile at my fellow humans, I know I am not perfect, but I am human after all, and I know I progress to become better over time.
My sins are my own to learn from, I have never harmed another human being nor told them how to live, to each their own, and I do stop to help others out of the kindness of my heart, we all make mistakes, I feel pride in who and what I am now. live, love, learn, grow, survive, I hold my head up high.

Religion does have its place in our history, it has help mold our moral thoughts and values and place virtues in our minds and hearts.
our world would be far different if it never existed.
But personally I need it not, In my own heart my soul is saved knowing who and what I am and whats in my own heart and soul, even with knowing I will return to the dust one day. I am free.

I worry not about some God judging me, I shall not let my self be imprisoned with the fears of it with what little time I have on this world and in this time, if there be a god and he destroys me in the end for not believing, then at least I have lost nothing for its what I expected to start with, oblivion in the end. I can live with that.


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24 Apr 2005, 9:55 am

what's an iron? (scratches head in puzzlement).


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24 Apr 2005, 11:13 pm

As regards to the Incest subject. After the flood, who do you think they would have mated with? There was Noah, his 3 sons and their wives. Noah's grandsons and granddaughters would have had to have mated with each other. It does stand to reason that they probably would have had incestual relations before that too. Incest was outlawed by Mosaic Law. The mutation problem is not stated in the bible, but is the scientific reason why incest is wrong. Many of the Mosaic laws are made for health reasonings.


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25 Apr 2005, 4:33 pm

Bec wrote:
I understand that the Bible might have not changed that much from the time it was first written to now. What many people fail to realise, though, is that the New Testament was written many, many years after Jesus died.

Philippians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Romans was written about 50-60, the Gospel of Mark was written 65-80, the Gospel of Matthew was written about 80-100, the Gospel of Luke was written about 80-130, the Gospel of John was written about 90-120.

Knowing these dates, it is not possible that the information could have been given by eyewitnesses. How is this impossible? Life expectancy during this time period was about 25-35 (40 if you were lucky). The people who knew Jesus weren't alive to give the information to the men who wrote it down.

I have more information and more of an argument, but this is an 'I hate Bush' thread and it seems we have gone a little off topic. Maybe we can continue this in the 'Ranting-pro Bush/Christian' thread.

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, but I 've been having technical problems and can't reply promptly at the momemt.

All Deciples had unusually long lives for their time even though they met a violent end. The only one that didn't was John, who the Romans boiled in oil and survived, so he was exiled to the island of Patmos. He lived until at least 100A.D. and wrote the book of Revelation around 90A.D.

The book of Matthew could have been written as early as 40A.D. A fragment of a copy or possibly the original known as the mitchell text was dated to 54A.D. Matthew was killed in Nabdah, Egypt in 60A.D.

Romans, Philippians, 1st & 2nd Corinthians, and mant other books written by Paul were written between 50-63A.D Before he was beheaded in Rome in 63A.D.

Paul also mentions traveling with Luke on several occasions during his journeys between 50-63A.D.

Mark also traveled with Peter. The book of Mark was writen between 45-70A.D. Mark disappears from Paul's writings around 61A.D. He would have had plenty of time to write the Book of Mark.

Bec, you said you have more arguments? Feel free to PM me with them or maybe start a new thread.


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25 Apr 2005, 5:03 pm

Sean wrote:
The book of Matthew could have been written as early as 40A.D....... The book of Mark was writen between 45-70A.D......

Actually, literary analysis of the 4 gospels demonstrates that Mark was almost certainly the first one written of the 4, and the other 3 were based on it. Mark is written in a very poor literary style and appears to have been a straight verbal dictation (possibly by one of the surviving disciples - no one knows one way or the other) to someone without any real writing ability. Interestingly, the last few chapters of Mark are written in a completely diffferent style to the rest of it, suggesting that the original ending (concerning all the post-crucifixion stuff) was lost somewhere along the line and then rewritten by a different author later. (I didn't even bother to mention that in my "word of God - pfff!! ! as if...." post - that's how much ammunition and knowledge I have in reserve on this subject, you see folks :wink:) It is interesting to speculate what the original ending actually contained, and we'll almost certainly never know, sadly...... Perhaps we'll get a "Bible: The Director's Cut" at some point. :wink:

Matthew and Luke are both basically no more than straight rewrites of Mark (including the events of its altered ending) in a much more flowing and pleasing prose style (and with various facts and events rearranged, deleted and added for reasons unknown). John of course is a very different kettle of fish to the other 3 gospels, being based on Mark also, but with a much more heavily interpretation and preachy based approach than the other 3 which are essentially just straight story books.

....and you thought I couldn't do straight, rant-free Bible discussions, eh? Tut, Tut..... Shame on you...... :wink: There ain't nothing I can't do....

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25 Apr 2005, 6:49 pm

Sean, I know when St. Paul and St. Peter died, but could you give me some sort of evidence that all of the had extraordinarily long lives?

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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26 Apr 2005, 1:01 pm

I'm back, and I have all day. I'd suggest running.

Kinda missed that part, didn't you? Go ahead... click on it.

It never specifically said bush, it said not to vote for a pro-abortion candidate.

Is the bear a Catholic? For starters, the Bible was written by men, not God

I've posted up about divine inspiration multiple times.

Not terribly reliable I'd venture to suggest

Logical thinking:

The bible could have been written by three different beings/entities/whatever.

Bad men, who wouldn't write a book condemning the way they live completely

Good men, who wouldn't claim to be God

or God, who would speak through proxies or scribes.

Even if some of it was written via divine intervention, there are bound to be great chunks of it that were put together by chancers and ne'er-do-wells after a quick buck at the time.

Unfortunately that falls back on my previous logical analysis.

It stands to reason, particular given that nobody knows who any of the people who actually wrote the Bible even were – they could have been anybody – literally anybody

But the specific books say that it was from a specific person's point of view, most of the time the person being guided by divine inspiration is mentioned in the book that they are shown to write.

There were just as many con-men and charlatans around then as now, and religion would've been an even better breeding ground for corruption in biblical times than it is now

Yet there are historical records not from the bible nor God that agree with biblical accounts of events, a simple con-man, nor a group of them, would be able to create THAT big a fabrication.

There is just no way that all of the Bible (written over hundreds of years by dozens of unknown, faceless people, remember) could ever all have originated from God – no way!

Thousands of years, named and known people that followed God, written in different places at different times with different writing styles yet still bearing the same set of morals and views upon the world as well as claiming to originate from God and damning anyone who lies about coming from God.

If you'd like, has more extensive information on the arcaeological evidence supporting the bible, as well as geological, geographical, etc etc..

..and the content we see in the Bible now is only what successive generations of priests and holy men have wanted us to see anyway.

The new testament can be traced back to copies of the proofs, or original works. When translated these copies have a 95% accuracy rate with the current bible, the changes being in grammar and punctuation.

There is massive archaeological evidence that great tracts of Books of the Bible and, indeed, whole books themselves were removed from the "official" Bible at various stages throughout its history to satisfy the particular desires and needs of the clergy in power at the time.

Ya know, people keep saying this but every time they do it's found out that the book really wasn't even close to the same style, or containing even close to the same message as the books that are in the bible. In fact, there is only one book that I know of that was written in the 1600's, it was rejected and ignored blatantly. Prove that statement.

God didn't make those changes – men did. The current Bible is a book edited by men, often very dodgy, power mad and self-interested men, not by God.

Actually, there weren't changes made. I don't see your point here, men refused to allow books to be added.

Not only that, but the Bible has been bounced around from language to language all through its life, losing meanings that don't translate from language to language

New testament was originally written in greek or latin
Old testament in a form of hebrew

We have it in those translations

Also, the translation tree goes from that, to english, to other languages.

Not the least of which is the fact that the Israelites, according to modern scholars, escaped from Egypt via the Reed Sea, not the Red Sea

That is widely known in the biblical community and has only cropped up within, to my knowledge, english translations.

There are countless other examples like this. How can it be the literal word of God when there are thousands of these typos and lost subtleties of meaning in it in any translation?

Once more, 95% accuracy rate. Also, just to throw it out once more... ... ible.shtml

That one's a repitition, this one's a new link. ... down.shtml

That explains how the bible has 'changed' ... ions.shtml

Further enforces it ... ible.shtml

The King James Bible (the basis of all English language Bibles ever since) had passages deliberately changed in it

I shouldn't even dignify that with an answer, if you're a real debator then don't bring that up again. Here's a link explaining the deliberate mistranslations in the king james bible revisions, also, not all english bibles are based off of the king james version. If you can get past the hellfire preaching, this site is pretty useful.

How in the blue hell can this therefore constitute the "direct word" of God? There have been countless other deliberate mistranslations to similar effect. The modern Bible is no more than a distillation of hacked political and social manifestoes of dozens of power groups down through the centuries.....

That's wishful thinking and you can find answers under the 'bible' catagory on

...and let's not forget all the bits of the Bible that completely contradict themselves..... "Turn the other cheek"/"An eye for an eye" for obvious example..... Well, WHICH IS IT? Which one is the "word of God", and which one isn't? Hmmm? They can't be both the "word of God", being patently self-contradictory, can they? Therefore, at least one of them isn't be the "word of God", therefore the Bible contains at least some stuff which isn't the "word of God", therefore Quad Erat Demonstrandum! The Bible as a whole is filled with contradictory stuff all over the place

I just LOVE how people misquote the bible! It makes for such interesting debates.

Next time, read the surrounding text. ... neye.shtml

you can find quotes in it to justify any argument you want to, no matter how heinous..... e.g. The Nazis in WWII could find passages supporting them, the Ku Klux Klan can find passages supporting them etc. etc. How can so much wildly varying and contradictory twaddle all be the "word of God", unless he's an absolutely massive schizophrenic? Answer: it can't. The end!

The bible IS open for interpretation, if I wanted to try hard enough I could quote you as a neo nazi KKK supporter from right there. Deliberate misinterpretation, what you are doing, is pretty common. Feel free to re-read the entire chapter in the bible so that you understand what you are saying.

only real documentary evidence that exists for Jesus' life is in the New Testament –

Roman records of the creature on the stone, his rising, and his crucifixion.

there are no other written accounts of his life at all worth mentioning.

And you say *I* am plugging my fingers in my ears?

But natuirally, the New Testament was written from a very one-eyed, self-interested point of view

If that's selfish, the world has remarkably high standards.

Treating it as a (pardon the expression) gospel account of his life would be somewhat like treating "Mein Kampf" as a gospel account of Hitler's life

Of course, if you assume that there is no divine inspiration behind the bible, that God isn't the guiding force behind it's creation, then you could say that. Of course, you could say that about almost any material then, couldn't you?

The little documentary and archaeological evidence that does survive tends to suggest a very different Jesus – namely a member of and fighter in a Jewish resistance movement against the Roman occupation. Not a peace-loving old hippy at all....

When you make a claim like this, back it up. What you're saying is completely unfounded. I can make things up too, but I don't.

It is strongly suggested that there were several early churches, one lead by James, Jesus' brother (who gets nary a mention in the "literal transcription of events" Bible, but anyway) who wanted the Church to follow on from Jesus' mission and to be pro-Jew and to continue to fight the Romans...... Old Peter won out though, and the New Testament we see now got written instead.

There really wasn't a central church planned in the bible. Also, what you are suggesting needs EVIDENCE behind it. I'm getting really tired of hearing fabrications from the national inquirer.

A Bible where the Romans are hardly mentioned at all (a bit like writing a book on 1940s France and not mentioning Germans by the way), are spoken of in glowing terms when they are mentioned (Pontius Pilate is portayed as a great guy, despite the considerable documentary evidence that does indeed exist about him that proves that he was a dictatorial monster who wouldn't have thought twice about doing in some peasant Jew like Jesus, "spiritual aura" or not, and anyone else for that matter),

Okay, considerable documentary evidence that exists that proves he's an ass. Sounds believable. I want to see it. =)

and where the Jews are utterly demonized (they call for Jesus' crucifixion despite nice-guy Pilate's protestations – a bit like modern Jews asking for someone to be gassed as punishment, and the evil disciple who betrays Jesus is even called Judas "The Jew" for gawd's sake)...

I'm saying the exact opposite of what you believe, I'm pretty sure that out of this little spat you'd enjoy taking a shot at me. If we do this for a few years I'm sure you'd like to kill me.

He is called Judas in the bible, thus that is what his name is.

In other words, it was written as a pure propoganda document to further Peter's aims – i.e. acceptance, wealth and power in the Roman world (which it eventually achieved spectacularly of course – hats off to the guy - he knew what he was doing.....).

Oh, by the way, about peter being the first pope...He was voted into that position INVOLUNTARILY and did NOT want a place of power.

The true events were completely ignored in this version of the Bible, as all the available evidence testifies......

You aren't bringing this evidence to the table, I'm skimming the rest of your post lightly. Until you bring evidence from reliable sources, shut up.

If you read any of my previous posts, you would hear that I personally believe the pope is the antichrist. A pretty bold statement, wouldn't you think?

Quite frankly, I take major offense to what you have posted. You have not backed up anything you have said as I have. All you are doing is rabble rousing and I am requesting an administrator to remove you from this thread until you can bring book titles, links to top level domains and reputable sources, or other forms of proof before you post here again.

Your attitude perfectly exemplifies why people do not fall all over themselves to become Christians. A belief system that spawns this sort of contempt for all others could hardly be less appealing.

There is a message of love in here, if you see it as contempt you're severly mistaken. If you want the lovey dovey fluffy message, don't come to a debate forum.

then how in the heck can you in all good conscience support a president like Bush? I mean, he's going to go drill for oil in a National Wildlife Refuge, even though this will provide only a few months worth of the oil that the U.S. consumes. This guy is an environmental nightmare in almost every way. Some steward!! !

You mean up in alaska? Okay, it would have taken at most six square miles..

1/10th of a 1%, .001 not even recognizable on a map.

See, I've heard a lot about stewardship, and it always boils down to:
"Make the earth the way we want it to be, and if a few species have been annihilated or something had been irreperably destroyed, oh well! It's ours, isn't it?? God gave it to us!"

Or we could blow things out of proportion to scare the general populace into bending down and giving all their money to a cause, just like the damnable charismatic movement.

What can I say - that sucker was just begging for it...... In the immortal words of Yngwie J. Malmsteen, he unleashed the ****ing fury...... Errr.... that is to say, no actual, particular member of Wrong Planet was begging for it..... errrr..... I was talking strictly rhetorically...... * whistles nervously and looks around *

All you did was look like a complete idiot ranting without a source or cause. Who is the more foolish? The fool, or the fool that follows the fool?

By the way, the Jews did not create marriage either, the mating ritual goes way back to that of the father (or like) giving the daughter away, vary old, probably one of the vary first human rituals ever made, long before Adam and Eve yet after our ancestors stood up right from being apes, there is archaeological proof of this amongst the findings of some of the earliest cavemen, and if you say there was no caveman, then tell that to the bones found, unless you are saying Satan placed it all there along with dinosaur bones just to mess with our heads

No, to break it down for you, a worldwide flood, Noah and his family, all 'good' animals (paraphrased word) thus dinosaurs could be left behind...also, cavemen didn't exist. Every skeleton has been found to be a mixture of monkey with man bones. =\

Actually, literary analysis of the 4 gospels demonstrates that Mark was almost certainly the first one written of the 4, and the other 3 were based on it. Mark is written in a very poor literary style and appears to have been a straight verbal dictation (possibly by one of the surviving disciples - no one knows one way or the other) to someone without any real writing ability. Interestingly, the last few chapters of Mark are written in a completely diffferent style to the rest of it, suggesting that the original ending (concerning all the post-crucifixion stuff) was lost somewhere along the line and then rewritten by a different author later.

VERY GOOD! Post your source or leave!

didn't even bother to mention that in my "word of God - pfff!! ! as if...." post - that's how much ammunition and knowledge I have in reserve on this subject, you see folks ) It is interesting to speculate what the original ending actually contained, and we'll almost certainly never know, sadly...... Perhaps we'll get a "Bible: The Director's Cut" at some point.

Your knowledge comes from the public school system and the history channel. Bring in reliable sources or leave.

Matthew and Luke are both basically no more than straight rewrites of Mark (including the events of its altered ending) in a much more flowing and pleasing prose style (and with various facts and events rearranged, deleted and added for reasons unknown). John of course is a very different kettle of fish to the other 3 gospels, being based on Mark also, but with a much more heavily interpretation and preachy based approach than the other 3 which are essentially just straight story books.

That's nice, ... read.shtml

I am requesting diciplinary action be taken against TAFKASH due to repeated insults after a warning not to continue. While I recognize he is a contributing member to this board I will not allow someone to continuously insult me while claiming to be on the up and up. If administrative action can not be taken, then, as I reserve the copyright to all my posts I ask that every post I have made be deleted and my account removed from


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26 Apr 2005, 1:16 pm

If you keep declaring a ban on everyone who disagrees with you, you're going to be the only one arguing in here soon enough. :lol:

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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26 Apr 2005, 1:25 pm

Excuse me?

No, I asked for a ban on HIM if he decided to insult me underhandedly. He has blatantly insulted me and spouted out a bunch of bullcrap, if you aren't going to remove him from this thread then delete my account and remove 100% of all posts made by this account from