Protogenoi wrote:
aghogday wrote:
A society of monologuers will not work.. and i am duly noted to have this common spectrum trait...
I don't know about that. My last remaining friend and I are known for having our conversations being simultaneous monologues on different subjects... and having conversations that are entirely quotes from futurama. This is true for both written contact and verbal contact.
All that is absolutely required is listeners. The society may not be able to advance very well, but it could exist. It's entirely speculative.
The main reason it truly won't work is many folks who are Autistic are neither listeners or talkers, as science proves out.
I haven't really found that many REAL 'MONOLOGUE type' Autistic FOLKS ON THIS site, but yeah, some in real life.
This is also a site for folks who suspect they have the diagnosis, which means it is pretty much a free for all here, but I am cool with everyone so that is absolutely no issue for me, and why I ABSOLUTELY ABHOR ANY IDEA OF AN US VS THEM IDEOLOGY as no one scares or bothers me in REAL LIFE, AT LEAST NOW, TG. :)
It would never get off the ground as every thread here discussing it is just one long split hair, and that is okay too, as that is the nature of the beast that is Autism, as well.
'Cats' do not function well as a society, as they do tend to go their own way, and that's okay too, to each his own, as long as they do NOT impact my freedoms as what I love in being as a TRULY FREE U.S. CITIZEN, TAKING ADVANTAGE of all the freedoms that does MEAN, for folks who understand how to exercise those rights freely, in real life now. :)
And hell YES, it's hard work, as FREEDOM IS NOT COST FREE, anywhere in human existence, EVER, FOR one who lives within their means. :)