I'm a Christian Aspie
...I guess you really didn't read my various (Hey , I'm supposed to be on a Christian-oriented line now , so... )" my s**** life " posts in The Haven , so - Here in SF , everything not worn-type was stolen about two &1/2 weeks ago , vamping til' I could try to replace some of them , I went into a hospital , and from there this rehab/nursing place in the lower Nob Hill/above the Tenderloin-ish area , where I am getting care for my toe wounds , which is very good indeed , plus access to a computer , even funner- - on an immediate basis ~ However , due to my stuff being stolen , I came in w/essentially only what I'm earing , as said , and that basically remains the case , and , almost all the time being shut in 100% (been able to get a " pass " to go about a block to Walgreens' .) , I am in stasis there-
However , it should be repeated that I am getting antibiotic/rest care for my toe wounds , which is Very Good Indeed , and they do really seem to be getting bette r .
Howevs , as I said , I am suspended at more-or-less absolute stasis as far as " getting things done " goes , I even have a fairly major purchase waiting for me at the Market Street mailboxes place I rented when I first came to S.F. and I can't go out and try to find any additional clothes , or some kind of duffle/backpack to carry stuff in , or much of anything while I'm here , I had quoted toward me that I'd be here six weeks , it's about two now , but reference was made to my (Medical , etc.) insurance having the possibility of running out , and perhaps the fact that I Really Am Homeless (and have a record - though slight - aside , though I should also say no one here's said anything regarding that) makes me a forboding prospect ~ When I get discharged I presume I'd be discharged into being HL again , in fact , I expect that (A comment about some people being " case managers "/whatever for me was made , but I don't think that would likely lead into any " discharged into a new place " fantasy being realized) --- Actually , bravado-wise , September-October is really " San Francisco's summer " so --- (tho , also , there's apparently gonna be a wet-cold El Nino this final season to make up at least a little of that drought) .
I should head toward lunch/my noontime IV (I even have a PICC-line in me - not for the first time) so , if you'll excuse the lack of explicit Bible/Christian stuff for now- I am getting hots & a cot , and , again , medical for my foot issues so that's in itself good - I'm inside essentially all the time , tho'-
My God, what happened?
However , it should be repeated that I am getting antibiotic/rest care for my toe wounds , which is Very Good Indeed , and they do really seem to be getting bette r .
Howevs , as I said , I am suspended at more-or-less absolute stasis as far as " getting things done " goes , I even have a fairly major purchase waiting for me at the Market Street mailboxes place I rented when I first came to S.F. and I can't go out and try to find any additional clothes , or some kind of duffle/backpack to carry stuff in , or much of anything while I'm here , I had quoted toward me that I'd be here six weeks , it's about two now , but reference was made to my (Medical , etc.) insurance having the possibility of running out , and perhaps the fact that I Really Am Homeless (and have a record - though slight - aside , though I should also say no one here's said anything regarding that) makes me a forboding prospect ~ When I get discharged I presume I'd be discharged into being HL again , in fact , I expect that (A comment about some people being " case managers "/whatever for me was made , but I don't think that would likely lead into any " discharged into a new place " fantasy being realized) --- Actually , bravado-wise , September-October is really " San Francisco's summer " so --- (tho , also , there's apparently gonna be a wet-cold El Nino this final season to make up at least a little of that drought) .
I should head toward lunch/my noontime IV (I even have a PICC-line in me - not for the first time) so , if you'll excuse the lack of explicit Bible/Christian stuff for now- I am getting hots & a cot , and , again , medical for my foot issues so that's in itself good - I'm inside essentially all the time , tho'-
My God, what happened?
Hi man,
I'm glad you're healing up and getting the physical care you need. Don't worry about not being able to expound more on religious matters at the moment. You should just get rest, and maybe call around or try to find a local place that might be able to help get you back in a self sustainable situation.
Whatever the case, I'll be praying for you. And if I think of any ideas and resources helpful to you, then I'll post those right here.
The cutest most lovable little rob0t on Earth! (^.^)
..It's really true I've had four (at least) Bibles over the last 9-ish ? ~ less ? ~ months , 4 different translations & levels of expense , 3 are gone now - stolen/otherwise went bye-bye - one's in " storage " , with some other books , at a friend's now til' I can " have a place " (or a storage space)...Details later .
...I will say one more time that it is good that I am receiving the treatment now , I had hoped for that/said that some off-my feet + treatment was what I needed for the foot wounds to heal ~ If I can just get them to " normal " , barefoot-in-sandals niceness I will consider myself very blessed/my situation much improved - As I said , too , though , I am in a position where , when I'm discharged , ther'es nothing in place for me to do , and I have , again , due to what happened before , just my clothes + their contents - (Hey , literally speaking I bought a coupla magazines on those Walgreens' trips , but I've already decided I'll leave 'em here when I go .) .
I left Santa Cruz & came up here , as SC was REALLY all wrung out for me , as far as official attitude went toward me especially ! My walking , too , with the feet and having to carry around Too Much Stuff , was really " crippled old man " -ish (I had not been allowed - Had , in fact , a earlier statement that I would get such withdrawn from me - I had not gotten " second act " rehab after I had the infected toes finally amputated in January in the Seattle area (Everett) , the hospital there had said that they'd get me such , then , after the operation and the " first act " of immediately post-operation much IV antibiotics and an isolation ward the Everett hospital said " they couldn't find anybody to take me " and discharged me the very samed day the last first-act IV was completed I was , granted , initially glad to be discharged but that was before I was aware of how fully I wasn't going to get any healing to let me regain by balance/walk again well on 7&1.2 toes - Other Seattle hospitals clearly all followed a " get us (homeless) in-and-out FAST policy " , towards the end I was on a waiting list for a mission's post-healing program but a week after signing up and being 5th on the waiting list I was still 5th so I went back to Santa Cruz where it was warmer and there was much more sun , not grey skies 5&1/2 days a week & I could sleep outdoors on grass some
My toes were healed when I was discharged but , I was HL (in shelters but having to carry my " ball & chain " of stuff all day up often-wettish?? Seattle hills you can get a shelter bed easier than you can get a locker or somethin' ~ by the end there getting five-six?? blocks uphill from the " shelter district (Pioneer Square) to the Main Library would take me 75 minutes with frequent stops ) - So , I went to SC but , eventually I ran my string out there (Maybe more on that later , I'm digressing/roaming all over the place enough??) , so I went to SF , the two official reasons being:
Trying to seek out medical there (here ).
Seeking to sign up for City College of San Francisco , especially after a couple other HL told me they had nice programs/benefits for " Us " (and I guess my being (maybe) " older & I guess definitely " handicapped " (Um , if I care to , I guess being 7&1/2-toes pretty much definitively buys me a " no guilt " lifetime ticket to claiming that status/sticker though of course there are those worse off than I - I am saying that , maybe I feel I should sound " more Christian " too ? - There I go compulsively running myself down ! ! - anyway , CCSF was made to sound nice , briefly (I'll just post another digression in the Education thread now or later .) , I thought I'd look to go in this Fall semester , I managed to do the initial registration faster than I thought & alone , maybe I'm better/more competent than I thought ! ~ But , even before I landed in the hospital , it was apparent that there was no way whatsoever I could go this Fall , if I am healed in the feet that would be far far better than than going this Fall of course , again , as I said , read in Education ~ So , getting away from the SC situation then , and exploring medical and educational hopes brought me back here to SF ~ I had been here essentially 14 straight years , 1997-2011 , anyway and I had even noted , when I tried out those " Look Up Your Records " sites , that there will still umpteen more records of me in SF than in SC even after a while there , I thought that was maybe a sign ~ Like I said . medical & educational .
My last day in Santa Cruz I had gone to that " homeless Bible class/supper " I mentioned again , the priest there , I guess noticing how badly I was walking , asked if he could do anything . Briefly , I did say " Prayer could help " ~ I DID say that , I'm not (Just ???) trying to impress you with what a Lost Sheep Back In I am (he said- ) ! !! !! !! !! !!hehehe
...I'll speak now of those several Bibles I had in the last months , four at least .
One was an early-70s modern translation in paperback that tried to appear " with it " in the packaging of the words themselves ~ A lot of pictures of kind of " wholesome-looking post-hippie ' modern youth ' " types ,as chapter dividers and the modern-ness of the translation extended , IIRC , to a passage in Ecclesiates where the Teacher said something like?? " I built public-works programs " ~ Okay , I guess the intent was " show the modern equivalent " . Was it titled " THE WAY " ?
This was bought quite cheap , at a thrift shop .
I had a New Revised Standard Version that was a quite expensive " real book-sized and -bound " book , with the Apocrypha (I thought I'd see what it was .) .
I ~ technically still have ~ another thrift-shop purchase , less cheap that other of another translation , I don't know what it was . It's with a friend now , along with some other books in the theory that I'll be able to reclaim it one day .
I had a in-a-plastic-slipcase King James Version that I bought new at Target , that's the one that was stolen along with " everything else " this month , which I mentioned . Kinda expensive , especially considering that it's a PD book ! I once had a really basic paperback that I bought at a dollar store , for $1 .
...I'll say stuff about my " secular " life at that " Stolen , hospital..." line by me in Haven , especially considering my typing difficulties right now (which see)...I wonder about my adopting/going further in religion (Christianity 0 , especially when I note the more ' strong ' versions argued , for instance , an evangelist on early (Sunday) yesterday when omone put the TV on then here in this room at the nursing where I am typing ...
Saturday's New York Times had , in its Beliefs column by Mark Oppenheimer , a story about some contemporary Methodist churches , including one in Minneapolis , that made me feel nice ! However , I will say that , on a second reading , it came off a little bit " Ahuu " ? ~ maybe the sort of thing that , on one level , such as AspieUtah with his complaints about the contemporary Episcopal church earlier in this line IIRC might grab onto , maybe ?
Well , decide for yourself . It's hard for me to link , and this machine's used up it monthly free quota on the paywalled Grey Lady , I've given you enough search terms above .
Am I thieving to encourage youuse guys to free-link it ??? Well , I DID spend $2.50 on the paper myself ! !! !! !! !!
...I thought of trying to go to church Sunday , but I don't know/haven't been to any during this time here in SF...I was only here for one week before the circumstances of the theft , the hospital , really...(And I didn't have any Internet access , IIRC , the weekend befor the theft .)...Also , bluntly , they don't really give usw passes to get out of the hospital for that long , and my (ONLY ONE SET , REMEMBER) CLOTHES AREN'T THAT GREAT...mORE TO THE POINT , I GUESS GOING TO A STANDARD 10:30/11:00 am CHURCH SERVICE WOULD HAVE TAKEN ME AWAY FROM MY NOON iv ANTIBIOTICS , REALLY (aND , LOOKING AT SOME POTENTIAL sf CHURCH ADDRESSES JUST NOW , THEY WOULD BE PRETTY FAR AWY FROM HERE)...AND , I HAVE A picc-LINE PERPETUALLY HANGING OUT OF MY ARM !
pLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR " YELLING " , I DO NOT TOUCH-TYPE , AND SOMETIMES I DO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS , ACCIDENTALLY KEEP DOWN THE CAPITALS KEY...frankly , I HAVE GREATLY DELAYED MY LATE-AFT iv ALREADY (+ DINNER BY NOW ~ aT INSTITUTIONAL/HOSPITAL tIME ! !! !! (oh , sh- oot , I did it again .) So , I kind of " can't " - - rtype this - I'm " stream-of-consciousness "/sloppy that way - Plus , I really SHOULD go up and get my IV - and dinner !
I do hope you can read what I said (that would be nice) !
...I have seen the joke credited to more than one person of the Episcopal Church being " Catholicism Lite ~ all the tasty ritual , half the boring dogma ! " !
Yeah , since I've gone to church services some in this last year-ish noting the , from the cue sheet-lyrics booket ! on Sunday , having much of the same things every week ~ It can be good , too I suppose , but repetitive .
In Santa Cruz I mostly went to that Monday Bible class/etc. , as I said . Tho they were nice enough the couple times I went to regular Sunday to a large extent , not just " getting up " (and sometimes not feeling clean - in clothes - enough ) , but even a " What do I do after post-church coffee time is over " , as I tried to get a lot of sleep (and tended to stay up fairly late when begging , which I did , so balancing it out) , tending to sleep in a place near the river where I could get sun upon me in the later morning and afternoon to balance out night's coldness & warm my body .
The priest there , in one of his comments , said something to the extent of (as he saw it) the Episcopal Church being ~ I forget his language , something like " ritual-oriented " " mystic " (Rather large difference there I guess ! !!) even seeing a linkedness to the Orthodox Christians too .
Do you fit in...?
Nope. My preferred church would be the Episcopal Church (though, I grew up Mormon), but its constant references to LGBT this, or gun-control that, makes me wonder when they ever have time to connect their opinions with something biblical. So, I am largely an unaffiliated red-letter Bible-reading Christian. Simple. I like it that way. And, when I want to tithe, I take myself to brunch.
It surprises me to hear that the Episcopal Church would be talking this much about it.
Personally, I think those topics should stay out of the pulpit and remain in personal conversations. People have various convictions on the matters at hand, and any disagreements between believers are not going to be hashed out by someone hammering it from the pulpit. Some individuals in our church are quite vocal about some current topics (not from the pulpit), but we try to "lower the volume", so to speak, and promote a more low-key, inclusive discussion. (I am, dare I say it, "Baptist", but at an unaffiliated church.)
I'd like to try out other denominations, go visit and see what the church service is like. I've been to a few Catholic services and one Episcopal service (a LONG time ago), but never to a Lutheran service. That is what I am most curious about these days... BUT, as the pastor's wife and the music director at our church, I'm not going to get that opportunity any time soon, LOL.
As you're familiar with Catholic and Episcopal worship, then Lutheran worship would be quite familiar to you, as very much the same kind of liturgy is used, with the same sort of reverence for baptism and communion as sacraments (including infant baptism and belief in the real presence in the Lord's Supper), along with observance of holy days.[/quote]
I'm a Christian too. Welcome to Wrong Planet, try not to go crazy. It used to be more hostile to Christians here back in 2007, but it's gotten better since then.
I'm an author: https://www.amazon.com/author/benfournier
Sub to my YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/Iamnotaparakeet
"In the kingdom of hope, there is no winter."
...It's been stated to me that my time here is running out , it's a week left now...I'd kind of like to find a church to go too this Sunday , but , getting there , etc. , as I said ~ and maybe even God would accept my trying to get as much repair as I can get to what I'm told is " His temple " ? I mean I guess I sort of " sin " there , not " treating it good enough " ???????????
As I said , passes from here hard , getting to somewhere hard now , for the first time...
Maybe I'm just trying to impress you with how " good " I am... .
From recent-past times in SF , I went to an Episcopal church in the Misson district once (Is it still there ? I did read of two existing Epis. churches having merged in SF in the time I was gone .) , I went to the Mission version of a " Homeless Church " or a not-technically-denominational but?? - ( http://www.homlesschurch.org/ ) outdoor service I went to once-twice B4 _ Maybe , again , I'm being insincere , trying to impress you? I wonder about " Do you believe/can you every Bible statement/do you want to do that " .
As far as " going to what is nearest to you " I think , here in the recovery place , the Episcopa church (I was born/baptized in it , but never confirmed , an odd story resides there regarding my family's dynamic , but not now .) is " big-time " Grace Cathredral ~ so maybe I should " move on up " ?
If you make a critique of anything you yourself are open to scrutiny as you should expect it, I don't buy the argument that theist are just unprovoked victims or even atheists.
Scientist shouldn't be concerned with theistic argument, they should be concerned with scientific endeavor. The conflict arises when scientific endeavor is sabotaged or stifled.
There are many fallacies in the OP cut and paste. Also the "appeal to authority" fallacy citing Einstein is one of the oldest tricks in the book, the Scientologists did the same thing.
A commonly cited statement which Einstein said was that we only use 10% of our brain at any one time. The problem is this now know to be complete wrong. Besides Einstein was no authority on neurology, he was simply repeated a commonly held belief of the time.
Using Einstein (or anyone for that matter), to try an lend credibility to an idea is weak, especially if you know it is complete fiction.
You insult people's intelligence by doing so.
This community is what it is, nobody has to be a victim at all. They may feel like one but hat is another matter. There are several Christians on here.
It is commonly assumed (by neo-pagans) that Christianity is a product of Scripture.
However, Christianity was alive and kicking for about 400 years before what we know as the Bible was even put together. After that the Bible only existed as a few hand-written copies in universities and monasteries. Even after the invention of the printing press the Bible was still rare and could only be read by a wealthy and literate few for several hundred years afterwards.
But, on the side of the arrogant turds that think themselves smarter than God... you have an impressive lineage; the Snake promised that you would be "as gods knowing good and evil". Enjoy!! !
Joined: 16 Jun 2014
Gender: Female
Posts: 1,645
Location: In the land of abstractions and ideas.
However, Christianity was alive and kicking for about 400 years before what we know as the Bible was even put together. After that the Bible only existed as a few hand-written copies in universities and monasteries. Even after the invention of the printing press the Bible was still rare and could only be read by a wealthy and literate few for several hundred years afterwards.
But, on the side of the arrogant turds that think themselves smarter than God... you have an impressive lineage; the Snake promised that you would be "as gods knowing good and evil". Enjoy!! !
I think you need to clarify some here.
The Bible was not "canonized" before approximately 400 yrs after it began. This is a lot different from "put together." The manuscripts (of which there are many copies) were around long before the canon was officially decided upon. We have more ancient copies of Biblical texts than we do of Homer's works.
Second, Christianity, though out of necessity and lack of copies, depended upon word-of-mouth and the passing on of teaching orally, it was still based in the written work of the writers of the New Testament, and the texts of the Old Testament. To say that it is not based on the "Bible" could lead people astray.
Of course, there was disagreement over the years regarding who was teaching right doctrine, which they dealt with in various ways.
In addition, the invention of the printing press, the translation of the Bible from Latin into the local languages, and the ensuing availability of Scripture to the lay person (even if they were wealthy) DID change Christianity from that point on. The printing press had a *major* role in the start and spread of the Protestant Reformation.
Some may question whether Christians today actually live according to the Bible, but the *theological* doctrines conservative Christians claim to believe are in the Bible (I am avoiding non-theological beliefs here.)
I don't care a fig about "canonised".
Back in about 300 ad there were Jezebels and Joe Smiths under just about every bush you could kick writing some new "improved" Gospel, Epistle, or Revelation. The disciples of the disciples put a cut-off point; We know for sure that this is genuine from the Apostolic Heritage... anything else is suspect of speciousness if not fraud.
Anyhow, as I said before, Christianity is not a product of Scripture... the collection of accounts/admonitions that constitute Scripture are barely hastily written lecture notes as opposed to the wealth of information provided by the Founder.
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