wowiexist wrote:
Trump won't be nominated. He is appealing to the far right but they know in the end he can't win the general election. Jeb Bush and Ben Carson are polling better against hypothetical Democratic opponents.
He's polling about even with Jeb and Carson is much much more conservative than Trump but has an amazingly impressive life story along with a very soft spoken intellectual style that contrasts with Trump's being a no filter bombast. A lot of people don't really care or understand issues in any coherent way, this honestly probably makes up the majority of voters. Trump leads the GOP in pretty much every demographic now including moderates so I think it's just the contrast in Carson's personality along with with his personal backstory that is fueling his rise in the polls, it's not like he made some tax proposal that's super popular.
A lot of people pick who they're going to vote for based on personality and some vague sense of competence, Trump like him or not is a magnetic charismatic guy who runs circles around the bunch of stiffs that are supposedly the "strongest and deepest Republican field ever". Politics in the US is reality tv now, cable news is literally reality tv, and in this arena there isn't anybody in American politics or culture that knows how to manipulate it better than Donald Trump does.
People pick presidents like NFL teams pick draftees, people see Trump as a powerful very successful man that doesn't take any gruff from anybody. He's beyond the political process and isn't beholden to any special interest, that's something that appeals to a lot of people. I remember the former Democratic Senator from Wisconsin Herb Kohl who was independently wealthy from his family business running as "nobody's senator but your own" to reiterate that same quality. Trump is the guy these people want sitting across from Putin and to be fair I actually think Trump would handle our bilateral relationship with Russia better than anybody in either party since I think he could appeal to Putin personally and Putin is a guy that loves to get wined and dined and always has been. Putin was close friends with the former prime minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi(who a lot of people compare Trump too) and was a lot better with Dubya than he is with Obama now.
He's convinced me that he can get the nomination at this point and I think he might even be able to win it all especially if these polls are right about him attracting a lot of non-traditional Republicans. Ronald Reagan was able to build a coalition of voters too, I think Trump is trying to appeal to that same group of blue-collar and middle class white voters who are deeply dissatisfied with the state of the country right now. People don't want the country to be fair and equal with the rest of the world, they want to use our power and wealth as leverage to our benefit which is what Trump pretty clearly says he will do.
Crazy times we live in.