EmeraldGreen wrote:
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
It should be legal for me to defend my property, not just myself or my family, with deadly force. I know this is a widely accepted thing in the US, but I'd like to see it legalized here in Canada.
I also agree we should all have this basic right, and personally would like to learn how to hunt as well as defend my property, since I have no clue how to do either at present. I am all-for gun control of assault weapons, but that's where I think we should draw the line although these viewpoints are not very popular with my family and friends. I'm glad they are for gun control, but it shouldn't be all or nothing in my opinion, and hunting & gathering available resources should be taken more seriously, as not just a pastime, but a legitimate and properly regulated form of human sustenance.
I could go on, as I hold many unpopular views, but I will end there.
You just banned so, they guns you could use to defend yourself, now you have a bolt action and it killed your neighbors after it went through the bad guy your wall and 3 other houses walls. Ups well off to prison for you manslaughterer.
Simi auto guns are mordern and existed for over s hundred years, why is it just now they evil and must be banned, why isn't out population half of what it is now do to all the deaths from simi autos. FYI assault weapon is just a made up word for simi auto guns so they can trick people like you into banning something even though you'd probably never want to ban it. You'd have us roll back time to the 1880s and only have revolvers and lever actions, freak that even then people had simi auto guns.
To um up your post. You're in favor of people being allowed to defend themselves, just as long as the tools they need to do so are banned, there for they won't be able to defend themselves so you contradicted yourself.