What about her age now???
A 17 year old Feminist isn't so far-fetched, in fact, this millenial generation about my age are absolutely full of little third-wave feminists.
And their boyfriends? Somewhat submissive males who are also 'feminists' and coincidentally almost always skinny guys, slightly effeminate, extremely nerdy/geeky.
Every girl I've dated has constantly been infected with this trend.
I believe, when it comes to dating, for the first three dates, whoever does the asking should do the paying, out of politeness and courtesy, and then after that it should be split.
Instead, every gal I've dated has absolute
insisted on always paying for everything for herself - even my ex-girlfriend's mother suggested I should be the one who pays for our third date 'to treat her' as her family payed for me when I first met them, but that never happened.
I'm too traditional and chivalrous sometimes for these neo-feminists.
And those same girls cheat on those guys with muscular men, yet they would never date muscular men. Men with muscles equates to higher testosterone. Men with higher testosterone aren't as easily manipulated.