EzraS wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
smudge wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
smudge wrote:
Many creatures have existed far longer than us, why didn't they develop big brains like us?
I don't see what is so unbelievable with the idea that everything is linked into each other and has its own intelligence controlled by a super intelligence. Or rather, everything linked together is one super intelligence. Why not? I'm genuinely asking.
I, for one, am all for divinely directed evolution. God had preordained us to be what we are.
The only problem I find with evolution is that it doesn't explain everything, like willard mentioned, there isn't much evidence in fossil records for the transitionings, and I would have thought since environments are very similiar (on land, at least) why all creatures are so vastly different. I'm not disregarding the theory altogether though, it just doesn't totally fit.
That's because evolution takes place usually in slow increments, thus one is less likely to find transitional fossils. In fact, there have been some found such as the mammalian reptiles that had preceded the dinosaurs,the dinosaur remains that resembled birds, and of course the remains of modern human ancestors that appeared to be much more primitive.
So how long ago do you think Adam was created? I know there are very spacific geneologies connecting Adam to Jesus.
For the record too all. I debate matters like this the same as I debate lore. On the Lord of the Rings Online discussion forum, there's all kinds of debates regarding lore and the scenarios the game developers come up with, involving the properties of elves, wizards, places in Middle Earth and so on. That doesn't mean anyone in these lore debates actually believes Middle Earth and elves are real. Although it's treated as if real to mantain certain ground rules. One of the most classic and heated debates was over whether or not elves could grow breards.
Is every Biblical geneology to be taken literally, or without gaps?
And who knows if there was an actual Adam, or if he was just a symbol for mankind. What I think are the points of that story is that God was responsible all creation, and that something terrible had happened with human nature (symbolic of eating the forbidden fruit), causing our race to become a destructive alien element in our own world. Or in other words, our fall from grace, and our need for atonement with God through Christ.
Some brief research does suggest that only significant people are listed in the genealogy and that was the method of making them out back then. A more abridged version would be Adam begat Abraham who begat David who begat Jesus. I think that makes a lot of sense and ends the 6000 year old earth problem easily and reasonably. I wonder why that isn't taken into consideration more. It doesn't seem to detract from Genesis any. Just that it took place longer ago than 6000 years.