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05 Oct 2018, 8:49 am

XFilesGeek wrote:
NobodyKnows wrote:

That's exactly the analogy I was about to draw, and you should remember that a male-majority court struck those laws down. Also remember that a lot of women continue to support abortion bans. So regarding this:

I know. I'm confused by the notion that a politician shouldn't be allowed to vote on, or dictate, issues that don't directly affect them. Most politicians are old, rich, white men who will never have to concern themselves with healthcare costs, welfare, WIC, ect. yet they still get to make decisions regarding these issues.

That's fair. I really should have used the word 'entitled' rather than "allowed" because what I meant to object to was the idea that a single position with disproportionate power over one gender should be used as the ultimate test of whether the other gender has equal rights. Maybe a better goal would be to ensure that power and liability are kept in proportion regardless of gender.


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15 Oct 2018, 11:03 am

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
In most cases, when there aren't massive - like can't drive, can't vote, apartheid or in shackles - inequalities you have an activism that's a dance of a couple distinct types of people; people who've been victimized by sociopaths of the group their activism is hoping to modify if not overthrow and on the other end the self-same sociopaths but the ones who look like them, have the same XX/XY chromosomes, have the same religion, who are triggering the other side to activism.

When I think of Karen Staughan's work she seems to just know a lot of guys who got screwed over in the worst ways. Her atheism and rationalism are generally on target, as far as being a something-ist or -phobe she's really no better or worse than Sargon of Akkad or Computing Forever in that she remains quite capable of interviewing people and having thoughtful discussions of the content that reveal what they actually have to say much more than any massive skew getting put on it (I bring her up in specific because a pretty well thought out video got reacted to - on name - as if I'd posted the equivalent of Richard Spencer).

A lot of the types of guys she references - the types who married the wrong person, worked 80+ hours a week to finance someone else's lifestyle to get taken through the legal wringer, lose house or house and kids, or even have this happen because they were 'working too much' or traveling for work too much - this is the factory that makes the MRA's with legitimate grievances, even if and when those grievances are just damning personal anecdote. I can't always tell whether it's a problem of our genetic wiring attracting us to people who are animalistic and thereby expertly deceptive, whether it's cases of people with borderline personality hiding it really well until they can take the mask off, or some combination of all kinds of things like that - I'm sure it's pretty damn chaotic and these problems are never anywhere near as neat or tidy as we'd want them to be. Similarly I'm sure there are some guys in the men's rights movement who are the types of guys who quite literally make nth wave feminists, give cause for real grievance, while that sociopath sliver of women who make legitimate MRA's - like a grim mirror to that sociopath sliver of men, hold the megaphones and lead the charge.

This is part of why I don't trust activism or identity politics in general. I might be white and male, can't rule out the possibility of some motivated reasoning, but over and above that I can't help but notice something that I'd have to think anyone else paying attention can't help but notice as well - the cream clearly doesn't rise to the top, rather it seems to be something closer to the opposite. If that's the case why not just focus on really understanding the nuts and bolts mechanics of the problems, figuring what they actually are, and once you have a solid grasp on what those problems really are and where they're coming from work on equally plausible solutions that can work in the real world with minimum invasiveness (ie. the one assurance that they can stand the test of time, strain, and political cycles). Otherwise the middleman/middlewoman/middlexe/xer is atrocious.

I think all of those people you listed are toxic individuals, no better than their equivalent feminist counterparts, and I think, at least with Karen, she is in it for profit. One might say that that might be irrelevant because she champions their cause, but at the end of the day, like radical feminists, I don't think she serves the better good. I think she just amplifies negative sentiments many of these men already have and lowers morale. There is nothing positive with sitting around at home by one's self in a bad state, listening to someone fuel your fire.

If one can leave society a little more cohesive, one does a better job than one who has left it a little more divisive, and I think Karen, Akkad and similar individuals fall in to the latter category. They are modern day shock jocks.


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15 Oct 2018, 11:13 am

It might have already been stated, but let me say simply that gender equality should be as blind as Lady Justice. No discrimination for or against the individual.

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15 Oct 2018, 11:24 am

Chronos wrote:
I think all of those people you listed are toxic individuals, no better than their equivalent feminist counterparts, and I think, at least with Karen, she is in it for profit. One might say that that might be irrelevant because she champions their cause, but at the end of the day, like radical feminists, I don't think she serves the better good. I think she just amplifies negative sentiments many of these men already have and lowers morale. There is nothing positive with sitting around at home by one's self in a bad state, listening to someone fuel your fire.

If one can leave society a little more cohesive, one does a better job than one who has left it a little more divisive, and I think Karen, Akkad and similar individuals fall in to the latter category. They are modern day shock jocks.

I guess the challenge might be identifying the portion of what they're saying is true and to find which more level-headed voices are saying it in a much cleaner way without the hype. On understanding things like human tribalism it stands to reason that people like Jonathan Haidt and Brett Weinstein are generally well agreed-upon and it's difficult for the antisocial fringes of either side to land a shot on either of them. Is there anyone quite like that in the discussion of gender issues? I'd hope so but I'd think its such contentious territory that people like Christina Hoff Sommers, Janet Fiamengo, etc. would get the exact same kind of disapproval rating as Sargon or Karen and they're technically (at least Christina in the formal sense) considered IDW.

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15 Oct 2018, 11:53 am

Feminism was a movement that once advocated for women's equality to men in many aspects of civil rights. Today, women have had the same civil rights as men in the Western world for many years already. So into modern feminism, it is no longer about equality but about women who want special privileges over men...

In America today, a woman has a 1 in 4 chance of being assaulted, and a 1 in 6 chance of being raped. Women earn about 20% less than men, are 3% more likely to be poor than men, and in old age are more than twice as likely to live in poverty as men. With Kavanaugh's appointment forming a solid 5:4 Fascist majority on the Supreme Court, it is likely that Roe v. Wade will be overturned in the near future, banning abortion and quite possibly most forms of birth control, too. Several states allow rapists to file for joint custody and visitation rights.

Please tell me again how “women have the same civil rights as men”.

Last edited by Piobaire on 15 Oct 2018, 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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15 Oct 2018, 12:05 pm

When you talk about mens issues, I assume you mean mens rights. Yes I do agree about men issues. I never understood why it's even a bad thing.

A woman gets pregnant, the man doesn't get to have a say in that child.

There are also double standards like a man walks out on his baby and he is seen as a dead beat dad, the woman does the same to her baby so the dad is stuck raising it himself, no one calls her a dead beat mom.

Lack of changing tables in mes restrooms, men are parents too, of course it's reasonable for them to speak up about this too. In my area, I have seen changing tables in mens restrooms and I had no idea many areas still lacked them.

Women are more likely to get custody of kids than guys.

Men can be victims of abuse too so there is lack of support for domestic abused men and no shelters for them.

Men can also be victims of rape and sexual assault.

A female teacher has sex with a male student, people see the teacher as a victim and the kid as horny. A male teacher has sex with a female student, the teacher is a sick pervert and a pedophile, the female student was not a slut. The double standard here. People forget about the age of consent law, minors cannot legally consent to sex, it doesn't matter if the minor did the first moves, the teacher is a adult and she can say no and reject the student. Same as if a four year old decided to grab my breasts, do I allow it to continue or do I grab his hands and tell them no and that it's naughty and private parts? I would not go along with it and then form a sexual bond with the child and then blame the kid for it. I swear that is what these female teachers do and I feel like screaming at them "He was 13, they cannot consent to sex, you are the adult, you tell them no." Would they have that same excuse for a two year old? My son has asked me at that age to kiss his penis or his butt and I told him no because those are is privates and no one can kiss him there.

Why is is so bad to address these things and point out the double standards? And anyone who is for mens rights are branded as misogynists and red pillers and seen as hating women.

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15 Oct 2018, 12:16 pm

League_Girl wrote:
Why is is so bad to address these things and point out the double standards? And anyone who is for mens rights are branded as misogynists and red pillers and seen as hating women.

AFAICT the wrong people, and really an unrepresentative minority of women, have control of the narrative in a similar way to which Coleman Hughes was mentioning on Rubin Report recently that the current 'allowed' narrative on race doesn't represent the beliefs of most black men and women and they too are biting their tongues for fear of stepping out of line.

My best guess is we'll have moral panics and strange dogmas for as long as our culture hasn't figured out how to deal with busy-bodies and the sorts of people who are obsessed with making everyone's business their business. What seems clear is they seem to parasite off rights movements and have a way of riding them into the ground. While I do think it takes a particular tenacity to take on civil rights issues and get them resolved these sorts of people and what they'd do with the reigns of control in their hands aren't it.

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16 Oct 2018, 5:58 am

I really do care about men's rights but I think some of the guys who've gotten involved in men's rights have given the whole concept a bad reputation and actually set men's rights back a number of decades.

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16 Oct 2018, 10:42 am

I think it's worth noting; that on a Day to Day Basis, as far as i see; folks in 'the Real World' are mostly Just
'Average Slobs' making their way best they can to make a living; in other Words the Typical Walmart World;
as opposed to the upscale Publix across from the Golf Course Gated Community where it's hard to say if they
are any happier with Boob Jobs and Lip Jobs and Men who don't seem to be comfortable in their Men Skin with
Anxiety Plastered aCross tHeir Face too; Truly, who Needs to Celebrate Halloween in a Reality of a World Like this.

Men's and Women's Issues are typical these days in number one of Anxiety in Making a Living where increasingly
Folks are Separated from the Products they help create if any at all; so far out of touch with their Body and Emotions
in Physical and Emotional Health; they might as well be a Smart Phone without a Soul WHO Touches and Feels life More
in Love and Nirvana and Bliss; than the other Place of Keeping up with the Jones or Brett or Brianna As Such to Be Cool.

Ha! the Price of Freedom is Fearless Love; always has been always will be; so what is the Core Issue of all Male
and Female Issues; Fearless Freedom with Love of Course; and that doesn't come easy in any Western Civilized
Soup of Complexity in Avatar Life; with increasing Dis-ease of Nature Deficit Disorder, NDD, for just another
Acronym as far as i will see as GDD, God Deficit Disorder as Synonym as other Animals are not
caught up in a Neo-Cortical Think Tank of Worry from Day Break to Insomnia more of taking
Pills to Replace one's own potential of Relative Free Will to Regulate Emotions and Integrate
Senses in a Bio-Feedback that literally and Metaphorically works to make Heaven now that our so-called
Primitive and Current Relatives and Ancestors in the Human Race Do Best as Social Science Shows where Small
Societies Live on a Basis of Making Products they can touch together in Giving and Sharing the Best they have to
Give and Share without this continuous competition of who is Better; rather than all of We who Cooperate the Best
to make the Search and Success for Subsistence and Shelter together an Amazing Success each and every day now
as the Village Dances Together; where everyone is in a Cheer's Show where 'Norm' is you and me and Ted Danson
too as the Friendly Bar Tender who doesn't even require a Beer for you to Buy; only a Share and Give in the Products
You Co-Create now as just a Joy for the Bliss of Living now; hand in hand, hip to hip, and eye to eyes wide open no
longer stuck
in a 5 inch
Screen Head
Bowed in Worshipping
the God of Tool instead of
the God inside of you as Nature
Free and Happy to be here as this
is what it can and will other wise mean to be Free with Love Fearless and Happy Now; Yes, Incarnate as Love.

It's True, when the Movie 'Avatar' came out, some folks where so Separated From Nature in NDD and GDD way
That Movie brought to light their 'Avatar' Realities then that some folks got so overwhelmed with the Intrinsic
Lack of Meaning and Purpose in their Life, Holy and Sacred; they sadly committed Suicide as the Truth of their
Real Depression of Life in Hopelessness was just too much to take. True; there is a Much Deeper issue than that
of Men's or Female's Issues; it is the Reality that Modern Civilization now is moving in the Opposite Direction of
Being Human in Flesh and Blood as opposed to the Machine World of Humans becoming the Extensions of the
Tools they use as Science most Definitely Shows we are becoming the Metaphor for Artificial Intelligence as
Opposed to the Flesh and Blood that Senses and Feels Life More Holding Hands Dancing Cheek to Cheek
From Head to Toe Co-Creating together; where there is no Vague Secret of what the Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and Purpose of Life as a Social Animal Working Together in Cooperation and Actually
Needing each other to make a Living Real now; So far Separated we are from each other in
Flesh and Blood
Touch so
far we
are in issues
of Avatar Life and
no longer even fully alive.

I am Financially Independent and have escaped all the BS of Modern Civilization; no longer A Tool i am or
A Slave to what entails all of this; Free To Dance and Live a Life of Art; and yes with the Distinct Advantage
of the "Alpha Male" Meme Standing over 6 Foot Tall at 240 LBS of Muscle Leg Pressing the Strongest at my
Advanced Age still at a Military Gym 1020 LBS still at 52 Reps; where no one F's With Me Face to Face in the
most Difficult Place to be Different in Deep Trump State way when i move freely from Ballet-Like Free Dance
through Martial Arts-like Real Art of Lighting Quick Dance Kicks aimed inches from any Target i choose to
miss and not destroy of course; hehe.

Tom Cats are more Friendly than Female Cats in the Wild as they are brought into the Vet's Office for
Newly Tamed Shots. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out that they have an Innie to protect
and other Tom Cats have a Outie coming in to attack in the reality; the close reality that Sexuality and
Aggression is closely still related in the Shadow Brains still Evolved in Dominance and Hunted Submission
with Humans still.

Advantage Male in this Sense and Feel of Fearless and more Extroverted now.

Advantage Female in the Sense and Feel off Nurturing and Cozy Comfort Breast Feeding with Oxytocin more.

Advantage Human Race when Males and Females have clearly Defined Social Roles with Paths to Social Status
Secure too in making a Living Working Together where the Entire Village Needs each other to work outside of A
Square One Root Problem of if the Village exceeds much more than 150 to 200 Sets of Acquainted Eyes and other
Body Parts of Emotional and Sensory Contact; trouble starts to Brew after that as More Humans Become
Overwhelmed With This Changing Social Reality; Making Borders and Walls and More Laws and Tools
Required to make Life in a Big City A Reality too; Obviously, More Closed Minded Conservative
Folks Now find this Current Reality More Difficult than most any Free Ranging Nomad Person.

'Can you Spell Terrified'; Look No Further Than So-called Minions; And 'Who' 'they' Still Follow.

I understand Human Nature; and Number one my particular Flavor of Human Nature Now, Real;
I choose to live in a very lowly overall populated area outside of the smaller City Limits area with
Nature as my Back Yard Life to stay as far away from NDD and GDD as Re-Tired Life does allow now
most every day; and yes every day now in a Life where Sunshine is just a walk outside and a Dance
With God as Nature Free in Sand and Sun; and this World is my Oyster and I am the outlier Squirrel
who Rules for I am Strong Enough in Will and Secure Enough in a Foundation of Love and Balancing
Grace that no one stops the Free Dance of me as I Freely Roam the Entire Public World NoW in a Trance
(By God yes, The MeMe and TheMe of the Meek Strong in Grace of Love's Balance Will Inherit The EartH NoW)
Dance of Heaven
even more
Real; 'more real'
Than Most Folks See
Or Do NoW iN LiGHT oF Fearless LoVE.

In Other Words, We Do still Live in a Free Country, where if you have enough Minimal Resources to Live now
and enough Fortitude in Will and Love in Grace to make Fearless Strength in you come true; even if you are
once in A More Negative Epigenetic and Neuroplastic Circumstance as the Omega Male and or Female 'then'
as the Weak and Ugly Fish in the Aquarium; who everyone else Picked at the Scales off your Skin trying to Drown
you while you were already swimming underwater as such; Make that Victory in Love; instead of Vengeance in Hate.

Best News of all as Far as Avatar Life goes, We Do have incredible Epigenetic and Neuroplastic Potential that is
a Use or Lose Proposition of Real Life Now; I for one Prove It Is Real; as Science does too in much more than Case
Study Evidence too; If you are not Loving enough, exercise that Love Muscle more; if you are not Empathic enough,
even more, exercise that Empathy Muscle more; if you can't afford College; Online College is all over YouTube now if you
Search Deep enough for Free and now
By God as Far as i Will See, Sense and
Feel Heaven now; if you Don't Dance
it's not too late to Become a Dance Legend,
even at ages 53-58 as i've already Proven true after
Being a Shut-in in my Bedroom For 66 Months with
19 Medical Disorders then; in other Words; your Issues
Male or Female, far beyond Your Complaints about Culture
Now are the Issues of Human Potential You Make in either do or do not do now.

First Steps First; Find a Practice of Whatever Works to Make You Truly Fearless in Emotional
Regulation and Sensory Integration; and Your Human Potential Will Sky Rocket for Fear is the
Train Wreck in Your Mind and Body that represses all Human Potential From Head to Toe, including
the other
Human whoever
you wanna Hug;
And Holding Hands
too in Bliss with whoever
wants to Hold Hands with you too;
even if it is just a passing Selfie Smile
in Several Thousand Photos of Heaven too.

Co-Create your Life in Positive Ways and Stay away from all the
Negativity; other than observing it in an Anthropological Study as
Just another Watcher of Hell and Purgatory and Heaven oN EartH Now too.

True; it Helps to Be Financially Independent enough with the Bare Necessities of Life;
But True too; Without Fearless Love; That ain't Worth Nothing but a Trump Frown at the Top of the Hell Now.

And more than anything else; Create a Religion of Life in Bonds and Binds where you come to Co-Create A Way
Of Life wHere All from DArk to LiGht is Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose; in yes, a Positive way where
even Negative Becomes Positive Too; and this is the Best oF all of Life; You too, Do, potentially have the ability
to Make
All of
Life your
Version of Heaven
Now as i recently stated
that's the Whole Purpose of the
Declaration of the United States; other
than the Right to Life and Liberty as Fearless
Freedom That Makes Happiness Possible At All In Inter-Dependence NoW.

Anyway; it Dam sure works for me as I figured out Heaven and
am once again killing every Second in an Eternal 'Autotelic Bliss'
where Hypo-Transient Frontality in Even more Bliss and Nirvana
Now is at my
Finger Tips of
Index and Birdie
Finger in Bio-FeedBack
Practice of Relative Free Will
That Naturally comes in a Practice for
me at least with 10,066 Miles of Public Dance;
And 6 Million Words of Free Verse Longest Long Form
Poetry in 61 Months of Heaven now within, since the 66 Months Omega Male place
in the other place; as my Case Study Shows Both Do Exist on This Earthly Plane Now Within.

It's Not So Much What Your Country And Culture Will Do For You Or Even Your Neighbors Now;

It Is What You Co-Create As You Do With The Rest Of Nature Whole Now Or Separate As Heaven Now More Or Less.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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20 Oct 2018, 6:42 pm

I'm travelling internationally and didn't see this until now:

Piobaire wrote:
In America today, a woman has a 1 in 4 chance of being assaulted, and a 1 in 6 chance of being raped.

This is thoroughly debunked BS. It's based on a non-random survey sample in which the definition of assault was so loose that any act that a woman felt badly about later would count.

The study was so egregious that even my male-feminist paypig father gets incensed by it.

Women earn about 20% less than men, are 3% more likely to be poor than men, and in old age are more than twice as likely to live in poverty as men.

This is more BS. When you account for career choices, the difference vanishes almost entirely. If you account for the capital gains that women acquire tax-free through marriage, it's likely that they already earn more than men on average. (There's no reporting of that income in the US. That by itself is a very pro-female policy that shields billions of dollars from political debate and taxes every year.)

With Kavanaugh's appointment forming a solid 5:4 Fascist majority on the Supreme Court, it is likely that Roe v. Wade will be overturned in the near future, banning abortion and quite possibly most forms of birth control, too.

Even if you're right, feminists have an easy way to regain their reproductive freedom: Share it with men.

Give men financial abortions, and women will have the votes to secure their freedom without relying on a bunch of dead male supreme court justices.

Please tell me again how “women have the same civil rights as men”.

You've been told over and over again, and you won't listen.