The appeal of online Incel communities to autistic men
I only have my Bachelor's, too. I have no advanced degrees. I never traveled in "social circles." I'm a lone wolf, pretty much. I even howl like a wolf at times!
I believe "red pill" and "MGTOW" is based, on the surface, on "truth." But only on the surface. Yes, there are some women who exhibit the characteristics which are alleged in the ideologies. But there are many others who really don't. You just have to find them.
There are women out there, truly, who are "spiritual" and who know Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. Why not go after them? You listen to these "high-falutin" videos. Why not go out to a lecture on analytical philosophy or something----with a Buddhist twist? Do you already do this?
It's a pain in the butt----but it has its good points.
I certainly wouldn't kill myself over the prospect of marriage.
Last edited by Aspie1 on 23 May 2022, 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well let's say it's not true that women go for the alpha male jocks most often leaving a lot of more on the nerdy side, out of shape guys in the dust.
If this is not true, and women do not often go for that type, then why do a lot of guys who are 'nerdy', keep complaining that it happens though? You never hear jock types complaining online about how they keep loosing women to nerdy guys for example?
1) Jocks can replace a lost woman as easily as they can replace a torn pair of socks. Nerdy guys can't don't have that luxury.
2) Women settle down with nerdy guys, but they lust after jocks. Settling down doesn't a hold a candle to unbridled bodily lust.
1) Jocks can replace a lost woman as easily as they can replace a torn pair of socks. Nerdy guys can't don't have that luxury.
2) Women settle down with nerdy guys, but they lust after jocks. Settling down doesn't a hold a candle to unbridled bodily lust.
Okay so I guess this means that the red pill philosophy holds merit then?
Many women have experienced jocks who had no idea how to satisfy them. They get tired of all the bs associated with being with a jock—including emotional and sometimes sexual abuse.
After all this, they enjoy a man who knows what he’s doing. And are gentle and romantic. Some of those guys are nerdy guys.
I see what you mean but in my experience it seems that women I know are around their mid 30s or later when this happens. So does this mean that most guys saying how alpha males getting all the women are under their mid 30s and haven't hit that age yet where women will come around?

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I believe "red pill" and "MGTOW" is based, on the surface, on "truth." But only on the surface. Yes, there are some women who exhibit the characteristics which are alleged in the ideologies. But there are many others who really don't. You just have to find them.
I think we maybe need to try a different angle with this conversation.
There's a field called evolutionary psychology. A good proponent whose making his rounds and doing interviews right now is David Buss. To some degree Rob Henderson gets into how these apply to politics, as does Gad Saad although often more satirically.
An interview that David did with MIT's Youtube Mr. Rogers himself (Lex Fridman):
A lot of what red pill and MGTOW talk about isn't necessarily even theirs. It's a bit like you might have various physicists and biologists in one corner and then militant capital-A atheists in another where the overlap isn't 100% and the science doesn't necessarily endorse the militant atheism but one in some way is downstream from the other?
This is kind of like that. A bit like the old fashion 2000's era straw-manning atheists don't disprove science, I don't see red pill and MGTOW debunking evolutionary psychology. Really what's tearing the wheels off of our culture right now is people going all-in on social climbing at any cost, which is a Darwinian psych problem and it's one that rarely gets any news. The whole idea that as the cost of ending the world leaves the gentlemen's and despots club (ie. nuclear warheads) and moves down to synthetic biology? These are the kinds of problems that help ensure our extinction if we can't look at them and admit to what they are. We're a species whose by and large status-driven, obsessed with getting their genes into the next generation, and there are casualities in that contest here as there are anywhere else in the animal kingdom. The closest thing I can think of to an answer is to have some type of monastic system for discarded men (of the sort who'd otherwise be spiraling into nihilism) and give them a reason to live - heck even give them a vow of celibacy as an excuse.
What I really think the biggest part of red pill and MGTOW are, at least on the bitter side, is social and economic exile. Sex only seems to be at the nexus of what other people are chasing and in so many ways effects tons of other ways in which other people get treated by the society they live in. Unless we talk about complete and total social disenfranchisement we're not really touching on what's going on at the bottom of that and how having the excuse of a toxic group helps people put their blinders back on so they can go right back to not looking at the problems that they didn't want to look at to begin with.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
Because of the maintenance of those attitudes, they remain in "social exile." No woman wants to relate to a man with those sorts of values.
I don't really have a solution for "economic" exile, except perhaps on a individual level. Being on benefits is something I would seek to avoid because it's something like a "roach motel." Once you get in, it's very difficult to get out. To me, the best thing to do, if possible, is to strive to get out of that status. But I have known people in that "status" who have been successful with women.
I know you work hard----so how can you be in "economic exile?" And you're not in "social exile" because you have a group of friends.
I really can't tell how "evolutionary biology" plays into your success, or lack of success, with women.
In the distant past, we did have those things. Beta males who had the physical strength could go into the armed forces. Back then, it wasn't an elitist "the few, the proud" line of work; it was more like a : "Here's your blunderbuss, there's the enemy, don't get killed!" Any beta male who couldn't find his status in the mainstream society could enlist as a fighter, quickly get killed, and come away with semblance of being a hero.
Beta males who weren't strong or tough enough for the armed forces could join the monastery. There, they'd be given some kind of a contributing job based on their pre-monastery skillset, like repairing furniture or milking cows. And they'd live a peaceful, uneventful life, dedicating themselves to Jesus Christ. Which carried some semblance of respect even from mostly-secular members of the mainstream society.
Today, beta males have none of such "escape routes". They're forced to live lives of quiet misery as incels (lowercase). Or they marry a woman who despises them and abuses them, just for a slim chance at a once-a-month starfish-position sex, then lose their home, their car, and 50% of their assets in a divorce.
Last edited by Aspie1 on 23 May 2022, 8:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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I don't really have a solution for "economic" exile, except perhaps on a individual level. Being on benefits is something I would seek to avoid because it's something like a "roach motel." Once you get in, it's very difficult to get out. To me, the best thing to do, if possible, is to strive to get out of that status. But I have known people in that "status" who have been successful with women.
I know you work hard----so how can you be in "economic exile?" And you're not in "social exile" because you have a group of friends.
I really can't tell how "evolutionary biology" plays into your success, or lack of success, with women.
It looks like you're just talking to your own mythic projections here. I'll wait patiently till you get that sorted out.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
That’s utterly absurd and not how the world works.
“Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c'est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours et toujours leur donner des explications.”
— Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince
Well as far as the whole alpha vs. beta goes, are their beta females as well, that perhaps would be better suited for beta males?
For example, I know a woman who says no guys ever go for her and she said the reason is because she is morbidly obese, if she is correct in that reason. But if it's true that no guys want her like she says, could beta males go for that 'beta-female' type if there is such a thing more often?
My perceptions are my perceptions; your perceptions are your perceptions.
My life is not a "myth."
I base what I say from what I've experienced in life.
And I guess you base what you say on what you've experienced in life.
We just have different opinions based on what we've experienced.
I wouldn't dare to call what you say "mythic." I respect what you say. I just don't feel it applies to myself.
Last edited by kraftiekortie on 23 May 2022, 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 6 Feb 2005
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My life is not a "myth."
I base what I say from what I've experienced in life.
And I guess you base what you say on what you've experienced in life.
We just have different opinions based on what we've experienced.
I wouldn't dare to call what you say "mythic." I respect what you say. I just don't feel it applies to myself.
You just spent all of your last post twisting everything I said into a statement about my love life and needs not getting met. That's projection.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
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