Ragtime: er I hate to point this out to you, but John does not mention 'antichrist'; he says 'beast'. The antichrist he was speaking of was Nero, around the time of the fall of Rome. Because of the likelihood that he would have been killed for heresy, he couldn't actually come out and say who was who, so the message was coded and written after the event (John was in roughly his 90s by then). Mark is the only one who mentioned an 'anti-christ', and that was in reference to the Romans trying to bring the Christian faction into line in the 30 years after Christ's death. Had they used all the books that were meant to be published, then the political meaning would have not had the impact that it did have. Times were very scary for those people back then, and any amount of spin that could be used, even selective editing, would have helped the religious cause.
Oh, and BTW, Sodom was destroyed in an earthquake and volcanic eruption sometime between 2700 BCE and 2500 BCE. Sodom and Gomorrah lay on the shores of the Dead Sea, and the Sodomite economy relied heavily on the trade of asphalt, which there was plenty of. It has been discovered that a fault line lies under the area, stretching most of the way along the coast and when the earthquake struck and the gasses from inside the earth came to the surface with the eruption, the asphalt caught fire and that's where the brimstone came into it. The ground that the cities stood on then suffered liquifaction, and both cities sank into the Dead Sea. The volcanic eruption also caused a pyroclastic flow which spewed out tons of ash (similar to what happened to Pompeii), and that also explains how Lot's wife got turned into a pillar of salt; she got carbonized from the falling ash. No hand of God, just a natural event that, because no-one was able to explain such things back then, they said it must have been God punishing them for their sins.
Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!
Karma decides what must happen, and that includes everyone.