Jakki wrote:
To understand the apparent mechanism, by which our government controls our propaganda that we are fed.
You need not look too much further than 9/11, debacle . Where when our President was in a elementary school
reading in or to a class and the Secret Service told him that the country was under attack . His reaction at that moment was not of a surprised or indignant reaction . Or to leave immediately to take his role as president,
. But to malinger . And sit peacefully. As a man whom was already aware of the events.
There probably wasn't much he could do until he had an opportunity to become better informed in a systematic way, and until the Secret Service was able to get him safely out of there and into a hidden location. Until both of those things happened, his best (in purely practical terms, though maybe not politically wisest) course of action was probably just to stay as calm as possible.
Jakki wrote:
Then building three was demolished,to the ground .Never stuck by any plane. And the media spin was to have us declare a War on a Country that had no apparent connection and destroy it...Not even Weapons of mass destruction were found.MOST ODD,
Had worked in the special effects industry,( old school) NOT CGI graphics,Have seen buildings demolished in various locations aswell . The Building were demolished , via demolition,by all outward appearances.
Please see
my comments here about the WTC demolition theory.
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