Flagg wrote:
OddballBen wrote:
God's view of sin and the path to personal salvation
Heard it all before, either give me empirical evidence of this deities existence or get off the soapbox.
I believe in God’s existence because He existed before science did, and science is yet to prove that God does not exist.
Science explains the origin of reality with the Big Bang Theory. It says that all the matter in the universe was in a tiny ball, which exploded forming the universe as we know it. What it doesn’t explain is where the matter came from, or why was the matter there. Those questions are strangely similar to the questions where did we come from and why are we here. So we don’t know where the universe came from, therefore we still don’t where we came from, according to science.
Science explains the origin of life in an ambiguous fashion, similar to their origin of reality theory. Science says that after the Big Bang, Earth was covered in water. Lightning hits the water and rearranges the chemicals in it into DNA which created life. In the scientists’ labs, they weren’t able to create life in the same way, disproving their theory. As far as fictionally using lightning to re/animate things, Frankenstein was a better story.
And then there’s evolution… It has so many problems I would likely bore to tears any people still reading this topic if I tried to explain them all. I’ll only list a few. Things like a fly’s wings and a bombardier beetle’s defense mechanism are so complex that they will only work in their entirety. Evolution says that they gradually evolved these survival mechanisms, but a partial wing would hinder a fly more than help it survive, and anything less than a perfectly functioning system of chemical glands and tubes would kill the beetle instead of helping it survive. Also, scientists say that a creature being poisonous or painful when eaten would help it survive by deterring predators. But the creatures that do acquire these traits need to DIE in order for them to be effective, so how can it pass on its traits when it is dead? It just sacrifices itself so its ‘less complex’ cousins can survive.
But there is always my problem with science itself. The information in a current textbook is assumed completely true, but a textbook from 20 years ago is outdated and obsolete. Did nature change? No. Twenty years ago, people thought that textbook was completely true, but now we know it is not. So in 20 years from now, the things that we think are true now will be considered outdated and obsolete. So we can only conclude that the science we think is true today, we will soon find out it is false. Between a textbook and the Bible, I’ll choose the Bible.