Nikolai wrote:
While not all muslims are terrorists, most terrorists are muslim so something must be wrong with Islam.
Actually, your media-formed view of the world is that most terrorists are Muslims. And it is factually incorrect. Look at the Sri Lankan civil war that has raged for decades. Those are the people that invented the suicide belt, and (until Sam stuck his foot into the Euphrates) they used it more than anyone else.
The Irish Republican Army (not to be confused with a Muslim orginazation) killed more Brits in their struggle against the occupation of Northern Ireland than Osama killed Americans on 9-11. Spain has wrestled with blood-thirsty Basque separitists for decades - no Koranic influence. And was not the KKK acting as a terrorist organization for many decades in the US, where it killed and maimed far more than Al Qaeda? Al Qaeda was successful because it was so dramatic - it was able to kill 3000 all at once in front of the media, and the US remains terrorized as a result. If 30,000 people died over the course of a year, and it was spread across the country, people would not change the way they think. They sure didn't when the makers of Vioxx lied about their product and it caused 100,000+ heart attacks.
And you have dodged the big question entirely: is it only terrorism when the little guys do it, but war (and thus OK) when the nation-states do it? Was the Rape of Nanking by the Japanese and the saturation bombing of London by the Germans not acts of terrorism?
And what about the countless campaigns of genocide in the last 100 years? Does that qualify as terrorism? Those were predominantly non-Muslim perpetrators. From Germany to Russia to Cambodia, Indonesia or Rwanda, Muslims were not involved. There is genocide going on in Darfur by one tribe purporting to be Muslim; there was also recently extensive genocide committed against Muslims in the former Yugoslavia by ethnic groups purporting to be Christian. In both cases, the US and Europe sat by and did nothing to stop it.
The only honest conclusion is that most governments and political movements do not practice whatever religion they preach, and that pretty much any corner of the globe can be a focus for inhumane cruelty. Comic book ideas that "we are good, they are bad" are usually incorrect.