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28 May 2008, 4:12 pm

I personally support the troops here in Canada, having grown up in a military
family, my dad was in PPCLI or Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.
Now I don't not support the war in Iraq and I am not totally convinced Canada
should be in Afghanistan, since I think its a waste of our people dying in a
country where foreign troops are not welcome. The west really should not be
trying to bring democracy to any countries where the concept is completly
alien to them. Look at the mess in Iraq, it was better off with that mad man
Saddam Husein running it, now what do those people have, a country in ruins,
and leadership that get its orders from multinational corporations.
Before I get flamed, I do support a strong military, that is seperate from the
whims of a few politicians.


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28 May 2008, 9:24 pm

I don't like the whole "pick the other guy's post apart" style of writing, so I'll simply address your "points" in order.

Any assumptions I made about your politics were made based off of what you wrote. I did not read every post you've ever made, I don't think that's necessary to an online debate. I was making the observation that your argument was nearly identical to the ones put forward by people I went to school with, some of whom have since moved on, some of whom have not. Hopefully you will be one of the former. Perhaps you are not a pacifist, but from your posts you are an isolationist, and that is nearly as bad. Instead of trying to reason with someone who wants to kill you, you simply want to put your head in the sand. Fair enough, it's your head...

You seem to yield the point about calling the majority of our troops sociopaths, which is good, you were wrong. There is some romanticism to the military though, you do get to travel the world and see interesting places. And not just the ones you get to bomb flat. My ex's father traveled all over Europe with the navy, something he never would have been able to do otherwise. As to emphasizing the blowing up of things, what's the harm in that? I like to blow things up, though for me fireworks and guns are mostly sufficient. Wouldn't you rather have people blowing stuff up under supervision in foreign countries then randomly at home? Shooting and blasting are legitimate tools of warfare, it's not like it's false advertising to emphasize them in recruiting commercials. After that though, you indulge in some white guilt about the "system" screwing people so that they have no choice but to join the army. If you are referring to the welfare system, then I somewhat agree with you , it screwed a lot of people over. But to say that they have no other choice is ignorant. There are always jobs, the military just has a better benefits package than most of them. Even dead end jobs can lead somewhere, my boss's boss's boss (the operations manager of a local chain) started at 16 at Burger King and stayed there for 20 years working his way through management, it can happen. People always have options, no one is forced into the army.

Glad to hear you too hate the fat man, it's a good start. You were practically quoting F/911 though, so I wasn't sure.

"Several" people meet your criteria and you judge a whole group? Way to go on the research, I know a tobacco firm that's hiring if you're looking for work. I'll say it again, make the same statements that you did but substitute "black" or "Mexican" for troops and see what people say.

Contrary to the opinions of some people on this board, killing people is not why you keep an army handy. I don't have the exact figure handy, but I believe only 25% of troops are what you would call combat troops. The rest are infrastructure, logistics, engineers, that whole tail that wags the dog. Armies exist for national defense, and projecting power. That's it. How they accomplish that is a variety of methods, killing other people in other armies is just one of those methods. As armies become more and more technologically advanced, they've needed to kill less and less of each other in order to win wars. A single Civil War battle killed more people than the entire Iraqi conflict, because back then the only way to win was to kill more of the enemy than he killed of you. Things are different now, there are other ways to win. That's all just a complicated way of saying that the military does many other things other than kill.

What I'm saying is that your opinion is based on ignorance and a few biased observations. You've chosen to judge members of the military based on a few encounters, and impugned them as a group as either thugs and bums, or too ignorant and stupid to know any better when they signed up. Your post makes me think of you as someone who would have spit on troops returning from Vietnam, maybe yelled "baby killers!" while you were at it. Maybe this was not the intention of your post, but that is what I get from it. No one expects you to hero worship the troops, but expecting a little respect is hardly Jingoism.


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28 May 2008, 9:31 pm

spudnik wrote:
I personally support the troops here in Canada, having grown up in a military
family, my dad was in PPCLI or Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.
Now I don't not support the war in Iraq and I am not totally convinced Canada
should be in Afghanistan, since I think its a waste of our people dying in a
country where foreign troops are not welcome. The west really should not be
trying to bring democracy to any countries where the concept is completly
alien to them. Look at the mess in Iraq, it was better off with that mad man
Saddam Husein running it, now what do those people have, a country in ruins,
and leadership that get its orders from multinational corporations.
Before I get flamed, I do support a strong military, that is seperate from the
whims of a few politicians.

Better off? Yeah, BRING BACK UDAY AND QUSAY HUSSAIN! The glory years of Baghdad.

If you give the middle east democracy, they'll vote for Sharia in today's world. I love democracy.

I all honesty, I actually see nothing wrong with Sharia (as long as you're muslim). Mmm, hadud. Glorious justice.

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28 May 2008, 9:34 pm

And if you aren't Muslim, Sharia is pretty horrific.


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28 May 2008, 9:45 pm

slowmutant wrote:
And if you aren't Muslim, Sharia is pretty horrific.

Hence why I put "as long as you're muslim." Sharia is great if you're a muslim (strict).

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28 May 2008, 9:49 pm

Sharia is great if you're a Muslim man. Not so great for women and children.


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28 May 2008, 9:55 pm

slowmutant wrote:
Sharia is great if you're a Muslim man. Not so great for women and children.

or a dog.

From Bukhari Vol. 1, #490

Narrated 'Aisha: "The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. They said, "Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they pass in front of the praying people)." I said, "You have made us (i.e. women) dogs. I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in my bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I would slip away, for I disliked to face him.""

From Muslim #3813

Abu Zubair heard Jabir Abdullah saying: Allah's messenger ordered us to kill dogs and we carried out this order so much so that we also killed the dog roaming with a women from the desert. Then Allah's apostle forbade their killing. He said: "It is your duty to kill the jet-black (dog) having two spots (on the eyes) for it is a devil.

Silly Hadith.

sticks and stones may kill you.


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28 May 2008, 10:11 pm

Dox: since you don't like that posting style, I'll emulate your organization.

I'm not an isolationist. As I have said, I realize that military force is necessary in some cases- the two that I've mentioned specifically were WWII and Korea.

My issue with the displays in recruiting materials wasn't that it was unrealistic, it was who they seemed to be trying to attract with it.

White guilt? Ha, you should hear me discuss affirmative action sometime. By referring to my comments on the economic draft as white guilt, you would have to assume that all poor people are black. The "system" perhaps was not the best word; just these people got screwed, in whatever manner. Yes, there are other opportunities, but for many this is just about the only way to get a college education.

F/911? I've seen it, and I really never could understand the point of it. The fat guy doesn't really even say anything... he just kinda makes fun of Bush. And not very well either.

All the logistics, infrastructure, etc you mentioned are there to facilitate the combat troops, and there purpose is to kill. True, in modern times our military might is great enough that we generally just need to intimidate, but the premise of an army is still at least displaying the potential to kill people and threatening to do so. I believe that's what you called "projecting power."

"National defense" is a pretty nebulous term. Our nation isn't really being defended all that well, what with the open borders and all. We aren't currently under invasion (and haven't been anytime in the recent past) so what do you even mean by national defense?



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29 May 2008, 1:44 am

But why haven't we been under attack in the recent past? True, third world countries like Canada and Mexico aren't going to invade us anytime soon, but our projected strength also keeps allied countries like Taiwan and Japan safe from the Chinas and North Koreas of the the world. A strong military is one of the few legitimate things you can do with a government. Everything else is just throwing money into a giant bureaucratic hole in the ground. Nearly everything that the government does with the exception of national defense could be and should be done cheaper by private industry. Not the the military doesn't waste colossal amount of money, but they at least do it for a legitimate purpose. Not to mention that money in the defense budget at least has some positive effect on the economy. Someone has to sell the military all those weapons, and that someone has to pay a bunch of people to design and build all of those weapons. It's one of those funny circular things, people being taxed on income that was provided by taxes. Say what you will about the evil military industrial complex, it does pay a lot of people. I'm not so happy with the sort of corruption that has been showing up lately, no bid contracts and the like, but I'm not against making money off of warfare. I've got a few concept designs for improved weapons on my drawing board, so I'd be awful hypocritical if I was.

Moving on, as you yourself pointed out, having a real big stick to shake at people often negates the need to actually swing the stick. But you need to have that stick in the first place. You can't threaten people with the stick you could have in a few years of building and training, you need it now. So in effect, having a strong military saves lives, in the wars you don't have to fight because everyone is scared of you. National defense is nebulous, but having a scary military to threaten belligerents with is always helpful. Half of projecting power is threatening to go blow things up, but threats don't work so well if you can't actually do it.

Which brings us to... Those rough and ready men at arms. For some of them, going to some remote locale and doing things to the inhabitant that they are not going to like is their job. They have to go do bad things in worse places, so we can sleep securely at night, that's what they do. It does take a certain sort to go do those things, we should cut them a little slack if they don't measure up to our standards of polite discourse and etiquette. I rather like the concept of the foreign legion, no questions asked if do your part, and you get a new identity after 10 years. I sort of like the idea of crews of 'bangers rolling around Baghdad blasting on Fedayeen, it would probably be more rehabilitating than prison... I wanted to go into special forces myself when I was in high school, but my psych problems kept me out. I wasn't diagnosed then, but the anti depressants I was taking disqualified me from military service. I wanted to join because I did and do think that there are far too many bad men still breathing, and wanted to do something about it. I figured special forces would give me the best chance of going after the kind of people who were making me angry, and not just the grunts of some country who's leadership was acting stupid that week. Sadly, that was not to be, but I digress. Suffice it to say, I don't think that the intestinal fortitude to kill another man in service of one's country disqualifies one from respect.


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29 May 2008, 2:10 am

Canada's not a third world country. They actually are quite prosperous. The Canadian dollar is currently more valuable than the American.

Have you studied economics at the college level? I personally am no fan of Keynesianism, and the government may be introducing money into the economy with military expenditures, but that is (at least if we had a responsible government) generally money that the government had taken out of the economy through taxation. Had they left it alone, it could have employed people more efficiently. Really, you're advocating the redistribution of wealth from society at large to arms dealers.

OK, I'm fine with having a strong standing army ready to go as a contingency. Don't know why we have to protect all these other countries though, shouldn't we at least get something in return? Maybe a throwback to old international relations in terms of a tributary state... we protect them militarily, they give us the better side of trade agreements, or something along those lines.

We seem to have rather different perspectives on the prospect of military service. I personally was not terribly upset to hear that the military would probably reject me for my autism, especially given the occasional rumours of a draft. I personally must say I am not well-suited to military service, and besides would not be willing enough to obey orders without question.

No, it doesn't disqualify one from respect (I stated this even in my OP to some extent) but it doesn't automatically entitle one to it either. At least, not to any greater extent than all humans deserve some degree of respect.



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29 May 2008, 2:33 am

Mexico is a second world country.


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29 May 2008, 4:04 am

Kalister1 wrote:
Mexico is a second world country.

No, it's not. Second world referred to Soviet bloc/aligned countries during the Cold War. Mexico was always third world, that is, aligned neither with the USSR nor the USA.



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29 May 2008, 4:36 am

Ahh, progress. We've gone from a post essentially indiscriminately bashing soldiers to they deserve the same respect as anyone else. I wasn't seriously calling Canada third world by the way, the Canucks on this board are just fun to get riled up. :P

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02 Jun 2008, 2:48 am

Orwell wrote:
Today, it is more or less expected, regardless of one's political leanings or opinion of the war in Iraq, that everyone at least pay lip service to the idea of "supporting the troops" and respect members of the armed forces. Well, I was recently dragged out of school for an attempted propaganda inundation from the United States Air Force because they were looking for more recruits and figured that a group of high school seniors would be a good place to go. While I was there (and at other points in the day) conversations I had with my peers, as well as my own personal reflections, led me to conclude that I, in fact, do NOT support the troops.

Why? Well, there are a variety of reasons. Part of it is the composition of the membership of the military, and their target audience in recruitment efforts- the Air Force area in our parking lot included video games and film of stuff getting blown up, and then any actual information was focused on the "opportunities" provided by the military. So, the military is primarily composed of two main groups.

The first consists of sadistic nuts who want to blow crap up, macho jerks who glorify war or think it's "cool" to be in the military, etc. I know a fair number of people who fall under this category. For these people I can feel nothing but contempt. Obviously I do not respect them, and how could I? They are the type of people who hurt small animals for fun, bully other people, and usually are too stupid to make any meaningful contribution to society.

The other main source of military recruits is the "economic draft." The military preys on the poor who have no opportunities and forces them to turn to military service in hopes of escaping their poverty. I have seen this in action; another school district neighboring mine is dirt-poor and has its walls lined with recruiting posters. These people are to be pitied, for they are forced into the situation of having to go into the military because they have been denied other opportunities, generally through no fault of their own. I may respect individuals from this group, but as a whole simply the fact that they are poor is insufficient basis to engender my admiration.

Perhaps there are also some who join out of a genuine sense of patriotism or duty to their country. I've yet to meet one, but I won't deny their existence. If they do exist, I still have little respect for them because they must be misinformed if they believe military service is the best way to help their country. It simply isn't. How can I respect delusional people?

I fully expect that several people will flame me rather heavily for this. Please don't even bother with jingoistic rhetoric about how the troops are "fighting and dying for my right to say this." BS. The United States military hasn't done crap in the past 50 years to protect anyone's liberty here in America. The war in Iraq has done nothing to advance my freedoms. The military is about imperialism. The only justifiable use of military force is in self-defense, and at a great stretch the defense of allies (as in the Korean war).

I've had ancestors who fought in the Revolution, in the Civil War, and in the Second World War. I appreciate and honor the sacrifices people made in the past to establish, preserve, and defend this country. I do not support people who contribute to wars of imperialism (World War One, Mexican-American War, Spanish-American War) or pointless and wasteful conflicts (War of 1812, Vietnam, Iraq).

Now, you've heard my views on the subject, and at a time of year where we traditionally stir up nationalistic sentiment. Let the lynching begin.

I believe in everything you have mentioned, but I would also like to add that I have two very close friends who have joined the Navy and do not fit into the first two categories at all. I have never seen them want to destroy anything, especially not just for fun. Both of them are extremely smart; they took mostly AP(honors) classes, made a beautiful masterpiece out of their words everytime they talked, and probably could've got into any college they wanted. I'm still not sure why they joined. Maybe it was just for new, dangerous experiences. I really have no clue. There are way better ways to serve the country.


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02 Jun 2008, 4:22 am

Orwell wrote:
Kalister1 wrote:
Mexico is a second world country.

No, it's not. Second world referred to Soviet bloc/aligned countries during the Cold War. Mexico was always third world, that is, aligned neither with the USSR nor the USA.

Ah you're right. My mistake.


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02 Jun 2008, 6:40 am

I never haver have supported troops going to tin-pot wars because of some misguided leaders' obsession with subjugating those so called enemies into their way of thinking. Two prime examples of this are Vietnam and Iraq. The 'police action' which dragged us into Vietnam in the 60s was a direct result of the leadership of America trying to stop a so called threat of communism (they thought Kruschev was behind it, but it was China. Meanwhile the Sth Vietnamese were no darlings either, and what happened after all that time? the North won. Wasted a lot of lives in the process, and everyone ended up hating those that went. Iraq on the other hand was the legacy of a failed attempt by Junior's old man to get rid of Hussein (whom the Yanks had been aiding for years before anyway). So the actual war lasts roughly a month, the Iraquis themselves finally get off their collectives and take control, Saddam s**ts himself and goes underground and it turns out that the insurgents don't want you there anyway. Meanwhile, our guys are never given any front line dury, just overlook jobs or "Dad's Army" type tasks. Good enough to be called up, but not good enough ;for the real work. Oh, and why haven't you gotten Bin Laden yet? Answer is simple; he is either dead and those tapes are old, or he is so much smarter and is laughing at Bush etc from some deep dark cave somewhere. My guess is that by the type he is found, both answers will be true.

Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!

Karma decides what must happen, and that includes everyone.