vibratetogether wrote:
"Pro-life", as used by those who claim the title, is a gross misnomer.
No it isn't.
I'm really curious, what gave you this strange idea?
no one, and I do mean NO ONE has the right to tell any person what they can or cannot do with their body.
Not true. If you hold a gun to my head, I have the right to tell you not to twitch your finger. But believe me, I don't care what you do with your finger normally.
The right to swing your fist ends where the other man's nose begins.
This is an absolutely inalienable personal right that every human being gains once they have been born (while inside womb, baby is part of woman's body, and does not yet have any personal rights, regardless of any granted it currently).
The baby is not part of the woman's body. And it does have rights, regardless of any denials.
Birth is an arbitrary and silly place to draw the line. There is no difference between a 9 month old fetus and a newborn.
"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton