As we all know, meat is obtained through the bloody slaughter of innocent animals. To eliminate slaughter, we may have to examine every circumstance in society in which meat is deemed 'practically necessary.'
One of these circumstances involves guard dogs for the blind. We could eliminate slaughterhouses, but if we did, the blind wouldn't be able to keep guard dogs (and, for that matter, we wouldn't be able to keep dogs as pets).
This consequence, however extreme, I still feel is worth it to eliminate animal slaughter. The captive bolt pistol just seems so brutal to me. How do we know it isn't painful?
For the blind, I can think of several solutions, one of which is to rely on other means of getting around. One day, we might even invent devices or robots to help them navigate. The primary solution I have in mind, however, is to find an animal that can lead the blind and is not an obligate carnivore.
Can you think of any?
essays so far.
Like a drop of blood in a tank of flesh-eating piranhas, a new idea never fails to arouse the wrath of herd prejudice.