Nickel and Dimed.
I read the book "Nickel and Dimed" by Barbara Ehrenreich several years ago when I was in High School. Ehrenreich was/is a successful ultra-liberal white feminist author who went "undercover" to work for minimum wage at a Wal-Mart in Maine to see just how bad poor people really have it in this country. I recall one of her many quotes from the book being as such, "It is a shame white people are actually allowed to have a state(Maine) all to themselves." Ehrenreich concluded in her book that what America really needs is massive new social legislation and welfare programs for immigrants and minorites, and that white people need to be marginalized and "amalgamated." I beg Miss Ehrenreich to take her America-loathing self to some anti-white cesspool such as Zimbabwae and see if she would prefer living in THAT culture. I am so sick of ultra-liberal white ladies dominating our politics and making us bend over backwards for all these little groups because it is en vogue to appear altruistic.
Of course, my High School English teacher was a raging, hormonal, flower-power liberal who had wet dreams thinking about Malcolm X. God forbid I actually stated to her that immigrants really shouldn't get preferential treatement in this country, much less even be entitled to be here in the first place. The government wants to take half of your paycheck and give it to some foreign kid who wants to go to school here, subsidize an immigrant business, or build a school in Tikrit that all the pupils only want to firebomb. Our government cares ten times more about foreigners or immigrants than they do about our own citizens; they feel that we can take our lumps while we act as the big fat free ATM machine for the world. Our government spends 55 Billion dollars a year in foreign aid to cultures that hate us and refer to us as "Great Satan." Our costly interventions in places like Vietnam and Iraq open the floodgates for millions of "refugees" to enter. Ultra liberal ladies like Ehrenreich respond with statements like, "Well, immigrants only do jobs that no American citizens would do." Please, I know dozens of unemployed men in my area who would jump at any work to feed their families in this recession.
I dared question my teacher at that time as to why Black students would be allowed to form such organizations as a "Minority-Acheivement club," or join the NAACP. However, if white kids formed a "White-Achievement club," they would be beaten up or expelled. The sad truth is that we have discarded centuries of Western culture and history for a generic "multiculturalism" and "diversity." I opened up my cousin's AP European History textbook the other day and saw this topic(and I am not making this up,) titled "The role of Blacks in 12th century Europe." Our liberal educational establishment does nothing but appease minority demands. British schools teach the 1898 Battle of Omdurman as a war crime instead of a great military victory to satisfy the demands of their militant Islamic minority. The way we regard our history has been watered down and marginalized so we can be sensitive to minority feelings. Historical figures such as Robert E. Lee are regarded as war criminals by American textbooks.
God forbid I ever challenged my liberal teacher and the sycophant liberal students who continue to allow America to decay and miscegenate. I spent two years in Iraq and I can tell you that it is hopeless trying to appease radical Islam. The thing with Muslims is that their religious and political identity is one and the same, and their fidelity to Allah trumphs loyalty to any nation. This is why Muslims will never assimilate into western societies, even though liberal politicians continue to bring them in by the boatload and bend over backwards for them to appease them. Appeasing Muslims is as hopless as trying to appease Hitler. Muslims and minorities are only interested in making white America conform to them, not the other way around. Sadly, it is the baby-boomer, hippie generation in the halls of power right now who have this altruistic mindset of appeasment right now towards the enemy. But as the saying goes, "If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll want a glass of milk." Muslims WILL NOT STOP until they turn the U.S.A. and Western Europe into Islamic nations, and they are WINNING BIG. Islam is a deadly cancer eating western nations that must be destroyed.
I suggested to my mother that we actually boycott Islamic businesses here in the U.S.A.. Why not? Why do we give them our money so that they can live here? The Islamic sleeper colonies here in the U.S. and Europe know that we have gone soft as a people and have no "will" to fight. Foreign wars used to be looked upon as sources of national honor, and no one gave the slightest thought to an "exit strategy," unless you count victory. The Iranians certainly have no "exit strategy" for their involvement in Iraq. Unfortuantly, our defeat in Vietnam is becoming part of a pattern. Islamic governments have calculated that even though we possess a strong military and a nuclear arsenal, we have no will to use it. The American people will not stomach another military adventure and thus the Iranians feel that they can continue to push our buttons. The average median age of Arab nations is 15 years of age, so their societies are young and vigorous while western societies are aging and decaying. The Islamic fundamentalists feel that they can win simply by flooding the western world with immigrants and having 8.1 kids per family, against 1.3 for the EU.
Where I live, in St. Louis, there is already a huge swath of North St. Louis into which no white person would dare step foot. I live in a 97% white area, but we have had a mosque in our town square now for the last two years. The citizens of this country never voted for mass-3rdworld-immigraton; it was reimposed on us by presidents Eisenhower, Johnson, and Reagan, and by the Supreme Court. The American people never had a say as to wether or not we wanted to admit all of these new collections of people. Had there been such a national referendum as to "Do we want more immigrants?," the answer would be a resounding NO.
If Miss Ehrenreich and other liberals really hate white-America so much, then please remove themselves to Pakistan or Nigeria and see how they really like the alternative. This country is going to look like Zimbabwae in our lifetimes if we don't do anything, and that means that all of our precious SSI for AS will be gone and we will be ethnically cleansed. I guarantee you if the Muslims impose Sharia Law in the USA and U.K., they will have zero-tolerance for AS.
There are many points here that you have put in so I will go through them one by one:
1) There is a book out called Scratch Beginnings by Adam Sheppard what is the the anti-thesis to Nickle and Dimed. In that book, Mr. Sheppard wanted to prove that with a work ethic and a goal, one can start with nothing in the USA and still start the foundation to wealth. He started with $20 and the cloths on his back and a goal to have a working vehicle, furnished apartment, and $2500 in the bank in one year and succeeded. We did mention where the government social programs would work to improve the lives of those who need help but his suggestions are more along the line of helping people help themselves rather than alms.
2) Never argue with a high school teacher. Especially if you are a student. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Simply take on the bobblehead approach (where you shake your head yes to anything that is said). The educational system in the US is designed to make us all docile workers and anyone willing to question the management must be punished. You will also he ahead of the other students if you notice the errors of your teacher's ways but say nothing.
3) Immigration is not the core problem. The USA has always had bottom rung immigrants who were willing to do the worst of the jobs. The Irish in the 1840s, the Germans/Italians in the late 19th/early 20th century, the chinese and other asians, and now Mexicans/Central Americans. The problem is that the expect the social welfare net to include them and that they do not have to assimilate. I say let them in but they have to work like their predecessors and no, we will not all learn Spanish for them. If they want to come here, they can learn English.
4) Every religion has its radicals. There were the Crusades in history and for a more current perspective, look at Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church or Eric Rudolph. The problem is that the US (and EU to a larger extent), does not have the backbone to take the fight to them. I hear about the Bush Admin torture techniques and think that they still do not compare to the average US middle school (lets make these terrorist endure that). Iraq is a country made by Britain where they put 3 waring factions inside one area and drew the lines in the sand. Time to make new lines I think.
5) Finally, your precious SSI? Who do you think pays for that? Believe it or not, study after study has shown that these illegal immigrants actually do pay taxes and in many cases, do not request refunds that are really owed to them. In this case, I do not think the problem is with them but with you. Go get a job and if you cannot get a job, create a job for yourself. I have done both (and in a couple of cases, my jobs were on the list of undesirable jobs). If you do not want illegals to have those undesirable jobs, then take one yourself.
This, a nation formed through decades and decades of immigration... not three presidents, or a liberal point of view. I find it interesting that when it served the interests of many conservatives, the labor/immigration issue was not a concern. I'm sorry, but I find little of merit in your comments or argument - it is hatred and protectionism of the worst sort to my mind.
My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.
For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
The only thing i agree with is that white people should get there own NAACP seeing as its main mission is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination" and i don't see how that can happen with out an NAACP for each race better yet just make one for all race.(because even though white people can join the NAACP it would need a neutral name.)
I have to say, it seems pretty ironic that you hate immigrants who come to this country to work and contribute to the economy when you yourself live on SSI and are (according to your own conservative ideology) a leech on the system. "First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Maybe you should quit listening to wingnut hate-radio that's telling you to scapegoat minorities for your own shortcomings.
I bet that a lot of American Indians feel similarly about immigration from Europe. Too late for them.
Yeah, I wonder if the OP's anti-immigrant sentiments are really deep and principled ... for instance, does he support the "US out of North America" or the "Send them back to Europe" movements??
I should have been more specific when discussing SSI. In the first place, I work and go to school and I don't really need SSI. I do get disability and a pension from the Army because I have severe nerve damage and loss of vision, and AS happened to be comorbid. It was really just added on. If all I had was AS, I probably wouldn't go for disability. As far as I feel, I sacrificed for the Army and this country, so I am entitled to some preferential treatment. I work plenty and contribute(unwillingly) financially more than I receive in return.
First off, most of us pay taxes at a rate that will far exceed what we will get out of the system. If people looked at what was being taken for social security and what they could have gotten had they been able to invest the money themselves, they would realize what a waste social security really is. As to service related injuries, that is not how your wording was in the original post and as such I apologize.
However, I still stand behind what I said. The book Nickle and Dimed was written with a the idea of its ending before the author set out and as such, the author got what she wanted. That was the reason Adam Sheppard wrote his book too. He wanted to disprove the theory in Nickle and Dimed. Both are good reads and would suggest both to give opposing viewpoints from which you can come up with informed opinions.
As for immigration, most of them are simply people who want something better for themselves and are willing to work hard and do what it takes to get that. It is an attitude that Americans have lost and was the attitude of our forefathers. As for the idea that they do not pay taxes, that is just propaganda. A couple of years ago, CNN did a report on that subject and found that even illegal immigrants who performed work as independent contractors regularly paid taxes, including SE taxes (which is double Social security because you pay the employer and employee side). Many also do not collect Social Security, even if they are allowed to due to the fact that they paid in. On top of that, they pay local sales taxes and property taxes (through rent) and as such, support the schools and communities that they live in. They also do jobs that americans refuse to do. If you do not believe me, ask any fruit farmer in WNY who have posted jobs picking apples at $10/hour which have not been answered.
Right, so they drive down the cost of low skill labor by saturating the market. Given the wealth disparity between rich and poor in this country, I'm not so clear that's a good thing.
* here for the nachos.
We'd get a lot better immigrants if we didn't have our stupid political correctness/pandering policies. The government pretty much gives crappy immigrants (ie: the ones who leech and don't speak English) the incentive to come here.
When my great-grandparents came here from Austria-Hungary in the early 1900s, they got no help from the government. They had to learn English, because Czech wasn't on every sign (and they didn't expect it to be). They also had to succeed or fail on their own, because there was no such thing as welfare back then.
When my great-grandparents came here from Austria-Hungary in the early 1900s, they got no help from the government. They had to learn English, because Czech wasn't on every sign (and they didn't expect it to be). They also had to succeed or fail on their own, because there was no such thing as welfare back then.
Yeah, and when my wife applied for her green card, I had to sign a statement saying she wouldn't be a leech. I am guessing that some political refugees don't have to make such an agreement, but most others who go through the process do. And most immigrants recognize the need to speak English (or at least American), and learn it.
The amazing thing is that immigrants are still coming here...
the Nickle and Dimed book was required reading at UNC a few years back. Granted that very few of them would ever wind up working for Wal-Mart (unless in senior management...
Has anyone heard any reports of immigrants flooding over the border in the other direction?
A lot of these arguments are getting dated; a global economy is offshoring our jobs as fast as they can process the paperwork. The only jobs left are going to follow the 'two foot' rule; if the job doesn't require your two feet in front of it, it's going away.
Actually, entry of new immigrants is only a minor problem as opposed to the massive disparity in birthrates against the home population. The populations of NATO countries are ageing very rapidly and the younger generations are getting smaller and smaller. The German government has already stated that the demographic reversal of the German population can't be stopped and that Germany will be an Islamic state by 2050. The problem is that countries like Sweden have been turned into massive retirement homes, and the smaller generations of youth are paying huge taxes to support a massive army of non-working dependents. The European populations just aren't reproducing, but the minority populations are very fecund.
Ehrenreich knew what her conclusion would be before she even went on her little adventure. She thinks more immigrants with "fresh ideas" are the answer, but these liberals are seriously disillusioned if they think that these little thugs and "gangstas" in our schools now are ever going to be changed into responsible citizens. Please. I seriously hope all of these liberal females enjoy being violated by thug gangs/militias when western countries are minority/majority in 2040. Sometimes I wish I would die before I would see this grim future. Of course, for the liberals, the year 2040 can't come fast enough. They think if they keep giving in to everything that minorites want, that they will "come around." It is scary enough it itself that America can actually stomach Barry the Clown and his Oprah-clone wife in the Oval Office as early as 2009.
I told my High School English Teacher in 2003 that I admired Jean-Marie Le Pen and she absolutely freaked out. She thought it impossible that a high-school kid could actually feel the way I feel. I am not like the majority of my carefree peers.