frinj, you have the issue wrong. Atheists deny there is a box at all, and thus nothing supernatural and such.
frinj wrote:
appropriate to assume the negative in the absence of knowledge to the contrary.
You mean Occam's razor. It is appropriate to assume no additional entities if there is no knowledge that promotes the existence of an additional entity. This is a standard line of reasoning and has been for centuries, originally devised by a theologian no less.
I apply this notion to god in this way: My body is a mix of minerals, chemicals, life, and energy, and I am conscious. The universe is made up of minerals, chemicals, life and energy. Without knowing one way or the other, I think the more logical belief is that the universe is conscious, like me, until proven otherwise.
Well, the issue is that only the human brain is conscious by our best knowledge, and it is a device that if damaged, can easily become unconscious. Not only that, but even without seeing the brain, we see you interacting with your environment in a manner that tends to indicate intentionality and goals.
In any case, the universe does not seem to have any devices in it that would provide consciousness, nor does it display intentionality, so it seems that the atheistic conclusion is false.
So, anyway, I believe what exists outside of me is similar to what exists inside of me.
Here's the issue, we know what is outside of you, and it isn't similar to what is inside of you. Rocks are outside of you, but they are utterly unlike what you are like on the inside. In fact, if anything, you are more similar to the rock, than the rock is similar to your consciousness.
Because we have that basic information about rocks and physics and such, while your rule isn't invalid, what you derive using your rule isn't valid, as you neglect a lot of our knowledge.