The Role of Genetic Adaptation in the Creation of New Ideals, Societies, and Political Systems"Through the embrace of genetic adaptation we have the power to shape our entire destinies as human beings, to control our means of satisfaction and fulfillment, and to coordinate our entire mode of thinking to new laws and forms of government. This opens the door to a wealth of exciting possibilities in which alternative and perhaps even superior means to happiness and enlightenment can be explored."
Essays I may end up writing:
A Treatise on Morality
Supernatural Numbers and Undecidable Arithmetical Statements
Drug Use: Facts and Fallacies
School Shootings: My Perspective as a Past Victim of Bullying
A Treatise and Inquiry Into Common Beliefs and Gestures
I imagine if you get over aggressive in any of your essays and provoke a good many nasty people you may well end up so I advise caution.