zer0netgain wrote:
I'd suggest a small congregation (10-20) so that you have more intimate contact with other church members. If they learn you have AS, they are likely to be more accepting and since they have more of a chance to get to know you, you can form better relationships with them.
Funny; I was just about to suggest the exact opposite. This is going to be hard to explain, but I'll try: after years of going to small-ish churches, I am now going to a very big church, and I'm far more comfortable. Maybe that's because there's no *expectation*, either from myself or externally, that I'll "get to know people" during the service. I go in, I do the corporate worship thing, I leave. Simple. Although i don't like crowds at all, I manage by sitting near the back and bolting for the door the instant the service is over. I don't have to interact with anybody, and I don't.
That said, most Christians (and in fact, the leadership of this church) would say that's not the point of corporate worship. The point (besides the fact that we are commanded to do it) is to "lift each other up" and be supportive of each other and etc. This church, and many other large churches, do the "small group" thing, and encourage everybody to participate in one. Me? Not a chance. I don't *want* to get to know anybody that well, and I certainly don't want them to get to know *me* that well.
Just my $.02.