If the Israelis were serious about doing genocide on the Palestinians (i.e. the Philistines) they would have done it already.
they are doing it. dropping the bomb on the palestinians would be the dumbest political move ever witnessed, within 24hrs there'd be UN tanks rolling through Tel Aviv to put the heads of the Israeli government to the sword. Why not simply blockade their cities and drop incendiaries onto civilians from the sky with near impunity instead?
Unfortunately the present day Israelis, the latter day intellectual and spiritual descendants of Moses have not been able to overcome that primordial Jewish urge to be humane. And that is going to lead to the destruction of Israel. Hamas and Hizbollah have no such problem nor do the Taliban or al Queda.
it's not israelis in general that cause the problem, its the little crew of criminals running the show who are. maybe if they give vent to their urge to be humane a little more often Israel wouldn't have the problems that it does.