Sand wrote:
All t6he reactors now under construction are running grossly over estimated cost of construction and way behind schedule. No private insurance company would insure their safety so that has to be done by government. Reactors now in operation have continual shut downs and all sorts of leaks and malfunctions that make them extremely dangerous and their management is continuously caught in lie about their safety and bad maintenance. Future prospects look no better.
See ... -sense.htm
The reactors we use for producing electricity are light-water reactors, not breeders. This gives us the problem of waste disposal. With breeder reactors there is virtually no waste until the fissiles are transmuted to lead.
What good is safety in the cold and dark? Are you suggesting that we freeze to death in the winter safely? All power production and distribution is dangerous. Dams can collapse. Windmill blades can break. Electric power lines can collapse and burn. Gas can leak and explode. Oil can leak into the oceans (as recent events have clearly shown).
Modular breeder reactors can be made as safe as necessary and can be right sized to the power requirements of a region. By building lots of modular reactors it will make the very long distance transmission of electricity unnecessary.
Burn ecologists, not wood.