ruveyn wrote:
Orwell wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Intelligent Design is stealth creationism.
It's about as stealthy as a pink elephant.
Good point. I.D. is an attempt to disguise creationism as something else. In particular to disguise creationism as science, which it is not. It is based on a kind of fraud or deception.
ID proponents mostly are in the middle and will not say who created something, but question simple origins. The amount of Eukaryote fossil evidence is scant in comparison to the number of species living and extinct since the Cambrian explosion. We still have the issue of a lack of an intermediate form linking prokaryotes to eukaryotes. We can't talk about descent from single celled non-nuclear prokaryotes that leads to complex eukaryotes.
What I think has happened is creationists are latching on to ID because it better fits their schema. I don't find ID proponents rushing out to embrace creationism. There is still an expanse between the ID proponents who don't believe in a young earth and the fundamentalist creationists who embrace a young earth. Id proponents actually never mention God by name, but instead still leave the designer question open. For fun look up irreducible complexity.
The fundamentalists really have nothing to stand on for the Bible never mentions a date or records time literally in the book of Genesis. In or around the mid AD 1600s, James Usher an archbishop of Armagh of the church of Ireland constructed a timeline based on the generations of Adam. This was all he had to go by and since then this scant method has been used. Most Catholic bibles in the modern era have commentaries discounting the absolute dating of the Earth.
I don't doubt the chronometric dating systems as far as they are able to date geological materials, but dating something fossilized in rock or in layers of earth is something else that needs to considered carefully. The Leakeys were notoriously famous for making mistakes dating juxtaposed hominid remains.
I'm not anti-evolution. I merely think that as far as origins are concerned alternative hypotheses should be welcomed. The modern synthesis of Darwin and genetics has it's own schema to protect, which inherently makes their followers protective and biased against anything that challenges it. I'm not against microevolution making many changes in isolated populations that leads to macroevolution but we can't assume more than we can prove with genetic evidence.
What can we fairly assume about ancient hominids? Does their smaller brain size really seak to less intelligence?
Can we reconstruct their cranial moprhology from 1000s of bits of bone, as in the recent Ardipithecus case, that are smaller than watermelon seeds and fit in the palm of your hand? This wouldn't occur in modern forensic labs using forensic anthropologists, yet we allow Paleo pepoel to be free with their imaginings of old human-like relatives. What if Ardi isn't related at all to us, but was an early Chimp? Chimps and humans are not related but they may have had an ancient ancestor, what if the ancestor was actually something in the trees that would look and act like something between the two species, but one line became more "human", and one line became more "chimp" and led simpler lives.
I do not find it logical to judge by association: judge ID by their unintentional associations. Judging ID solely on the basis of who latched on is basically a stealth ad hominem attack.
Are potassium argon and other geologic dating methods reliable for carbon lifeforms? Geological processes occur all the time be it through plate tectonics, ground water, or flooding and other processes of environmental change.
Do we have intermediate forms between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
Do people like Michael Behe and Guillermo Gonzalez deserve to be discredited so mercilessly because other groups associate with their ideas?
Many assumptions have to be made for pure Darwinism and fossil record constructions. We can easily test living animals to find their mitochondrial first mothers if we desired and had the money.
Do we have enough on newly found broken bit ancient forms for reliable reconstruction? Obviously this question does not apply to nearly complete skeletal remains. Only 33% of Lucy was found.
Can we comment on intelligence, lifestyles, and phenotypic traits like skin color, or amount of hair with scant bone alone?