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07 Feb 2006, 5:21 pm

(This topic is meant to stay on topic)

If you want to say what I say is garbish, cannot interpret me or have issues with what I say do not get mad. Just speak them intellectually, clearly and with tolerance. I will read what you say, if you begin with personal insults I will not. I'd like to have a conversation contectually without intrusion.

Seeming God extroversionaly (external, outside of self or ones awareness) is perceived as one. However there is the reality that what God is to everyone individually is different seems to denote that God is not one. Further proof would show that the typological varieties of belief and belief methodologies show differing versions (understandings) of God there cannot be logically one God as to me God is of Mind.

EDIT: God to me is an idea that was originaly fathomed as a coping mechanism of hardships and the absents of self in death.

“I find prayer interesting, while in a group if it is a serious item of business a prayer can set aside everything else and in all good things strive for what is best, without it perhaps there would be ciaos, disorder or not. Even so, like thought that is based upon the intent of purpose, it is psychologically conditioning an individual to the task, usually with god on his or her side to assure success, good for getting the job done, confidence.

However in psychopathology readings regarding delusion I recall this but it is not exact:

That to believe there are hidden forces of another dimension or of supernatural beliefs it is the source of delusion in the mind. That is how I interpreted what I read.

I can also say that logically if God did exists we would have our own interpretations of it, him or her individually as an archetypical complex.

Can anyone partake in this conversation and tolerate my interactions without taking personal offence?

I’m more interested in talking to Christians at this point; I was in a private Christian school for some time. I still think back and try to understand the people, the belief rituals ect.

I understand these things differently.

-Stupidity is intolerance, ignorance feeds it. Intelegence might as well be tolerance as without it one can grow to be stupid alienating him or herself due to the personal ignorances of intolerances of themselves and others.

No one is stupid really, just those who strife towards putting others down. It is a reverse of what was in the past with bigotries. Another study of mine socially.



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07 Feb 2006, 7:30 pm

I'm not sure what you are asking, your writing gives the impression that English is not your native language so it's a bit confusing to read.

I believe in god because I have experienced supernatural phenomenon which have no other explanation than that a world/dimension beyond the rational/material exists. Some of these supernatural phenomena were witnessed by other people who asked me what they were. As if I knew!

If I hadn't had these experiences I would probably not be a christian today, so I can understand why people who don't have such experiences find the whole 'faith' thing a bit ridiculous or primitive.


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07 Feb 2006, 7:53 pm

Only certain people seem to understand me. Usually people with PHD's or medical degrees understand me, if there was a place only to just talk to them, I would. In person I do not have the depth of conversation I would like, words are limiting.

I can explain most supernaturally believed phenomena. Would you care to elaborate?

English is the only language I know.


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07 Feb 2006, 8:14 pm

Well, it's rather self-defeating and somewhat snobbish to assume that people need a high level of education to understand you. Rather, you need to work on your writing skills so that a majority of people can understand you.

Can I elaborate on my supernatural experiences? Yes, but you've already indicated that you view this sort of thing as a delusion.

But anyway, I guess the point at which they became undeniable (I used to deny to myself that they had happened, like just force myself to 'forget' them) was about 8 years ago - I was in the final year of a B.A. in Communications, a mature-age student.

I had some spare subjects so I was taking Spanish and for one class we had to go to a Spanish restaurant where they teach dancing and have a Latin band. So while we were there, one guy (who I now believe was possessed, although at the time I didn't believe in such things, so I had no explanation) went to approach me and he just leaned forward as though there were invisible wheels under his feet and he moved across the floor without walking. When he got near me (I was shocked by what I was seeing, obviously) it was as though there was an invisible circular glass wall around me and you could see him put his hands against it in various places.

Only a few of the other students saw this, as some were dancing, or talking or otherwise engaged. There was quite a lot of other stuff that semester and at the end of the semester people asked me what was going on, and some admitted that they had seen what I had seen (I had to consider insanity), others had seen nothing, in other supernatural experiences that semester those people who saw nothing seemed 'asleep' or 'turned off'.


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07 Feb 2006, 8:59 pm

I think your starting conflict and doing personal insults because you find something I said incorrectly.

For me to write correctly I would have to believe in what you believe. I have less communication problems with people who understand what I try to understand. Creating an insult by calling me a prude was a mistake and is a poor example of what you believe.

Christ I do not think would represent his beliefs that way. Of course I only have contained a respectful liking to him, the other characters are not as easily understood.

Such as God speaking through others, it is really the God archetypes, or rather a compartmentalized psychical intelligence within the minds. It is mind, just thought to be externalized.

Delusion is the starting point in any analytical pursuit, to define truth or fiction as well as agendas.

The belief of another being possessed I could only agree would be the idea (the concept) of being of another intruding spirit within the self. IT itself is a false belief and is logically and mutually a matter of mental health for both. If you were not attempting to start troubles yourself, I might have taken a lighter interpretation to your matter.

There are known psychological triggers (environmentally and stimuli) which can produce hallucinations in those with commonalities mentally and socially, whether by interactive psychopathological conditionings or static projected shared feeds.

1. Commonalities of not just belief type but the belief of any generalized similarity can in fact create shared hallucinations. It is not the same hallucinations shared but depending upon the pathological trigger it can create similar hallucinations.

2. The mechanisms of triggering such are not available to be expressed, a scientific study must be conducted.


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07 Feb 2006, 9:04 pm

I don't know why I bothered. I thought this would be hopeless. I was right.


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07 Feb 2006, 9:25 pm

Yeah... So I suppose as you just believe it's ok to come in my post, call me a name and not even try communicating with me in how I understand. Just the way you think, only those like how you think, not me becuase I think differently.

Study Autism...

Understand that I will not tolerate the immature that continually want to start problems. It's "all good" to keep attacking the one that others attack that are like you.

Each one was of belief...

Learn tolerence People. Some of these people do it on purpose, they do not understand that people with autism come on the computer to try and talk. They are selfish becuase they talk all day long to people offline and people that really have autism like me just want to have a conversation if they are here.

Unless you just have geek syndrome and not Asperger's syndrome. Or another form of autism, stop making socialization harder then it needs to be.

I said what I have said can you think for yourself respectfully and talk? Come on...


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07 Feb 2006, 9:44 pm

Well you seem determined to be grossly offended at what are perfectly reasonable comments on your writing style. At the same time you don't see that your own statements about only phd's being able to understand you are condescending and offensive.

Surely I'm not the first person to complain about your writing? The thing about bad or lazy writers is they force a lot more work on the reader and then they complain about being misinterpreted or misunderstood. I have put many years of effort into developing a clear writing style that others can read without too much difficulty.


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07 Feb 2006, 9:56 pm

No, I speak how I think, I never direct insults directly without first being attacked. Speaking from what I have learned is what I do.

I'd suppose if you were the ruling power you would ban certain books.

Right now all your doing is discriminating against me. I am not lazy and work on writting. I'm not a bad writter with proper editing but I do have a disability.

Continue to discriminate agsinst me for my writting disability and I will be sure to help others understand just how I feel.

You created the offence, you mad fun of me first. what the heck do you not understand.

My writting is not bad.. My writting is me.. Stop it!


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07 Feb 2006, 10:09 pm

No problemo


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07 Feb 2006, 10:12 pm



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08 Feb 2006, 12:01 am

No one is stupid really, just those who strife towards putting others down.

I really like that quote by you, SC

My idea of what God would be (again assuming existence) that everyone is God. There is no "self" because we are all God. Those elements are in Budhism as well.

The one thing that prevents fanatacism is humour.

What prevents intolerence?
I don't think it is intelligence because of Spangler (did I say that right?)

Music is the language of the world.
Math is the language of the universe.


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08 Feb 2006, 1:17 am

Ok I will respond to this in a few hours or tomarrow morning. It will be a very long reply.


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09 Feb 2006, 4:50 pm

My cable internet went away for a day.

Do you hear voices? Hear one of mine :P

News Release (Humor)

Terrorist criminal Osama Bin Laden in his latest video was found picking his right nasal with his right index finger indicating attacks on the moon. However the CIA was caught shooting the film in Hollywood. Unfortunately he was not shot or harmed in any way.

With president bush now fired, American tax payers will now save countless trillions on a defense system in outer space that was intended to keep fictional extraterrestrial religions extremist at bay.

God as Self & the Collective God Presents, the Deepak Dyer Delusions

Pumpus Anal-litics

There are a few ways of interpreting the following types of statements:

We are all part of God and God is part of all things.

God is the Universe


*God is the mystery of origination universally in thought delusions of illogicality in pertinence too and the occasional fuzzy feeling.

*The survival of the shared delusion requires that it both appease the ego collectively by inventing God as self or self is part of god collectively as well and the death of the ego by making legitimate the existence of its delusion collectively in belief. Entirely of fear and a coping mechanism, god is product of the superego as well as societal conditionings. Absent of its origination in concept God never existed until its concept influenced the psyche originally.

*God as a concept and idea, invented by mind, logically concluded as contrived reason. I.E the Universe never began it was always as something cannot come from nothing and that nothing become all things. Perhaps the greatest common sense of all is the understanding that the universe beginning is assumption and subconsciously of the origination of the born selves awareness first, first thoughts.

* God as the collective influence by means of causal interlude individually and collectively naturally the collective socio-sphere. Said to be of God because of the belief of its concept. It is not, however the belief is independently intelligent within the mind seemingly, just a compartmentalized psychical dissociatable self compartment psychologically and its awareness believed to be external of self or somehow in communication with self acting as the personal god, purely a psychopathological complex.


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09 Feb 2006, 5:15 pm

Thank goodness I logged on instead of playing FF3 :lol:

I have never once seen a video depicting Osama laugh, thus I don't think he uses humour.
However, I think that there is a possibility that Osama is not a fanatic and is instead power hungry. He promotes himself under a specific image even though his true self is hidden.
That is my hypothesis.

God as Self & the Collective God Presents, the Deepak Dyer Delusions

Pumpus Anal-litics

There are a few ways of interpreting the following types of statements:

We are all part of God and God is part of all things.

God is the Universe


I would prefer calling the ideas "not correct," to your term.

*God is the mystery of origination universally in thought delusions of illogicality in pertinence too and the occasional fuzzy feeling.

Do you mean: People only assume they know God when they have hallucinations?

*The survival of the shared delusion requires that it both appease the ego collectively by inventing God as self or self is part of god collectively as well and the death of the ego by making legitimate the existence of its delusion collectively in belief. Entirely of fear and a coping mechanism, god is product of the superego as well as societal conditionings. Absent of its origination in concept God never existed until its concept influenced the psyche originally.

The Catholic Church method, Spanish Inquisition. I agree in principle.
Except, if someone does agree with religion; what can you do to change their idea?
People have tried and failed to convert Joan de Arc.

*God as a concept and idea, invented by mind, logically concluded as contrived reason. I.E the Universe never began it was always as something cannot come from nothing and that nothing become all things. Perhaps the greatest common sense of all is the understanding that the universe beginning is assumption and subconsciously of the origination of the born selves awareness first, first thoughts.

What about near death encounters?

* God as the collective influence by means of causal interlude individually and collectively naturally the collective socio-sphere. Said to be of God because of the belief of its concept. It is not, however the belief is independently intelligent within the mind seemingly, just a compartmentalized psychical dissociatable self compartment psychologically and its awareness believed to be external of self or somehow in communication with self acting as the personal god, purely a psychopathological complex.

What about "Ghosts" or the many other terms we have for them (spirits, souls)?

If there is no "God" then that means after we die, our conscious will not exist untill the particles combine into a new conscious, and then self-awarity exists. According to Newtons Laws, that is likely (he thought that gravity will eventualy combine on itself again).

Music is the language of the world.
Math is the language of the universe.


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09 Feb 2006, 5:34 pm

All those things can be explained.. It's all online in psychopathology.. None can be proven.. I make myself mad all the time with my logical thoughts..

self is just a word, inside in thought we all exist no matter what we want to refer it to.