pakled wrote:
Don't hold back, tell us how you
really feel...
It's a truism that every Mass-Murderer has either be a Trekkie or an owner of
The Catcher in the Rye...should we lock all people who have a uniform or the book locked up?
My point is that most people who say they are muslims are not sincere in their beliefs and moderate the religion to suit society along with the rest of the law-abiding people.
And that they are more humanistic than anything else.
Also, if they were sincere and rigid and truly followed islam then they would be murderers because in order to truly follow it they would have to kill.
The logic behind this is actually:
Islam demands murder.
Muslims follow Islam.
Muslims must murder in order to follow Islam.
Most muslims do not murder.
Most muslims are not Muslims.
Capitalisations are key in this >.>