DentArthurDent wrote:
^ Yeah I know i was being bad but i just couldn't resist the jibe. Maybe i should restrain myself more but unfortunately the majority of religionists really give me the s**ts. There are a few on this forum who do have a good handle on reality and I respect those. The idea that WP should have a separate and critic free area for religion annoyed me. The whole idea that religion should be free from critical analysis is wrong, and to have a special little space on WP for religion just adds to that
I think it's wise not to assume until an argument is given.
Not everyone I've of faith act imcompentent or dogmatic. I think one aspect that bothers me the most especially in abrahamic beliefs is when they infringe their beliefs onto the human rights of other people. This is where I draw the line whenever a discussion of religion turns into a land of laws. I think this is the most frustrating aspect especially whenever that said person denies something that has actually been proven. But again, I can't assume everyone of faith be it christian, pagan, baha'i, hindu, buddhist, mysticist, jew, muslim, or whatever is of a character I personally despise. The more I read about other religious aspects and beliefs the more complicated it is given that not all religions agree to one extent or another even in the same branch.
And yes, I can also be cynical and I've gotten in trouble by many people of faith on some sites. I think it's healthier not to take yourself so dang serious all the time....
I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan