I come to realization about something we know absolutely nothing, but by admitting that we know nothing enables us to know all there is about life. I am not a good writer, so my ideas may seem a little weird not seem right, but I am sure if I spun them a certain way you all would be eating out of my hands, thinking that what I said was truth, when in fact its all lies as there are many infinite possibilities for every action we do. I remember one day sitting in the library of my school, and hearing a young child asking his mother "why" to everything and when she answered his questions "why" will surely follow, and if they kept asking, surely at some point their mother/father would not have an answer to "why." Children know to ask "why" and not to take things for granted. For this "fact" I believe kids are the smartest people the planet right now, and the stupidest thing I ever laid eyes upon. All I am saying is why do we do the things we do: because society tells us its right? because its moral? for self interest? How do we know what is right is right? Don't follow those, or follow it to tee if you wish.
I hope you enjoyed, I wish we longer but I fault at collecting my ideas in an orderly fashion because I am stupid, and the smartest man alive. And remember facts are just opinions in disguise.
Ps: I think Aspies are the social butterfly's of the world, and we can get anyone, anywhere to like us instantly.